CORRECT THE COURT: Vigil on the Steps of SCOTUS to Overturn Smith v. Doe 

You are invited to a deeply meaningful event near the steps of the US Supreme Court, at 10:00AM,  Friday, March 15th. Registered citizens, supporters and advocates will gather to demonstrate by holding  a vigil commemorating the anniversary of the Court’s disastrous decision, Smith v. Doe that has caused  great harm to persons forced to register (PFR) and their families. 

💻 Can’t attend in person? 💻
Sign-up to view the free live stream of the Correct the Court DC Vigil via Zoom!
Send an email to: 


  • Janice Bellucci, Civil Rights Attorney 
  • David Garlock, Advocacy Speaker 
  • Shawna Baldwin, PFR, Advocacy Speaker 
  • Christorpher Sparks, PFR, Advocacy Leader 
  • Danell Puglisi-Knutson, PFR, Advocacy Leader 


Arrive in DC March 14th

Most speakers and advocates lodging at  

Holiday Inn National Airport/Crystal City  

2650 Richmond Hwy 

Arlington, VA 

NOTE: Participants staying at the Holiday Inn can conveniently travel to vigil site by Metro, Blue  Line, Capitol South Station 

Dinner in DC 7:00PM, March 14th, location TBD 

VIGIL: 10:00AM, Friday, March 15th, Gather near the steps of the US Supreme Court. Black or  dark clothes are recommended to represent mourning or a funeral for the “death” of registered  citizens Constitutional rights. 


💻 Can’t attend in person? 💻
Sign-up to view the free live stream of the Correct the Court DC Vigil via Zoom!
Send an email to: 


SHOW UP – STAND UP – SPEAK UP in Our Nations Capitol on March 15th!!!

19 thoughts on “CORRECT THE COURT: Vigil on the Steps of SCOTUS to Overturn Smith v. Doe 

  • March 6, 2024 at 7:52 pm

    For a full decade I’ve been trying to get folks to see the value in these ublic awareness campaigns. It certainly took long enough to see the light. Now I hope y’all start protesting the pols and grifters in your own state promoting the registry.

    • March 11, 2024 at 3:40 am

      Your work is deeply appreciated. Protesting for VOCAL was effective back in the 80’s and 90’s as we did get changes to laws in several states giving parents rights when DPS removed their children. The registry is a more difficult issue, but changes can be made if people step up and take part in public awareness events. It has taken a long time for people in this movement to come around and see the importance of these public protests. If they are truly interested in making changes in the registry they will drop all of the lame excuses and get out and participate in these events. I hope you are not burned out with all of the inaction in this movement and ready to get back into organizing protests.

      • March 11, 2024 at 6:16 pm

        I’m not burned out but I have some medical tests scheduled that day. I also had a recent exposure to COVID so I couldn’t risk travel at this time. But I hope to participate in the next one. I’d love to protest elsewhere too, of course, if I can afford to go. But i’m not a youngster anymore, either, so the past travel is starting to catch up to me.

        • March 15, 2024 at 12:19 pm

          Thank you Derek for all your hard work on the 2023 DC vigil. I hope to see you at the 2025 DC vigil. We should work to get more people there in 2025.

          • March 16, 2024 at 4:36 pm

            It takes cooperation from every group. That’s been a big problem with past events. If EVERY group could work TOGETHER for just one single event each year and put aside their petty squabbles then it would work. I tried hard to get 300 people last year, and we ended up with 75 after 2 year’s worth of planning. But part of the problem was behind-the-scenes disputes. We’ll NEVER get anywhere if we can’t come together for just one day a year.

            Honestly, I’d rather we look to 2026 rather than next year, because the next major milestones are in 2026. last year’s event, after all, was planned specifically because it was a milestone year, 20 years after the infamous Smith v Doe ruling.

            For this year, I would’ve proposed we did the DC event on 9/13, the day the Jacob Wetterling was signed in 1994.

            For 2026, we have the 30 year anniversary of Megan’s law (5/17), the 20-year anniversary of the Adam Walsh Act (7/27), and ten years since International Megan’s Law (2/8). That’s why I feel 2026 should be the year we try to make the event a big event. But that’s just my opinion.

  • March 6, 2024 at 10:56 pm

    9 days notice? Awesome!

    • March 7, 2024 at 5:37 pm

      We are aware of the short notice which is why we will be live zooming the vigil for free this year

      • March 7, 2024 at 8:21 pm

        Perhaps the people that are there in DC can hold up their phones so the faces of people zooming can be seen as well. So many of us have travel restrictions

        • March 9, 2024 at 9:27 pm

          This is such an overlooked point. A sign or life size cutouts of “persons who can’t be present due to violation of the right to travel” would be cool and spark discussion. The phone idea is good too.

  • March 7, 2024 at 12:27 pm

    Hopefully, the entire Court will come outside and sing Kumbaya with us but I highly doubt it.

  • March 7, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    Wish I had more notice so I could go ask my PO for permission to travel. I’d like to exercise my God given rights under the First Amendment.

  • March 12, 2024 at 12:39 am

    IF this nation is God Centered they will listen. If man centered listen. Abuse comes in many forms and in many ways. Man abusing man so how trumped up is it today. I only pray for relief for all as true justice is vital.

    This has been going on to long.

  • March 13, 2024 at 3:33 pm

    “💻 Can’t attend in person? 💻
    Sign-up to view the free live stream of the Correct the Court DC Vigil via Zoom!
    Send an email to:

    I sent an email but did not get a response???

    • March 14, 2024 at 7:19 am

      I do not think that you will receive a response, but you should be signed up–hopefully.

  • March 16, 2024 at 8:47 am

    So were any FAC BOD members or leaders able to attend? Any after action reporting? Any live coverage or zoom replay available?

    • March 17, 2024 at 5:24 am

      There is a recording of the March 2024 DC vigil livestream posted on the ACSOL website look for the March 16, 2024 post titled “D.C. Vigil Educates U. S. Supreme Court, Public – Smith v. Doe Must Go!”. There are also a few photos posted in addition to the YouTube video. The video also has a link to the prior year DC vigil in the description on YouTube.

    • March 17, 2024 at 10:58 pm

      Yes, two FAC Board members were speakers.


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