Florida 2023 Legislative Session is OVER with Successful Results

The gavel is DOWN, the Florida Legislative session is OVER and the concerning, damaging bills were NOT passed into law.

  • No 24-hour notice on vacation rentals (HB 833)
  • No Red-Lettering on Driver’s Licenses (HB 1085)
  • No green, fluorescent license plates (Book’s Amendment to SB 1252)


Thank You to….

  • EVERYONE who contacted their legislatures through emails, phone calls, and letters.
  • EVERYONE who communicated the injustices of the proposed bills through social media, press releases, and TV/News interviews.
  • EVERYONE who responded to our calls-for-action and SHARED those actions with friends and family
  • EVERYONE outside of Florida who raised their voices in defense of fellow citizens and families in Florida

We can all pause and reflect today on how we demonstrated strength in numbers.

But our work is not over.  The 60-day Legislative Session is the final stage of a 4-part annual cycle.  After a break, we will focus on all stages of the Legislative process, and continue the momentum to advocate for positive changes in the laws.

  • Scheduling teams to visit their legislators in the district offices (during Stage 1 – May-July)
  • Organizing Lobby days in Tallahassee (in Stage 2 – Aug-Oct)
  • Building a Speakers team to represent FAC in the Legislative Delegation Meetings (ready to present in Stage 3-Nov-Dec)
  • Planning accommodations for full-time presence in Tallahassee during the next 60-day session (Stage 4-Jan 9, 2024-March 2024)

To join the Legislative Team or participate in any of the annual stages described above, info@floridaactioncommittee.org or talk to your FAC County Coordinator.


109 thoughts on “Florida 2023 Legislative Session is OVER with Successful Results

  • May 5, 2023

    I just want to admit to everyone out there that i had zero faith that they would not pass. I had to re-check my colander to make sure this post was not an April fools joke.
    That being said lets do the same phone call to the receptive representatives that disagreed with the laws and see if we can get them to take some of the laws off the books that are hurting us now. see if we cant get the 52 restrictions we have on us down to 30 or so. I know its a pipe dream but so was getting these laws not passed and that happened. Strike while the iron is hot

    • May 5, 2023

      Thank you to everyone that reached out to these people that continue to try to hurt people with these draconian laws. We need to lobby for the elderly and the sick and disabled people to be able to live with families Re guard less where they live. Everyone is Human and everyone makes mistakes. They should not be punished for ever

      • May 6, 2023

        This is an issue that we had begun just before this legislative stuff started. So, we temporarily had to pull back but will now be reaching out again to our legislators concerning the elderly and disabled.

    • May 5, 2023

      The only things that are impossible are the things we don’t try!

    • May 5, 2023

      Yes or maybe relook at everyone’s case,or lessen the years l, provide classes that can help people have a normal life .

    • May 6, 2023

      Yes, we are not stopping!

  • May 5, 2023

    Thank you so much everyone . With kind loving energy

  • May 5, 2023

    Thank God, and bless everyone who has followed this.We won this, but we have many more to go. Again thank you to everyone who follows this.
    Larry Robinson

  • May 5, 2023

    Thank you FAC. My wife and I are already setting some funds aside and donating. Please everyone, donate what you can.

    • May 5, 2023

      RR my wife was very fired up and did a ton of calls and emails. It’s great to have someone supporting you this way. Thank God for good spouses.

      • May 6, 2023

        We thank your wife for what she did.

      • May 7, 2023

        On behalf of my son, my family, and everyone else, I sent multiple emails every day. I shared who my son really is. I sent family photos. I shared stories about how people would be harmed by Lauren Book’s [moderated]. I asked that Lauren Book be made to explain how all her [moderated] kept anyone safe or safer.

        Yesterday, I sent an email to all 160, cc’d to DeSantis, Ashley Moody, Marco Rubio, Darren Soto and Rick Scott so those people would be aware of what was going on, and thanked those who did not vote for devastatingly worse legal fiction.

        There are laws and there are legal fictions…that’s anything in opposition to the Constitution and the original laws of the land before [moderated] set up maritime law in America. The registry and all its restrictions are definitely in violation of the Constitution.

        Anyone who thinks the registry is keeping anyone safe is ignorant of the facts. And the biggest fact is that this issue is being exploited to further destroy the Constitution and all rights for EVERYONE. When they get done with this group, another will be targeted until they reach their goal.

        All persecution originated from [moderated]. Giving CONnsent is giving them our power. NO MORE!✌🏼

  • May 5, 2023

    I know I did my part throughout the whole ordeal on the phone and on the keyboard. But keep in mind that nothing stops the re-introduction of these and similar bills in future sessions to come. Lauren Book’s unhinged attacks will not stop and more calls to action will undoubtedly be forthcoming. Be ready and be prepared to resist in numbers by influencing people through effective and persuasive communications.

    • May 5, 2023

      I can assure you that many, many people worked tirelessly, boldly, and bravely to prevent these horrible bills from becoming law and that we will continue to do so until the registry is abolished. Every future Legislative session will be scrutinized for damaging bills. Luckily, Senator Book is in her final term as a legislator. She is not eligible for further election to either chamber in Tallahassee. If these provisions are reintroduced in 2024 or any future year, we will challenge them with the same zeal and vigor as we did this year.

    • May 5, 2023


      But all the people who called, emailed and showed up to speak made a World of difference. If I can ever get off the registry and there still is one when that happens, I will be on fire to help those who haven’t or cannot get off.

  • May 5, 2023

    I think at the end of the day. We want the same thing law makers want. We want our families safe. I can’t fault any law maker for that. However, we know ther are some who want to hurt anyone with any degree of a sex crime. Law makers are not our enemy. Stopping sexual violence is the task at hand. If we can come together with those who make the laws to stop the endless punshishnent to registrants, while getting them to correct course on preventing it in the first place. That would be the ultimate goal IMO. Thank you to FAC and all that helped. I’d like to say a special thanks to my wife who spent a vacation day and many hours sending emails and making calls. It’s great to have her in my corner for support.

    • May 5, 2023

      Thank your wife for me and for all of us in this situation for her help.

    • May 5, 2023

      I thank your wife too! 🙂 In one set of my emails, I said just that ….. we are on the same side.

      It is important that we continue to let them know that as individuals. FAC advocates for just that, but I think it is good when it comes form the individuals as well.

    • May 6, 2023

      Yes, we thank your wife for what she did for us.

  • May 5, 2023

    Thank you to everyone who spoke up and out loud! You made a difference!

  • May 5, 2023

    I have to say I was a doubter as to SB 1252. When Sen. Book put those personal hateful amendments in at the last minute, I just figured we would have a new fight on our hands. It really surprised me that they were taken off. But that doesn’t mean she won’t try again next year which is her last chance as it is her last term. Good work everyone!

  • May 5, 2023

    It takes a strong and wise person to admit when they miscalculated and admire this in you. I feel there were many of us who doubted.

    FAC is a blessing and I want to personally thank them for their incredible leadership and their drive and determination. I know this has personally been a trying year for you all and I admire your ability to plow on. True grit and determination! Thank you! Thank you! Without you, we would not have accomplished this.

    And I am remiss if do not also thank all of you that did as I did.. make calls and write.

    The Florida Panthers hockey team barely made the playoffs this year. And then they went on to beat the team with the most wins EVER in a season in the entire history of the NHL. A real life incredible David vs Goliath story!! I was overjoyed watching the games. BUT that joy and achievement pales to what, to me, is our HISTORIC win against the Goliaths in Tallahassee.

    I sense a change in the air. I am so much more hopeful now that we CAN and DID make a difference!!!!!!!

    To all of you, our community….thanks for standing up!

    “With Unity Comes Change” is no longer just a slogan to me. It has become a true felt motto!! Wish we could all get together to celebrate.

    The Panthers are now winning the second round of the playoffs against the second best team this season. I sense that like them, we must now continue fighting and winning!

    Go Panthers! Go FAC!

    With Unity Comes Change!!!

    • May 6, 2023

      Well said, G. Thank you.

  • May 5, 2023

    First and foremost, Thank the Lord.
    Secondly thank you FAC
    Thirdly the volunteers, lawyers and anyone else who worked on or helped with these horrible proposals.

    We can (At least for now) sound a sigh of relief and lifts many burdens off our shoulders. We still have to be diligent as we know there is always someone working in the shadows fighting against us with new ideas to punish us.

    • May 10, 2023

      Yes we all can be thankful and the Lord helps us all in many ways. Someone in thhe Legislation in FLA knew this could be a dyaster While the license plate ordeal was an issue I’m sure this registry is a sensitive issue also.

      Myself and I’m sure many are looking for the bandiment of much or all of this registry. While we all still should have respect of persons the father in heaven is no respecter of persons. This registry is a miscarriage to all that got involved in it. Including myself. All things are possible with God, with man it is not impossible. Government well they have there downfall. Look at Rome.

      I know its hurting those that are married but this win in Florida is good news for those that bear the label. This registry is stigmatizing to many. Good work everyone.

  • May 5, 2023

    What a relief. I do agree with rationale law makers that address concerns in society. I dont agree with marginalizing a group of people or more importantly their innocent family members. If we had a way to openly help people (before a crime is committed)struggling with sexually defiant tendencies… Like a hotline they can call to talk or reach out without fear of negative repercussions. Ex Suicide hotline, Alcoholic Anonymous hotline, Drug Abuse hotline or groups etc. I think would be a Great Start.

  • May 5, 2023

    Congratulations to Fac and everyone involved in this battle. Let’s keep things going !!
    Job well done!!

  • May 5, 2023

    The green tag would have been the worst of all sanctions. I had great doubt that it would pass but the amount of worry that I did have made my stomach hurt!. I truly believe Lauren was trying to get us killed. I already decided if it did pass I would stop driving. I don’t know why there was even a debate from anyone that had at least an ounce of “since” just knowing the damage it could cause to us and our families!. I called to the Senators first and then the legislatures 2nd. Thank you FAC and to all that helped make this happen!!! “God Sent”

  • May 5, 2023

    Thank God! Thank my wife for standing by my side! Thank FAC and everyone who gave it their all in this fight!
    Fantastic News! We can all sleep better tonight.

  • May 5, 2023

    I thank you all at FAC and everyone who made their voice heard. Please donate so we can
    Continue the fight. We still have the Ex Post facto case and that could be huge.

  • May 5, 2023

    Thank god. Disappointingly, I wrote to over 100 legislators, and got 6 replies. They really don’t care about their jobs… only their power and prestige. It’s a sad state of affairs in American governance.

    • May 5, 2023


      But, someone or someones, must have listened. Someone with some pull because if all the stars had not aligned, we would all being going to get new licenses and license plates.
      I also still feel that if either of those passed, it would be overturned by Fla supreme court. However, how long would that take before the damage had been done.

    • May 6, 2023

      @Jim- I won’t disagree that many only care about power and prestige. But some do care and they are bombarded with so many topics on which they need to know about that it is really impossible to fully grasp.

      Watching them in action can be discouraging on many fronts, but they do get the emails. The aides see them and they do let the legislator know what kind of calls and emails they are getting. Generally the most you can hope for is a canned response. But I did actually have an aide call me back from a phone call. The aide advised me of the bill I had called about (red lettering early on) was moving to the next committee and she asked me to call those committee members. I was surprised and encouraged by that.

      We are being heard and I think what has happened these past weeks show that. I am so encouraged seeing all the folks getting involved. The more voices they hear from the more we can stop bad legislation.

      • May 6, 2023

        former skeptic who saw what happened as proof of what you say. Fully agree we were being heard and it is affecting outcomes.

    • May 6, 2023

      Yes, I agree with Cherokee Jack. The legislators receive so many emails that they cannot begin to reply to all of them, but they did listen. I don’t care about a reply. What I care about is that they act on our request, and they did.

  • May 5, 2023

    Praise be to God, and thank you to FAC and everyone who contributed their time to voice against such senseless legislation.

    • May 6, 2023

      Not speaking for FAC but for myself only: Yes, praise be to God.

  • May 5, 2023

    Thank you FAC and all of you who worked so hard.

  • May 5, 2023

    What is Lauren Book’s timeline now with this session over? One more before she is time maxed, e.g., next year?

  • May 5, 2023

    Thanks so much FAC.

  • May 5, 2023

    if they are not going to remove the registry how about lobbying for a tiered system so the minor infractions are not on the registry for life

  • May 5, 2023

    Hey I’m glad for all of you all in Florida. While its bad enough in VA for some much of this identification is a bit of a branding and red lettering on a license plate is a bit unjust. So legislator wasn’t thinking. I’m glad for you all in Florida.
    FAC you must of gave them a hands down on much of this branding. Good work.

    • May 6, 2023


      Thank you for the encouragement Saddles, are you not in Florida? I didn’t know people came on here that were not in Florida.

  • May 5, 2023

    I really thought that Book’s idea to force green license plates on every vehicle was nothing less than a target. I also thought that perhaps she thought if she asked for the green plate, that the lawmakers may believe that the request for the ” red letter” on driver’s license was the lesser of the two evils and not feel like the red lettering was over the top.
    I can’t describe how relieved I am that none of this ” punishment” made it a new law. My whole family, my life, my job, even my sense doing the next right thing would drastically change.
    Thanks to all… even if it was only Prays that u could offer. I’m still in disbelief that we are not subjected to move punishment.
    FAC… when I was reporting at my last update to register…I told two, new to this State that FAC was a must do and contact them and that FAC would be able to guide them with information on registration requirements.

    • May 6, 2023

      I am not speaking for FAC but for myself only: Those prayers mattered.

      • May 6, 2023

        Amen! Glory to God and thanks and gratitude to all who worked so hard for us all.

  • May 6, 2023

    Hallelujah thank you Lord for being a ver present help in the time of trouble , your grace your mercy🙏🏽. Your goodness Thank you FAC family for our work. Keep the faith keep going🙏🏽

    • May 6, 2023


  • May 6, 2023

    How my heart overflows reading all the comments, I am so thankful for all of you.

    So many picked up the phone and sent emails.

    It’s so exciting to see such unity.

    My wife, daughter and friends jumped right in there also.

    So thankful to our God, for all of you.

    We may not be able to get together to celebrate. But we can rejoice together.

    Thank God for FAC.

    • May 6, 2023

      I thank your wife, daughters, and friends for helping us out. That is what helped us so much—the people who were not forced to be on a registry who contacted legislators.

  • May 6, 2023

    Thank you everyone who participated in this.
    And remember to stop this from happening year after year help and Donate to FAC what ever you can spare whether that be time or money or just your voice.
    Thank you as well to the 2 $500 donors recently

  • May 6, 2023

    This has been such a victory for us as a movement and our family. I sent hundreds of email and left voicemails and I do believe that it made a difference. I would like to ask when the emails are posted it it can be posted with a list ready to be copy and paste. I had a hard time coping each email and add the comas to each in order to be sent, if the list can be ready to sent that will make a huge different for people that do not know how to get it done.

    Thank to all the FAC members to sent email and Phone calls and were in person. Out gratitude goes above and beyond. Thank you!! Thank You All

    • May 6, 2023

      If you try to send an email to multiple addresses at one time, there is a chance your email could go to the spam folder for the legislators. That is why I sent my emails to one legislator at a time. Yes, it was time consuming, but well worth the extra effort.

      • May 7, 2023

        I bcc as many as the mail provider said it could. For Yahoo it was 90. I received replies from many, so I don’t think they went to spam.

        • May 7, 2023

          That is good to hear. Thank you for letting us know.

  • May 6, 2023

    Hallelujah we have won the victory. Praise The Lord my prayers have been answered. God does here our prayers and He is a forgive God. He forgives us and gives us second chances. Thank you all and your spouses for getting the word out to stop this bill from passing. It’s so great to have a Sigh of relief. 😇😀😀😀

  • May 6, 2023

    How about one more email. Senator DiCeglie was the one man who was courageous enough to add an amendment to the bill, eliminating the Red Lettering on our licenses.
    Making friends is always better than making enemies.

  • May 7, 2023

    This little victory is good. See I caught my offense in 2012, It could of been a mister meander but when the agent wanted me to comedown and talk dirty to them. I let her rip. Call it “Two wrongs” well that’s basically what it is. They couldn’t get me on intent as who knows the thoughts and intent of another. Even the bible tells you that.

    So the detective had to think of another way to charge me and that was “Action” which basically was the wrong Action. Even pressured a bit more upon my way down to meet this undercover agent. To get it all over I PLEAD GUILTY to get get it all over.

    A true mister of God doesn’t work that way. Even Cherokee and some know that. So a bit of gospel helps in all situations.

    Sure I wanted to go to court and the detective knew that so he gives me an offer to save face with this plea deal. Course I’m labeled “lifetime” till its over for many involved in all this. Circumstances are circumstances.

  • May 7, 2023

    There is one point that needs to be driven home in regards to the State ID card marks.

    In both the Loisiana and Alabama cases, the courts had specifically stated that the marks were compelled speech in general. It must be emphasized that ALL marks, no matter what they are, are compelled speech, whether it is a letter, a number (including a statute code), or a color. Prince changed his name to a completely made-up symbol, and yet we see that symbol even today, we know what it means.

    In regards to green car tags, one thing that was seemingly never mentioned anywhere is how many green car tags there are.

    You might want to keep these things in mind as I suspect they’ll make a return next year.

    • May 8, 2023

      So IML passport stamps, which I just got the damn notice for after 10 years on the registry, is also compelled speech. There has to be some way of beating IML. We all know, with the common sense in our brains, that a law cannot brand everyone ‘dangerous’ especially after they’ve already served their punishments, yet it’s so difficult to properly convey this in a court of law.

      • May 9, 2023

        What is madly funny is, the other countries do not want to block us. Most of them are more open minded and give second chances. It is the U.S requesting we be turned around, refused entry and sent back home. So, why allow us to pay and leave anyway just to get sent back. And guess what, there are NO refunds since you took the flight. And since you did not show up at your hotel, you are a no show so good luck getting that back either.

  • May 7, 2023

    This is a pivotal moment for our collective movement that must be seen for what it is.
    – The Florida Action Committee has officially ARRIVED and come in to it’s own with this series of victories!
    – There is more public and political sympathy with our cause than was initially assumed.
    – WE are a force that IS BEING HEARD!!
    – Career celebrity victim Lauren Book has been STOPPED in her tracks and her hateful and unconstitutional publicity stunts SHUT DOWN!

    In my 26 years on the registry I am not aware of anything like this ever occurring in our favor and I actually feel, dare I say, hopeful.

    This is the end of the beginning folks.

    Deep and heartfelt thanks to those working tirelessly behind the scenes on behalf of us all!

    I am putting a $100 check in the mail today with my annual membership renewal.

    • May 7, 2023

      Still seeing employment oustide of florida with my skillets of heavy equipment mechanic and hyaudrulic pneumatic troubleshooting. Anyone know a job in other state connect me ill send my resume. Strong mechanic ASS certified also FAA certified.

      But every month since i heard of FAC I donate auto 5 dollars a month and try to do 500 every year around xmas. Got kids too do wish I was rich FAC would just need to text me what the cause was and i would send money to fund it. They do great work and give hope in this really unconstitutional state.

      Also thank you too all SO who helped this year and this is key THANK YOU TO ALL WHO ARE NOT ON THE REGISTRY!! Who called emailed texted or even just supported their RO. Thank you!!! That was not yelling caps more for attention
      Gives hope

    • May 7, 2023

      Very well said🙏🏽 are you eligible to petition to get off registry? God bless

      • May 7, 2023

        With current gov in no but once out I could yes

      • May 7, 2023

        Apparently not…..

      • May 8, 2023

        To me the registry is like a disease to which there is no cure. Some diseases eventually get a cure and I/we are hoping and praying our breakthrough will come sooner than later.

    • May 8, 2023

      I also donated $100 through their site last week. Great to hear everyone contributing towards justice!

    • May 9, 2023

      So did the bill the lady senator was trying to pass get shut down? We don’t have to worry about being targeted to change our plates on our cars or have red letters on our license?

      • May 9, 2023

        According to a previous post by FAC, ALL of the bills for this session that were targeting us IE. Green plate, Red lettering on drivers licenses and the ONE day notification law, were all cancelled.
        If they have learned anything, hopefully they will not try and re-introduce them next year.

    • May 8, 2023

      I know people get scared and do not think things through.

      #1 Law enforcement would not ask for money and especially never gift cards or money cards. Unless it is an officer on the take, that is a whole other story.

      #2 Not only report the incident to your local law enforcement but also ask them if it is real which they most likely will verify it is a scam.

      #3 Hang up on the person and do not give them ANY personal or really any information. If you think it is real, let the person know you will meet them in the lobby of the Sheriff’s or local police department.

      #4 Don’t feel bad as I even saw a story about a cop getting scammed in a story a while back. Some of these people are professional scammers and they know so much about the person they choose that they fall for it.

  • May 8, 2023

    Guys, I just got the nicest email from a Senator I wrote to during the last week of the legislative session. Not an aide – Senator Stewart herself. I cried. Even if they don’t respond – or respond right away – they DO hear, and there is HOPE.

    • May 8, 2023

      I just wrote her back too.
      I said she’s Courageous and Fair.
      An inspiration for me to be an even better person. I thanked her. I wont forget her name and would vote for her if I could. But my family can if she ever needs it;)

      • May 8, 2023

        Senator Linda Stewart!

    • May 8, 2023

      Just got the same email.

      Very nice of her.

      Worth thanking her for her response.

    • May 9, 2023

      That is great news, there is hope for us after all. Sometimes we find allies in those we least expect. I use to live in an HOA neighborhood and there was a lady who was always nice to me. One day I asked her why she was so nice to me and she explained her 19 year old son was in prison for having an underaged girlfriend.
      She said people do not realize that it can happen to anyone and if your family won’t stand with you through the struggle, who will?
      Not at all saying anyone, even family would approve of a sex offense, but the way we all are thrown onto a hate list that puts all of our household in fear of harm and death is incomprehensible.

  • May 8, 2023

    I took the list of all senators/representatives and placed in an excel sheet and made it into a Mail Merge sheet. This allowed me to easily send 1 email to all 160 senators, and their full name was in each email. I will use this in the the future as well.

    I’m from Massachusetts, but these unjust laws apply to everyone, so everyone must contribute.

    I received a few replies, some from the aides and others from the senators.

    Well done to everyone who helped!

    • May 22, 2023

      Joel 123, can you please provide step by step instructions in how to do the mail merge thing? Thanks!

  • May 8, 2023

    Actually we all can get into tough jams in life. The registry is one of the toughest. If you look at this registry biblically it is law enforcement that have to justify their just or unjust actions. Many are glad some positive results came about from Florida legislation, and FAC. You all leading the way in this justice for many involved in this registry.I’m sure many are thankful.

    Seems someone in government has a guilty conscious. I’m sure other states will take note but its pressing for positive change in the sex registry that will make everyone happy. Even thou this lifetime stipulation is bad enough.

    Technology appears to be the closed thread of understanding of a vain type sexual ordeal or who is protecting their Law enforcement merit badge? Their is good and bad in everything or do police brag about the many fish they caught in one sting and pollute and abuse all the same.

    • May 9, 2023


      I do not think it was so much anyone having a guilty conscience as much as when we started telling our stories about how all of our family member who are not on the registry are being punished and put in harms way, right along with us.

      • May 9, 2023

        Cherokee I’m just glad for you all in FA. I grew up on Dirty Harry movies. Was suppose to graduate in 72 but graduated in 75. Than to beat it all went to college for an Associate in Criminal Justice and a minor in Travel and Tourism.

        I may be a few years shy of 70 but this registry beats the case even with a many of the other ordeals one can get involved in but some governments want to glad magnum force.

      • May 9, 2023

        You know Cherokee I’m glad I met you and many of the others on here. A state trooper came to my house wanting to update my photo. I let into him with a Jesus gospel lecture and said where does it say in the bible to set people up. Ministers of God do not tempt. As far as the guilt conscious law enforcement have the greater guilt wouldn’t’ many of you think.

        Many on FAC forum want answers or are looking for answers.There is a sin that is common to man and when anyone uses a vantage point to trap another via these internet operations than someone is taking advantage of their authority. I know Florida is a tough state and even others but force or using the sword correctly are two different understandings. This license plate ordeal was a dangerous ordeal that I’m glad Florida government scraped it.

        • May 10, 2023


          Do you still register? If so, the photos are supposed to be updated at time of registration. I believe (I could be wrong) that the officer might have stepped over the line. Do state troopers do your verifications? I have a deputy who comes to my house twice a year and never asks to take a photo. I would check with your registration office and a lawyer.

          • May 10, 2023

            Cherokee. While I am sent a quarterly finger printing form, I had my obligation with the correction department which has been over for the past year or so. When the Covid hit – house to house visits were halted. I felt it sort of strange when a state trooper pulled up into my driveway and wanted to update my picture. Cherokee in many of these ordeals Law enforcement are doing injustice to many.

            While we had words out in the driveway I stressed a biblical view to him and than bidden him a good day. Yes it bad enough to be on a lifetime and authorities are just as guilty. Remember they are servants for good. Setting one up is not good. They are only doing what they are told to do and in many of these ordeals they are hindering their fellow man in many ways. Its all about principals.

    • May 11, 2023


      NO guilty conscious. How about someone in government has family on the registry… maybe more than one. Just saying, when s+it hits home heyyyyyy we tend to empathize a little more.

      • May 11, 2023

        FEDUP you have a very good point in fact FLORIDA is an up and coming state if you ask me for some type of relief of the sex registry. Hey I’m considered Violent. Sure they ask me to talk dirty. I know I shouldn’t of but I did.

        I wonder were in the bible it says for government authorities to ask someone to talk dirty to them. Their was no porn on my computer. Was evaluate as non violent by a public attorney only he didn’t want to tough the case because he knew I wanted to go to court but gave me a letter of recommendation. All states need to lighten up or get rid of this type of registry and look at this a different way.

        Yes I worried. Had ups and downs with my sister, course she’s more of a socialite whatever that is. I look for more good news coming out of Florida to rid this registry for many. Even the bible tells us why worry.

  • May 8, 2023

    Perhaps the legislators are smarter than we assume, and probably knew the new bills would not pass due to constitutionality issues.
    Maybe that is the real reason the amendments were removed at the last minute to let us believe in a “win”.

    A victory over the amendments not passing, might be a ploy to placate their dissenters into ignoring the existing laws and celebrating a victory that changes and improves nothing in the current illegal SO laws . It is a common practice in warfare to feign an attack to distract the enemy while maintaining ground already taken.

    Maybe they add these ridiculous new amendments every year to keep our attention away from the already passed numerous unconstitutional laws and ordinances already in place….If they succeed, great, if not, nothing is lost and all ground taken is maintained…

    Maybe while we are celebrating no new laws, this year, we should also be working to roll back the existing illegal laws already in place. Hopefully the law suits moving forward will address those.

    • May 9, 2023

      All we know is that lawmakers spent a lot less time thinking through these bills than you have.

  • May 9, 2023

    I think someone should introduce a new license plate with the color Ms. Book recommended and have it honor the FLA state pie…Key Lime. To think how many people could be driving around with a Key Lime plate to honor the state pie.

    At the same time, find other honors with similar color schemes of the color palette to fill them up so they cannot be used in another effort next legislative session. Two can play her game…

    • May 9, 2023

      Then they will have everyone on the registry drive a lime green car. Like a yellow taxi.

  • May 10, 2023

    I received the same email from Senator Linda Stewart. But what I was wondering if we could ask her if she would be willing to introduce a tier registry system bill next term. I know our goal is to destroy the registry as a whole but this could also help that endeavor. Also a tier system leaves a lot of people feeling like their in the wrong tier but it’s better than life across the board which is what we currently have. Just a thought.

    • May 10, 2023

      No. Absolutely not. There already IS a tiered system but they’re not adhering to it. They make of it whatever they want and as long as the UNCONSTITUTIONAL registry and all it’s legal fictions exist, they will continue to ignore the letter of the legal fictions and do whatever they want.

      The registry is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and MUST BE ABOLISHED. PERIOD. The only purpose it serves is LIFETIME PUNISHMENT.


      But when we unite against them, we win because there are so many more of us than them! Politicians, I have read, take the oath of office to defend the Constitution. [Moderated].

      • May 11, 2023

        I absolutely agree with you.
        Tier system in my opinion is a pacifier that will deteriorate very quickly for the Citizens on it.
        Abolish registry invest more in helping and prevention.
        Even with this tier system Florida has, its flawed. People get railroaded take a deal. Get designations, labels etc. That affect you in day to day living for life. Even when you can equivocally show the Court your progression . Consequently, you are no threat to anyone. Yet you have the general public conditioned to think just that with a registry tiered or not!

    • May 10, 2023

      This is just my personal opinion, but a tiered registry is based on your offense. What ever label they give you. Just like the registry as a whole. For me that is a non-starter. At the very least it should be a risk level. However even that is subjective. And we have no idea what time frame they would give each tier. They might start with 25 years and go up from there. And the problem remains….the public see’s it as “beneficial to safety”. And that is the problem we need to change.

      • May 14, 2023

        Tiers are a sinking ship. My family member was labeled a predator 16 years ago with no reevaluation or any evaluation to begin with. Yes, you go to court for initial designation but all the judge does is look at the conviction. No behavior, counseling, time… consideration. And then all the laws domino on that label. It’s a HUGE problem.

  • May 12, 2023

    Ecclesiastes 8:9
    All of this I have seen, and I applied my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, during the time that man has dominated man to his harm.

    To me this scripture sums it up.
    Not just the registry but just look around, then look @ history.

  • May 13, 2023

    Thank you FAC

  • May 15, 2023

    I’ve been out of the country and just saw this news. That’s fantastic!

    • May 15, 2023

      Is that why you came back because the coast was clear? LOL
      Just kidding. I was thinking about going to the International space station but I do not like heights.

    • May 17, 2023


      Even though I am not at all sticking up for her, I read 3 different versions of this story and it seems the 17 year old set her up so he could get released as a victim. Both were wrong but now she loses her job and may be put on the registry.
      Again, I am in no way sticking up for what she did but there is a ton of evidence he was the one wooing her. Fail for both of them. He was not in jail for saving an elderly woman from falling off a cliff.

    • May 19, 2023

      I sent the article to all the reps and asked how the registry is protecting kids locked-up by the government.

      Think about it…they lock-up CHILDREN in cages but for other nefarious agendas, it’s about protecting children. Pushing bioweapons onto the most vulnerable is definitely part of the bigger.

      OPEN YOUR EYES, PEOPLE!!! Everything happening for decades has been lock-step planning and execution as part of the bigger agenda.

  • May 18, 2023

    Do you really want to stop the registry? It’s quite simple. Put your efforts into creating other registry’s, such as murderers, Aggressive Assault, DUI’s (that hits all socio-economic group) etc, create separate databases quite easily through records. And then start to publish and advertise these new registries.
    Watch how quickly those people will fight such a registry, which will put into the spotlight all registries.
    And nothing illegal, all open information, but it’s not grouped the way our registry is. You have to search, hunt and peck.
    Instead you’re just creating a registry to see who’s in the neighborhood.
    Why are we allowing S.O’s to be isolated in this manner?
    Make it available by category for all crimes and watch these people fight this. And won’t people be surprised who’s convicted of assault, domestic violence, etc. Bottom line, this will mask us and make the issue the registries. Not our offense.
    It’s that simple. So start and see. Even just do Florida. Watch the backlash. Make others join our fight.
    They will have attorney’s, and this will affect so many, including people quite successful I’m sure who would hate to have this done. So more money will be put into the issue until it’s taken to the courts to rule. That’s real objective, isn’t it.
    Because, lets be real. No one wants to be associated, regardless of how you want to fight this fact, it’s a fact.
    So, again, bottom line you’ve got to make the issue the REGISTRY, not offense or you’re just wasting everyone’s time and living in non reality to think anyone wants to be part of an issue to help sex offenders. Love to hear feedback

    • May 19, 2023

      Normalizing registries doesn’t work. We know this from states that already have other registries (UT, KS, etc). Nobody fights them.

      We do not want to advocate for punishing more people.

      • May 19, 2023

        Exactly. Two or more wrongs never make a right. Registries are bad, period. Governments have always used them to suppress, control and persecute humanity. It’s never been about protecting anyone.

        The etymology of the word:
        Govern – Control
        Ment – Mind

        Government has always been about directing populations into ideas and paths that the invaders desire. They think we exist for their manipulations and forced agendas. It’s really past time we show them who truly has the power by stoping consent of all their nefarious evil actions.

        Like the past three years……. They’ve [Moderated, with a reminder to all to try to stay on topic and minimize political partisanship]

        • May 19, 2023

          Why are you censoring the crime of the century? This should be number one priority above everything else but both issues can be managed simultaneously, and should be.

          You don’t understand. The registry has everything to do with what has happened the past three years! You moderated my comment to “minimize political partisanship”. Well what in the world do you think is the registry, for goodness sake?! The registry is entirely political but both “parties” are really just one faction working for the vatican families [moderator’s note: This is what I’m talking about]. EVERYTHING the government does is about divide, conquer and rule, even when they say it’s “for our good”.

          I have major serious issues with any organization that can’t allow the free discussion of all things relevant to our existence. [Deleted: apparent references to public health, Catholicism]. They violated the United States Constitution. Five felonies have been committed, and everyone on the planet needs to know this!!!

          Don’t think for a second that the registry isn’t part of [deleted: apparent reference to COVID-19]. If you’re a history buff like my husband and me, you know when a group of people are targeted to incite hate against them, war and genocide follows. WW2 wasn’t the first time!

          This time, they’re pushing for a civil war in each country, including America. They just have to target a group and get people to hate them. They’re repeating the playbook from 1198…….everything is in repeat.

          Please don’t censor what I share. It is woefully imperative that the knowledge becomes known worldwide.🙏🏼


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