The DC conference pronounced a success

On the anniversary of the Smith v. Doe decision, which ruled that the registry was not punishment, a vigil was held on the steps of the Supreme Court.  The names of many of those who have died as a result of many terrible laws were read.  A coffin was carried in by pall bearers, and attendees were dressed as mourners.

On the days preceding the vigil, there were speakers and meetings with staffers from the offices of various legislators.  The attendees were surprised to learn that some of the legislators knew next to nothing about the plight of people on the different state sex offense registries.

WAR organized the event which was attended by representatives from NARSOL along with other organizations.


4 thoughts on “The DC conference pronounced a success

  • March 16, 2023

    I had a hotel room reserved for the event but I had so much else going on that I became overcome by events. Well, my VISA bill came yesterday and I got billed for the room even though I didn’t use it. C’est la vie! I had hoped to attend as I lived next door in Springfield while I was at the Naval Air Systems Command and the Pentagon.

  • March 16, 2023

    Powerful. I salute the efforts of those involved.

  • March 20, 2023

    A puny turnout when there’s almost a million registered sex offenders in the United States. Should have advertised the event it on the Florida Action Committee billboard.

    • March 22, 2023

      Actually, FAC, NARSOL & ACSOL all advertised and promoted this event for months leading up to the event.
      I was there and this is what I can tell you: This was the first conference and vigil ever opposing the registry in DC. “Puny” or not, the vigil was powerful and we need to do it again – every year on the anniversary of Smith v Doe. If this becomes a one time event with no follow-up it will be yet another lost opportunity.
      There is absolutely a role for public vigils and demonstrations in our cause! I have gone to every conference I can since becoming involved in this movement, and I find them very inspiring and helpful, BUT conferences don’t get our names and our issue in
      front of the public we are trying to educate. Only vigils, demonstrations and other public actions can do that.
      I think we can take our cue from the tactics (if not the aims) of the anti-abortion movement. They have been plastering the entire nation with their message on billboards, and they have demonstrated and thrown blood at people and made noise. That’s how they succeeded.
      I’m not advocating throwing blood.
      I could have inserted the gay rights movement instead of the abortion movement.
      I do believe that we should be willing to vigil on the Florida Supreme Court steps during every state legislative session, get at least some news coverage from it that will put our issue in front of Floridians, instead of hiding in the closet.
      Fear loses every time.


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