The destruction of trust
In a recent article written by Sandy, the communications director for NARSOL and editor-in-chief of the Digest, she shared a comment she once found on a YouTube video: “It’s awesome that you were able to have a relationship as a kid with an adult that was truly just friendship from the adult. Nowadays the adult would be accused of grooming and would be deemed a sexual predator.” How true that comment has become, unfortunately.
There are young people today who do not have positive adult role models. In the past, caring adults could step in to mentor these children, but today it is not always safe to do so. Society might be paying the price for this loss. “It’s my understanding that Citrus and Pasco counties have much more stringent ordinances than Hernando does currently,” said County Attorney Jon Jouben. “And we’re creating a kind of vacuum here in Hernando County.” Why don’t they just say they’re trying to put as many barriers in place to stop registrants from moving to counties? Wonder when it’s finally going to be called punishment? Pod cast I came across looks new. Pod cast towards bottom of the page.
Registry debate playing on Jacksonville’s WJCT (89.9 FM) 7pm Sun 2/5 or, if you missed it, above link from Eugene V Debs (or your podcast app).
Know how to counter the arguments!
This destruction of trust does sound a bit odd coming from NARSOL or is this another article to glean opinions and comments for some think tank understanding. Should one wonder who is trusting their own selves? Where does this destruction of trust come from? Is it some man made wisdom or some proud boy pride, or some got ya clause of an unconstitutional man made law. Sure one can say Trust in God but were is the fear factor today in much of this unscrupulous sex registry justice. Where does this destruction lay. In man’s conscious seared by another man’s wisdom to understand this registry, this law, or even oneself. Isn’t the registry the main principal we should be looking at.
Is American Justice leaning on their own understanding in many ways or do people have their own destruction of trust even about these registry issues. Folks its time to wake up and stand up and speak out because if you don’t take the issue by the horn than who is making their own destruction in this distasteful type of justice. I hate to say this but trusting in others can be very destructive or who is opening their ears today.
Speaking of destruction of trust, the registry failed again.
Volunteer coach arrested for sex with high school student released on bond: ‘Predator’
Don’t forget:
West Homestead (FL) K-8 Center teacher arrested, accused of sex with student ( 2Feb2023
Trial of former (Miami-Dade) teacher accused of having sex with student continues ( 26Jan2023
CBS Chicago asking the wrong questions:
They totally don’t get it.
Former Arizona state trooper sentenced after sexually assaulting women during traffic stops
Floridians who expose their sexual organs or have sex in public typically get arrested and prosecuted. They also typically become life long registered sex offenders in Florida. But not Orange County Sheriff’s deputies.
This destruction of trust is very morbid in these sex registry ordeals. I myself even live right across from a bus stop in my area. Its liked once your on this registry they want to see youra nobody.Florida is a beautiful state but for one mixed up in this registry BS its a death trap for many.