Some motivating news stories

It’s been happening in many parts of the country. As more and more Courts see the light, our Cause is automatically strengthened and Florida looks more and more ridiculous.

21 thoughts on “Some motivating news stories

  • August 18, 2022

    Thank you for that. It made my day a little brighter.

    • August 18, 2022

      Yes, agreed – Thanks for delivering some happy news! (I found it ironic that the Supreme Court of Alaska – the State that started the whole Registry nightmare back in 2003 – found theirs – or part of theirs – to be unConstitutional!!

  • August 18, 2022

    And the government’s house of cards is beginning to fall apart….

  • August 18, 2022

    Wow this gave me hope after aome bad news yeaterday I dont know if I have a current or future Registry lawsuit but I also just had a similiar issue I have seen here with registry alerts hurting me. I am Married to a Foreign National over 20 years and now I have been told my Immigration request to become a Resident or Citizen might be impossible simply because I am on the Registry here in the US!. Its deemed a National Security threat! This country will look passed the Felony (10 Years) but wont even allow you into the country if you are on the Registry. I have been working on this for years and would have had no issues till recently. Another way we continue to be punished.

    • August 21, 2022

      Enough Allready

      Yeah I have had at least 2 of my doctors tell me to find another doctor as they will no longer be able to treat me. Of course it is because the registry but they won’t tell me that in writing.

  • August 18, 2022

    Thank you for the encouragement!

    These government blacklists (just like the ones used by the nazis and the ku klux klan) must be entirely abolished!

  • August 18, 2022

    Yes encouraging news. And a great piece. Trying not to derail this thread but has there been any update to the doe v. SWEARINGEN (Case # 4:21-cv-00085 ) case? Pacer seems to have stop updates. Or, do I need to look up the guy who replaced Swearingen? Seems like the courts are taking a long time to kick the can back down to the lower court so they can say yeah our statute of limitations claim is still ripe since or punishment is still ongoing.

  • August 18, 2022

    And I would bet a nickel that none of those rulings are in Florida or a district that effects Florida. We unfortunately live in a state where Government officials and judges believe they ARE the law and above it.
    DISCLAIMER: Just my opinion, not speaking for anyone else

  • August 18, 2022

    Bye all these rulings , aren’t the also admitting that they are punishment. If so wouldn’t it carry over to all the other registry requirements and even to the registry itself?

    • August 21, 2022

      David M

      You just made my point I made in the past. Was just one time to register unless changes, Then two times a year and then 4 plus if you have any changes. You said sometimes six times. I said in a previous post they will eventually make it every 60 days, then once a month, then monthly, then once a week.

      Why, because they can. They realize if 4 times a year is not punishment, how come once a week wouldn’t be. Or every day. Heck we might as well go live at the county jail where they check on you once an hour. I would say at least you get free food and health care in the jail but what they give is not care, it is worse than a school nurse. And the food is worse than the worst eatery you can think of.
      Also not sure why you last post was taken down.

  • August 18, 2022

    Sorry for my negative attitude in this post. But, if the registry is abolished, anywhere in the US, due to it being punitively illegal, I’m not sure if I’ll feel more relieved or more pissed off, having endured it for nearly a quarter of a century.

    • August 18, 2022


      I agree, 1/4 century in Registry years is a lifetime. All the Birthdays, weddings and vacations I missed because I didn’t want to register, unregister etc etc. seems like part of my life was a blur and uneventful. I do not want to become an old man living on the street.

  • August 18, 2022

    great video no doubt but, a lot of those reports were from the same state and only pertained to specific registered offenders. I have said it before and i will say it again we need to pool our money and hire a killer to take it to either the state supreme court and win or the actual supreme court and win and use that win as precedent to demolish future bans/registries etc…
    Around the country local lawyers have taken it to their local courts and lost because they were not prepared enough or didn’t have the backing of a national organization that had capital. We need an absolute killer who would defend us because the money was right, and take it nationwide so the next set of reports we will see will be about the entire countries registry being unconstitutional or inhumane. The people that make these new laws every day have lobbyists that grease the wheels and get things done, why not us??

    • August 18, 2022

      You know we already have lawyers fighting for our cause in court, right?

      • August 18, 2022


        i do know that and i mean our attorneys or attorneys fighting for us nationally no disrespect but we seem to lose a large majority of the cases. That’s why i said pool our money nationwide and go after a killer that is more successful than not and has a team that would choke the government. Our local cases we are largely overmatched by their staff and their budget.

        • August 19, 2022

          Yes we have don’t have the funds of the states we are fighting. But think of it has 50 separate battles each trying to take down the opponent. Some states like Maryland offer their citizens more protection than the US constitution thus harder deny them equal rights. This leads to a greater chance to making it to appeals courts then Supreme. So look at other states to see that change is happening, just at a pace we’re not willing to accept.
          Also they imposed the registry as a civil remedy not criminal, and politicians in Florida are openly candid about using it as a means to force us away, but now the chickens have come home to roost. They just tried to say we are to late to complain, however as our brilliant lawyer demonstrated we are still being harmed. Yes, we probably live in the worst state to be a registrant but just because we are are a registrant doesn’t give them the write to pile on laws. Even the conservative courts are seeing this it’s just the legal bullshit they do to slow down omitting they are wrong that pisses me off. Try looking at national news to see that progress is being made in other states and our time is coming hopefully soon.

  • August 18, 2022

    Can I get an Amen?

  • August 18, 2022

    Maybe I’m missing something – but isn’t this clip just a bunch of isolated incidents edited together to make one big case? Don’t get me wrong – THERE IS A CASE, but I don’t see it changing anything really. :\

    I mean it makes me feel warm and fuzzy – but there’s no new information in this that we all haven’t been harping on forever. ¯_(:/)_/¯

    • August 18, 2022

      I agree.

  • August 19, 2022

    Video is missing all the rulings that were successfully appealed and the appeals that are still languishing in outer space and also let’s not forget all the rulings that were ignored.

  • August 20, 2022

    I like the video! Made me feel a glimmer of hope!


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