What We Know About the FBI’s Latest National ‘Human Trafficking’ Sting

Operation Cross Country, the FBI’s annual vice squad bonanza disguised as a human-trafficking rescue mission, is back. This year’s operation was conducted throughout the first two weeks of August, involving more than 200 federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies across the U.S.

The FBI reports that Operation Cross Country 2022 located 37 missing minors, identified “more than 200 victims,” and led to the “identification or arrest” of 85 suspects. But it gives us little information beyond these broad statistics.

If there’s one thing law enforcement agents are not, it’s modest. So if the FBI and its partners had actually arrested a bunch of sex traffickers or busted up some major human trafficking rings, they would surely tell us that in no uncertain terms.

But the FBI press release mentions only three federal cases, none involving sex trafficking or labor trafficking. The cases mentioned include one person failing to register as a sex offender and two “suspects who may have been involved with child sexual abuse material production or enticement violations.”

That doesn’t rule out further charges forthcoming, of course. But if past Operation Cross Country initiatives are any guide, you probably shouldn’t hold your breath.


6 thoughts on “What We Know About the FBI’s Latest National ‘Human Trafficking’ Sting

  • August 17, 2022

    It’s all about the money and justifying the budget increase for next year. The only result they need to show is they spent this year’s budget.

  • August 17, 2022

    This reminds me of a lead news story I saw the other night on the 11 o’clock news.
    The headline was something like “Close Call with a Sex Pervert!”
    The 2 anchors went on to show a video of a man who had just opened the car door for his 12 year old daughter, and his daughter entering the vehicle when suddenly another man is seen walking less than 6 feet away from the car.
    The distraught father said on camera, “I just know it was a sex pervert. Why else would he walk so close to us?”
    The frightened little girl said, hysterically, “I’m so glad that I had locked the car door right away!”
    The 2 anchors went on to say that there was no investigation taking place and no charges were filed because the second man did not appear to have broken any law.

    • August 17, 2022

      Good example. The only thing is that time no changes were filled against the man. Many times there are charges filed and the man is arrested and put on the registry . For what . Because the girl was scared, why because the media has taught her to be that way. The father is backing up the false information.
      That is what happened to me . The kid was scared . When his mother heard about it , she took what he said and blew the whole thing out of proportion and made it into something it wasn’t. So the police took what she said , though she wasn’t there, and added their own hype to it so they could be heroes. They charge me with things that never happened. That’s the way it works.

  • August 17, 2022

    We all know it’s not about actual results, it’s about the press.

  • August 17, 2022

    My question is… why do they wait until they have a sting to do their job. They can find perpetrators any other time of the year? Or do they just save them all up for one big sweep.

  • August 18, 2022

    Again The Police Committing Entrapment!


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