Brevard County Commissioners Unanimously Pass Amendment Allowing Businesses to Certify as Parks
We didn’t expect anything otherwise, but the Brevard County Commissioners unanamously passed the Amendment allowing businesses to self-certify as parks, thereby preventing anyone on the registry from coming within 1000 feet of their businesses.
The good news is there is already a lawsuit in place.
Remember that this ordinance was born RIGHT before the 2020 election and the 3 commissioners who were running for reelection at the time are the 3 noisy ones who were in support of it during this commission meeting. In my humble opinion, this ordinance was a purely political move and wasn’t about helping children – it was just about looking like heroes to constituents and getting votes in 2020. Note that the former chairman, Bryan Lober, voted against it and the District 4 guy, Curt Smith, seems to be completely indifferent about it. So now, the Dreadful Three have to stand their ground and make sure they look serious about this ordinance so as not to appear like they used Brevard kids for political gain only.