The real aim of these operations might be to boost support for cops.
Gary, a 62-year-old on Texas’s sex-offender registry, dates the problems with his neighbors to a visit by police in 2018. After a successful real estate career he lives in a relatively safe neighborhood outside Dallas, identifies as a conservative, and has friends on the police force. He’s donated to police charities, once giving $10,000 to the family of an officer killed on duty, he tells The Appeal.
He was convicted of child pornography possession in 2007, spent five years in prison and 10 years on probation, and hasn’t reoffended since, state records show. “It’s very serious,” he said of his offense. “It’s wrong. I take responsibility.” (Gary isn’t his real name, which he asked to have withheld to protect his company and family.)
That day four years ago, a team of local officers and U.S. Marshals showed up at his home in full tactical gear and a tactical vehicle with the Marshals’ logo, he says. They were checking the addresses of those on the registry. Gary showed them his license and they left—the whole thing took perhaps five minutes.
Since 2006, the federal government has funneled millions into sometimes-massive operations to verify the addresses of those on sex-offender registries. It’s hard to tell how often these happen–the Marshals Service didn’t respond to multiple requests from The Appeal about how many operations they ran in the latest fiscal year. But a look at how authorities talk about the operations–and the flattering press coverage they generate–indicates their importance in selling the public on more police. Worse, studies show they likely do nothing to improve public safety or make incidents of sexual violence less likely.
Meanwhile programs with proven track records in preventing sexual violence or successfully reintegrating people previously punished for a sexual crime get little federal help.
Please see the document that is Used as Template During Compliance Checks
Please Notice that there are 2 Forms….
The Short Form where there is no Signature Line or Printed Name Line for the Person Forced to Register
The Long Form requires a signature…..(never sign it…..)
Also…Please look at the Disclaimer at the End of this Document
———-The USDOJ office does not officially endorse the document?!?!?1. But it is under a USDOJ website….Now even more confused? Right?
If they do not endorse it, then….they cannot enforce it…they.just try to bait us!
I do not want to give bad information but here are my thoughts. When the sheriff’s deputies come to my door, I try and get the checks out of the way so they do not keep coming back and hanging flyers on my door. Those checks according to the Registry laws are required x amount of times.
Having said that, I saw nothing in the law stating you have to comply with other law enforcement random checks that are not part of the compliance checks unless, of course you have a warrant. So my thought is, if you know you do not have a warrant, I wouldn’t go to the door for the feds as I doubt they are going to keep coming back to check on you. Otherwise they are wasting resources(I know, they don’t care). Not sure they can arrest you for not being home since “Extra” checks are not mandated as far as I could tell and work out to be harassment.
* These are only opinions so do not quote me, just thoughts based on how I have interpreted the registry laws, rules, regulations, statues, and other miscellaneous Bullchip.
** I am posting a sign in my front yard reading “Por Favor No Federales”
‘They’ actually place a flyer on your Front Door? WOW?
What Does the flyer look like and Say? Is it in NEON ORANGE?
-expensive to print!
They only place it there if you are not home, sort of like you are being punished for not being home. A 2nd time not home and they go to the neighbors and inquire about my whereabouts. 3rd time is the charm, they say they can arrest you. Funny but I registered and have proof so how can not being home be an arrestable offense???????????
Anyway, The flyer is bright yellow. It has the sheriff’s star in the middle and in big letters reads SEX OFFENDER big enough to see it driving by the house. If you are gone all day, no telling how many people see that.
Funny though, I am supposed to get 4 address checks a year. I have not had one since Last year and we are half way through July already. I double checked just to make sure I had paperwork proving I registered and I did so I am not going crazy.
as a kindly reminder, the compliance checks are on them and NOT on you…compliance for those that are wards of the State/Feds etc are called Probation Checks….OPEN SEASON 24/7!
A person forced to register is required to report changes to their information in accordance per Statutory Laws, so therefore a compliance check is null and void ….so Compliance Checks are nothing more than Money Schemes Mandated By federal monies-fleecing the taxpayers once more!
The Compliance check is on them…
Adopt a Rescue Dog and Leave him outside-take care of him!….I am sure they won’t string toilet paper on your house, again!
So basically, the U.S Marshalls do not trust the Sheriff’s office to do their job? I get a verification check after every registration. ZERO reason for the U.S Marshalls to be “Double Checking” other law enforcement. There are literally 10’s of thousands of fugitives on the loose but they spend time, energy, money and other resources for this useless harassment.
Where is the oversight? Where is the justification?
There are Spirals and Spirals of Monies From the Federal level to the state jurisdictions etc…The system is flooded with Statutory Directed Tax Payer’s Monies……..
So you, like me and the Million Plus will forever be Tormented!
Adopt a Pit Bull and feed the Dog Well!
If theycome to my house armed like that I will arrest them and charge them with felony assault. Let them resist and they get an butt whipping. Thugs with guns get no respect on our block.
Is this THE Willie Russell, former Representative candidate for Washington’s Legislative District 21?
They stopped by this morning and my neighbor who is an active police person and a very nice person and knows all about me graciously told them to go away…..they left quickly……..one of Goons Got Out of the SUV with Fantastic Armory and Looked around and was told to leave!
He looked pissed! When they left… my nice neighbor smiled and gave me a thumbs up!
…just takes time like fine wine!