The real aim of these operations might be to boost support for cops.

Gary, a 62-year-old on Texas’s sex-offender registry, dates the problems with his neighbors to a visit by police in 2018. After a successful real estate career he lives in a relatively safe neighborhood outside Dallas, identifies as a conservative, and has friends on the police force. He’s donated to police charities, once giving $10,000 to the family of an officer killed on duty, he tells The Appeal.

He was convicted of child pornography possession in 2007, spent five years in prison and 10 years on probation, and hasn’t reoffended since, state records show. “It’s very serious,” he said of his offense. “It’s wrong. I take responsibility.” (Gary isn’t his real name, which he asked to have withheld to protect his company and family.)

That day four years ago, a team of local officers and U.S. Marshals showed up at his home in full tactical gear and a tactical vehicle with the Marshals’ logo, he says. They were checking the addresses of those on the registry. Gary showed them his license and they left—the whole thing took perhaps five minutes.

Since 2006, the federal government has funneled millions into sometimes-massive operations to verify the addresses of those on sex-offender registries. It’s hard to tell how often these happen–the Marshals Service didn’t respond to multiple requests from The Appeal about how many operations they ran in the latest fiscal year. But a look at how authorities talk about the operations–and the flattering press coverage they generate–indicates their importance in selling the public on more police. Worse, studies show they likely do nothing to improve public safety or make incidents of sexual violence less likely.

Meanwhile programs with proven track records in preventing sexual violence or successfully reintegrating people previously punished for a sexual crime get little federal help.



  • July 9, 2022 at 7:39 pm

    It’s ALWAYS about money. ALWAYS. The money in this case is budgets. Budgets MUST be spent, or they’re lost. Over budget means more budget for the next year. This is a product of capitalism: 3%-5% growth per annum, no matter what. Bust the money, bust the programs.

  • July 9, 2022 at 7:51 pm

    Fear and intimidation. The Marshals just performed one in Iowa. No new sex crimes, I think three new crimes, weapons and drugs. Made CNNs news feed. Makes me sad for the world.

    • July 11, 2022 at 5:14 am


      Read the newsfeed…..


      It is published by CNN and it is worded like their Previous Actor John Walsh because this one is called “operation most wanted” and the publisher is using the wrong terminologies-their wording is incorrect! Skewing all the wording and creating ill-intent! GEEZE!
      and creating hysteria and fear!

      BTW, it is very difficult to email CNN to correct them!

      • July 11, 2022 at 8:16 am

        I read the newsreel, and sent a notice to FAC about it, and then this headline appeared. It’s extremely frustrating to not be able to respond to the misinformation that gets spread. I was pretty upset about the Dad’s Against Predators post the other day. Reading through Facebook’s policies, it seemed pretty obvious that the DAPS site was violating them. Wanted to contact Meta/Facebook to complain, but apparently if you’re not on Facebook, you can’t complain.
        There are days I feel like Yossarian in Catch 22.

  • July 9, 2022 at 8:34 pm

    IOW, the sweeps, the registry itself, and the untold millions $$$ spent are a scam.

    Wake up America!

  • July 10, 2022 at 7:09 am

    These marshals have to do something to justify their existence. Just think of how much money has been spent on equipment that is totally unnecessary.

  • July 10, 2022 at 9:30 am

    It is not MIGHT but DEFINITELY.

    I’ll take it a step further and say this is partly why many modern police are turning into cowards as seen at the Parkland and Uvalde shootings.

    “Sex offender” sweeps are low hanging fruit. Very few registered persons are violent, and fewer have guns. Many who are arrested are done so over some minor gaffe like not registering a new vehicle or email account. Out of a thousand checks they may also pick some guy up on drugs or guns. Then the police can go on the TV and talk about taking “dangerous MEN off the streets” and display the drugs/guns they got off the one guy. This implies ALL arrests look like this one. That’s why these compliance sweeps are often done in conjunction with other busts. It also gives them the opportunity to dress up in full goon squad attire and play with their surplus military hardware like armored personnel carriers.

    But going after gangbangers and actual violent criminals is far more dangerous so the police are often afraid to take them on. If they do, it is usually some small-time gang, a corner lot group with like 5 members, then they can claim they took down a “gang” much in the way they consider arresting one foreign national in a CP sting an “international ring.”

    This is EXACTLY why the police need to be defunded. They have too much money to burn.

    • July 10, 2022 at 2:31 pm

      And the Media, at large is just as guilty of making incorrect statements….

      “Sweep by Marshals NABS 3 Sex Offenders”. for example….that is incorrect

      those 3 people previously were convicted of a sex offense……they are not sex offenders….unless they were sex offending!

      And during any of these illicit compliance checks,…how many ex-offenders were in the act or commission of committing a sex offense?

      does any one have that information?


    • July 11, 2022 at 9:25 am

      I would make a comment but you just said everything I wanted to say. The cops don’t have to worry about getting shot at and still get big public advertisement . Like why the cops didn’t go after the thug in Uvalde Texas for 77 minutes. They would have gotten shot at. Why go after someone with a gun when you can go after someone unarmed and not a threat to anyone, and still get a hero praise for it.

    • July 12, 2022 at 6:55 pm

      It would be interesting if the cops were stuck in with the gangbangers for six months in county jail or state prison as a test to see if they have what it takes. That would toughen them up perhaps and help them remember why the public needs a legitimate police force. Then they might actually be of some use out there on the streets.

  • July 10, 2022 at 11:02 am

    In This Report…look at the Over-time Monies Spent and all the Bill Backs From Agency to Agency to another and Another….

    It would take MANY competent accountants to figure the money trails….
    …..of where the monies actually end up and how they are accounted for!

    The fundings exist by federal law!

    This Report along with the Brennan Center for Justice Report Highlights the various money trails

    thank you FAC and all those that under covered this information!

  • July 10, 2022 at 11:46 am

    CNN is publishes article with fraudulent titles. “Wanted for crimes against children”

    Marshalls are likely promoting this incorrect information. Motivation would be that the Marshalls and the the news company profit from this.


    There is not one person that they point out in the article that was actually arrested on warrants for “crimes against children”. The article itself spells out that these are persons wanted for failure to register charges. A huge difference.

    The headline “Wanted for crimes against children” will sell more than wanted for “failure to keep up with clerical information”

    • July 11, 2022 at 8:24 am

      The Marshalls tricked CNN and others into propagandizing for them.

      And many news outlets are even more gullible than CNN when it comes to the Marshalls. They don’t seem to ask even a single question.

      Indeed, no one was ‘wanted for crimes against children.’

      We need more reporters like Steve Yoder.

      • July 11, 2022 at 4:45 pm


        The Media Works in Tandem with all LEOS…..when the LEOS decide to do an ‘operation’ they kindly contact the local media and national media to accompany them

        it is known Tactic!

        No Brainer…The Media always prevails!

        sells ads and fear!

  • July 10, 2022 at 3:32 pm

    Security theater at its finest eh?

    Until Law Enforcement no longer has a stake in Politics (i.e., Sheriffs are elected) this type of prancing pony show will continue… After all, sponsors pay a lot of money!

  • July 11, 2022 at 7:59 am

    So they can come in full force as if going to war simply to make sure someone is living where he says he lives, but the police couldn’t stop a deranged gunman from killing all those little kids in Uvalde Texas.
    These foolish compliance checks should only take ONE cop to do. Why then do they need to hire dozens of US Marshalls to assist? Why does a small platoon of LE in full body armor and riot gear need to make sure someone’s address is correct?
    What a waste of time and money.

    • July 11, 2022 at 1:31 pm

      The Federal Monies are Annually appropriated through numerical codified statutory laws and sometimes through state jurisdictional mandates and they got to spend the monies through the mazes in which they all exist


      IT IS MONEY! reminds of Jimmy Walker’s phrase, “Its DYNO-MITE”

      At the End of the Day…It everyone’s monies they are mis-spending!

    • July 12, 2022 at 11:43 am

      They don’t need the extra firepower. Absolutely useless. But then again, a lot of cops prefer these cushy inconsequential assignments over real police work.

      That was evident in Uvalde too. They even prevented officers and parents who were willing to go in. Such a tragedy. Only the really gullible should believe them now when they claim that they perform these registration enforcement actions to protect kids.

  • July 11, 2022 at 7:43 pm

    I am a level 1 in California, 5 yrs ago i moved to Michigan, i showed up at the police station to register and they told me my offenses was not a registerable offense in MICH,and did not have to register, a year later the US marshals pull in the drive way yell on their microphone anthony jones come out of the house with your hands up, i walked out and they grabbed and handcuffed me and said we spent a lot of time tracking you down, your busted, I EXPLAINED that the police said i did not have to register, after an hour in the back of their car, and them doing a lot of checking and finding my story to be true, they uncuffed me and the one Marshal said to the other, I am getting tired of these wild gooses chases, it seems these sex laws are as different as gun laws in each state, next time when we were hunting some one lets check if the person were hunting is in a state where they don’t have to register, went to Las Vegas for a vacation and checked into a hotel and yes the hotels in Las Vegas does share your check in ID with the police, police showed at my room and say your under arrest for not registering as a SOF, i showed them my MICH ID told them i am not on the registry in my state, he barked yes but your on the SOF registry in CA, I SAID i am not a California resident any more ,after discussing this with his supervisor, he took off the cuffs and said enjoy your stay in Vegas, happy ending i have petitioned the courts to take me off of the California SOF registry good chance i will get off of it, hey guys CA has a new law where you can petition the court to get you off of the registry, try your luck move here and try it, check with the CA SOF requirement’s to get off the registry

    • July 12, 2022 at 9:25 pm

      I have been considering a move from FL to MI for some time. As a Youthful Offender here, it seems I may find some relief there. Maybe not like you where I no longer have to register, but no longer have my residence a public red flag. Anything would be an improvement.

      • July 13, 2022 at 8:24 am

        To Think

        So you do not have to register but they still have your house registered? So what is the point of getting off the registry. I thought once removed from being registered your public registry page goes away? Otherwise couldn’t you just move to another home in Florida since you no longer have to register and it is a clean slate? I am confused.

        • July 13, 2022 at 7:09 pm

          Hey Cherokee,

          I do have to register in FL. But since I was sentenced as a Youthful Offender, there are a few states where requirements may be less than FL. MI and OR were the main ones according to research. It’s difficult to get any straight answer from lawyers, its mostly “move here and lets figure it out”. I still have at least a decade in FL to request removal, so im looking for any kind of relief I can get. In MI, I believe that means my residence won’t be flagged publicly. It’s all a gray area, but worth a try.

          • July 14, 2022 at 9:18 am

            To Think

            I can petition next year. Having said that, I just learned it can cost upwards of $50,000 with the right lawyer. Not only do I not have that much money, even if I did, why should we have to pay at all. (Not bashing the lawyers) but the judges should automatically approve it if you have stayed out of trouble.

            AND, the kicker, you pay that money and of course there is NO money back guarantee. If you lose, the lawyer wins either way. I heard you can repetition in 5 after being denied, I guess for another $50,000?

            I may just have to hold out until we are freed by the courts. I will probably be in my 80s by then if I make it that far. I can see the headlines now “Last hold out on the registry, refuses to pay and is last remaining registrant on the list. Three reality programs have reached out to him to film a show with the name “The last registrant”.

          • July 14, 2022 at 9:28 am

            Who quoted you $50,000?!?!? That’s ABSURD. We have attorney referrals on our site. They are probably the most qualified in that area and will not cost anywhere near $50,000.

            True that these types of cases (as with Criminal cases) are not done on a contingency. The lawyer does not “win” if you lose. The lawyer earned his or her fee for the work that goes into your case. You are free to petition pro-se as well and not hire a lawyer.

            There is no rule about re-petitioning after 5 years in 943.0435(11). If you quote a rule cite to it. Otherwise you are misinforming the readers.

          • July 14, 2022 at 9:36 am


            One of the lawyers your site has posted. I did not contact him yet but someone I spoke to offline said that is what is can cost if you have a complicated case. I wrote into your site asking how soon before it is time should you contact the lawyer instead of waiting to the last minute. And of course, like most of the emails I send to FAC, no one ever answers 🙁

            Still love ya though lol

          • July 14, 2022 at 10:35 am


            I assure you that you were misinformed. A “complicated case”? The requirements and qualification for removal under 943.0435(11) are reasonably straight-forward, so I don’t see any “complicated case”. All of the attorneys on our referral page are familiar with FAC and the removal process and all will take your call and quote you a fee directly without having to speak to “someone” random for this information.

            FAC is not a law firm, we don’t employ any staff attorneys and we are not licensed to provide legal advise. If you wrote into our site asking about time frames for filing a petition, you are asking for information we are not qualified to provide. You can call one of the attorneys directly for a consultation or you can do the research yourself. The removal provision is in Florida Statute 943.0435(11). Prior to 2007 the statute required 20 years, after it required 25 years. That’s not a legal opinion but telling you where to find the law and what number is contained in the law.

            We also had at least two member calls on which we discussed removal petitions. On those calls we did have a licensed attorney available to take questions.

            Finally, as to your comment about no one ever answering your emails. CherokeeJack, you are not a member. You never filled out the form to join FAC (which you can do here: https://floridaactioncommittee.org/become-a-member/). We have 2500+ members and receive thousands of calls, emails, letters, etc., many of them from vigilantes. If FAC can’t identify the sender or you’re asking for information or support we can’t provide, don’t be upset if don’t get a response. With that said you just got a reply from FAC YESTERDAY, Jul 13, 2022 9:15 am in response to your contact form submission on our site about a comment another person had posted to one of the articles. You received the answer because you replied to it at 11:29 am. Unless you have an incredibly short memory, I’m completely baffled (and a bit offended) that you would write “no one ever answers”.

            I’m not saying this to call you out, but if you’re going to make statements criticizing FAC, consider the forum in which you are making the statement and ask yourself if the criticism is warranted.

            We have a member base of thousands, PLUS we assist attorneys in litigation and even reentry staff with registry issues. All are supported by a VOLUNTEER base of less than 10 active people, most of whom have unrelated full-time day jobs because FAC does not pay anyone to provide updates, host meet and greets, attend government meetings, perform research, maintain our website, send information to people without internet access, moderate comments, provide outreach services to homeless registrants in desperate situations, provide members with information and referrals to social services, send public information requests, track pending litigation, track pending legislation, send letters supporting/opposing legislation, send letters correcting unlawful practices, prepare educational collateral, manage the organization’s finances, fund raise to support litigation and so many other functions not even mentioning responding to incoming correspondence and site comments!

            Cherokee, I mean this with the greatest respect, but you’ve already posted 5 comments to our site today alone and it’s not even noon! We appreciate the participation, but with so much time on your hands become a member and help in a more productive way. At minimum, be fair and accurate.

    • July 12, 2022 at 11:13 am

      Cash Rewards? Where does the Cash Come From? Cash Rewards? That is BOUNTY HUNTING!

      So Now, ordinary citizens can predict the future along with Judicial Officials?

    • July 12, 2022 at 11:48 am

      And Why Does the article attach listings of Missing Children?

      They are missing…unfortunately….wht are they trying to imply?

  • July 12, 2022 at 1:18 pm

    If theycome to my house armed like that I will arrest them and charge them with felony assault. Let them resist and they get an butt whipping. Thugs with guns get no respect on our block.

    • July 12, 2022 at 2:31 pm

      Is this THE Willie Russell, former Representative candidate for Washington’s Legislative District 21?

    • July 12, 2022 at 4:47 pm


      They stopped by this morning and my neighbor who is an active police person and a very nice person and knows all about me graciously told them to go away…..they left quickly……..one of Goons Got Out of the SUV with Fantastic Armory and Looked around and was told to leave!

      He looked pissed! When they left… my nice neighbor smiled and gave me a thumbs up!

      …just takes time like fine wine!

  • July 12, 2022 at 10:06 pm

    So basically, the U.S Marshalls do not trust the Sheriff’s office to do their job? I get a verification check after every registration. ZERO reason for the U.S Marshalls to be “Double Checking” other law enforcement. There are literally 10’s of thousands of fugitives on the loose but they spend time, energy, money and other resources for this useless harassment.

    Where is the oversight? Where is the justification?

    • July 13, 2022 at 8:22 am


      There are Spirals and Spirals of Monies From the Federal level to the state jurisdictions etc…The system is flooded with Statutory Directed Tax Payer’s Monies……..

      So you, like me and the Million Plus will forever be Tormented!

      Adopt a Pit Bull and feed the Dog Well!

  • July 13, 2022 at 9:44 am

    Please see the document that is Used as Template During Compliance Checks


    Please Notice that there are 2 Forms….

    The Short Form where there is no Signature Line or Printed Name Line for the Person Forced to Register

    The Long Form requires a signature…..(never sign it…..)

    Also…Please look at the Disclaimer at the End of this Document
    ———-The USDOJ office does not officially endorse the document?!?!?1. But it is under a USDOJ website….Now even more confused? Right?

    If they do not endorse it, then….they cannot enforce it…they.just try to bait us!

    • July 13, 2022 at 11:06 am


      I do not want to give bad information but here are my thoughts. When the sheriff’s deputies come to my door, I try and get the checks out of the way so they do not keep coming back and hanging flyers on my door. Those checks according to the Registry laws are required x amount of times.

      Having said that, I saw nothing in the law stating you have to comply with other law enforcement random checks that are not part of the compliance checks unless, of course you have a warrant. So my thought is, if you know you do not have a warrant, I wouldn’t go to the door for the feds as I doubt they are going to keep coming back to check on you. Otherwise they are wasting resources(I know, they don’t care). Not sure they can arrest you for not being home since “Extra” checks are not mandated as far as I could tell and work out to be harassment.
      * These are only opinions so do not quote me, just thoughts based on how I have interpreted the registry laws, rules, regulations, statues, and other miscellaneous Bullchip.
      ** I am posting a sign in my front yard reading “Por Favor No Federales”

      • July 13, 2022 at 2:47 pm


        ‘They’ actually place a flyer on your Front Door? WOW?

        What Does the flyer look like and Say? Is it in NEON ORANGE?
        -expensive to print!

        • July 13, 2022 at 6:16 pm


          They only place it there if you are not home, sort of like you are being punished for not being home. A 2nd time not home and they go to the neighbors and inquire about my whereabouts. 3rd time is the charm, they say they can arrest you. Funny but I registered and have proof so how can not being home be an arrestable offense???????????

          Anyway, The flyer is bright yellow. It has the sheriff’s star in the middle and in big letters reads SEX OFFENDER big enough to see it driving by the house. If you are gone all day, no telling how many people see that.

          Funny though, I am supposed to get 4 address checks a year. I have not had one since Last year and we are half way through July already. I double checked just to make sure I had paperwork proving I registered and I did so I am not going crazy.

          • July 14, 2022 at 9:27 am


            as a kindly reminder, the compliance checks are on them and NOT on you…compliance for those that are wards of the State/Feds etc are called Probation Checks….OPEN SEASON 24/7!

            A person forced to register is required to report changes to their information in accordance per Statutory Laws, so therefore a compliance check is null and void ….so Compliance Checks are nothing more than Money Schemes Mandated By federal monies-fleecing the taxpayers once more!

            The Compliance check is on them…

            Adopt a Rescue Dog and Leave him outside-take care of him!….I am sure they won’t string toilet paper on your house, again!

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