DE: HB306 is purely punitive

House Bill 306 is before the Delaware Legislature. For the 4,500-plus Delawareans who appear on the state Sex Offender Registry, the proposed legislation changes the restrictions designation on the front of their driver’s license from the current “Y” to “SO.” The bill retains the words “sex offender” that already appear on the back of licenses.

HB306 proposes nothing to make the public safer. Delaware driver’s licenses use federally compliant standards, and law enforcement technology provides immediate knowledge of a person’s registry status without relying on any specific license designation. HB306 is purely punitive.

We show our driver’s licenses at many places like pharmacies, doctor’s offices and banks. Employees of such places have no need to know if someone appears on the registry. HB306 will discourage those individuals from accessing important services. HB306 will only encourage public shaming for individuals who have already been punished, and discourage them from successful reintegration into society, a key component of preventing further offenses.


3 thoughts on “DE: HB306 is purely punitive

  • June 10, 2022

    the entire system is nothing except punitive and NEVER was really meant to be anything except punitive. Americans love their torch and pitchforks,dont let the sun set on you in this town,burn them at the stakes festivities… What would America be without someone to torment so others can feel better about their pitiful existence? Let us be completely honest.. As many different “variants” of sex offender laws as America has IF every single Americans every moment was known how many would be on the sex offender registry’s? 85%?,95%?98%? I dont know but I bet its large.. AND I bet those who witch hunt the hardest have the darkest skeleton’s..Like that sick doushe bag Walsh? hmmmm..funny how its always “laws for thee, but not for me”.. isn’t it?..America is just China spelled differently..

    • June 10, 2022

      Just move to Maryland! You can commute to your job in Delaware.

    • June 10, 2022

      There is a real estate developer in the Kansas City area that was the largest one at one time every one in the area knows their name. They developed huge areas in the 1940s through the 1960s. In their housing areas it was against their rules to sell to black people. The reason was to keep real estate values high. So during that time it forced blacks to live in just certain areas of the city. The 1960s with segregation laws being challenged forced these rules to be changed.
      The same rules that were at one time directed towards blacks are now directed towards a fictitious class which they call sex offenders. They are not even a class because they are as diverse and different as the entire human race as are different charges they have been accused and convicted of. Some truthfully so other falsely convicted of.
      Just as the public was at one time mislead as to the nature of blacks the public is now mislead as to who those on the registry are and what there like. Unless that image can change no change will happen. Being a bully is just too ingrained in human nature to change some things.
      If those in government positions don’t start standing up for what is right which is guaranteed under the US constitution there is no hope for this country because the constitution means nothing to them.


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