Controversy highlights difficulty of housing sex offenders who have completed their sentences

At a public meeting in Joliet, residents stood up and spoke out against an apartment building that houses sex offenders in a city neighborhood — with one resident lamenting that she wouldn’t let children play outside unless she was on her lunch break, according to a video taken by an attendee.

Other residents, according to accounts of some at the meeting, advocated for violence against the sex offenders, threatening homicide and arson.

While neighbors often push back on this type of housing in their own backyards, some public safety experts say state laws that are overly restrictive about where sex offenders can live after their release actually puts people more at risk by taking away opportunities for stable, affordable housing, an important foundation for rehabilitation.


9 thoughts on “Controversy highlights difficulty of housing sex offenders who have completed their sentences

  • June 6, 2022 at 10:56 am

    “Other residents, according to accounts of some at the meeting, advocated for violence against the sex offenders, threatening homicide and arson.”

    Between the recent spate of mass shootings, those Purge movies and that nonsensical “Q” conspiracy, I no longer feel safe where I live.

    The label gives people the green light to bully, hate, discriminate. We’re set up to be indiscriminately culled.

    • June 6, 2022 at 9:21 pm

      Make contact with other SOs in your area and talk about plans for mutual defense. There’s no sense waiting for something bad to happen. Take unarmed self-defense training classes. Buy a Rottweiler. Find out what sorts of self-defense items are legal for you to possess and procure them. Forewarned is forearmed, and fortunately our adversaries tend to have big mouths.

  • June 6, 2022 at 12:36 pm

    I have so many problems with this situation:

    First, a criminal complaint needs to be filed on the threats. If there is video or audio evidence of the meeting, that alone should be enough to press the authorities for a response and to sue the city if it doesn’t. If this happened to me, I’d invite those idiots to come by my place with their death threats. 😉

    Second, the ex-cop mayor saying, “To put (them) at one location is a horrible idea” has it all wrong and is completely clueless on the issues. First, finding any landlord or property mgmt company to accept a PFR is near impossible in all but the least desirable locations. Add residency restrictions, if any apply, and you have very few places to live, which by necessity, causes PFR’s to be forced into close proximity with each other. This, of course, is only a problem in the minds of those with the “banishment” mob mentality.

    Third, the community should be appreciative of New Day, not against it, for being willing to take up the daunting task of providing housing to a segment of the population that nobody wants to deal with. I’ve seen mindless opposition in my community against organizations serving PFRs, only to have their outcry answered with success stories. No crime sprees occurred, no reports of predators menacing our community, no headline making stories of child rape or murder… just people going about ordinary living such that you wouldn’t notice it at all.

    All I can say is that our founding fathers made a declaration of independence over much lesser grievances, and these fools are happy trample on the freedoms that made this nation great in the first place. If they succeed, it will not only be to their downfall, but to that of our nation as a whole.

  • June 6, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    These public morons need to be reminded that the vast majority of sex offenses committed against children (95%?) are committed by individuals known to the victim AND not listed on any Registry.
    So look around, people – it’s the step-father, the uncle, grandfather, teacher, coach, minister, piano tutor, scout leader, nextdoor neighbor, etc. Go set them on fire if that’s your moron plan!
    Or, even better, get involved in PREVENTING sexual offenses BEFORE they occur!

    • June 6, 2022 at 2:36 pm

      ‘I don’t believe that,’ responds the public, when presented with re-offense stats.

  • June 6, 2022 at 9:17 pm

    We all need to be contacting the city and the mayor and ask why there has been no action taken on the terroristic threats and asking for a written response.

  • June 6, 2022 at 10:25 pm

    I’ve been waiting for one of these coward vigilantes to show up at my place or out in public. They will get their head run through a brick wall coming at me with that hateful vengeance.

  • June 10, 2022 at 1:08 am

    Well where are we supposed to go then? I’m recently married and we have been looking for over a year and I can’t find anything.

  • June 12, 2022 at 11:49 am

    so many restrictions on where we can live. If it wasnt for my parents home. I would be homeless because 1 finding a place that is acceptable (outside of exclusion zones) and that they would allow someone on the registry is nearly impossible to find. One thing i am considering and i know its not possible or everyone but one place that would be good to go is Alaska… Why? because Alaska is so big and wide open. no issues really with being close to anything. best of all rent is pretty cheap outside of the two major cities. for example. Fairbanks, AK you can get a dry cabin for around 500 bucks a month if not less… Dry means no running water which is common. you can get water delivered or go to a water station to get your water. toilet is a outhouse, incinerator toilet or composting toilet. Showers you can make a tub and pump to shower at home or what most do is get a gym membership and shower there or most gas stations have showers. This is just a thought for anyone that it may help out. I am planning on moving in 2024. Also so many family owned businesses that really dont do background checks like national companies do so job hunting is a bit easier.


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