Bahamas may change legislation after sex offender dies

The Bahamas government says it is likely to re-examine the measures under which sex offenders are publicly released from prison after one man died in hospital a few days after his release.

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe told reporters that an investigation has been launched into Scott’s death and warned that the public should refrain from issuing vigilante justice.

He hinted at the possibility of the authorities discontinuing public notification if it is found that Scott had been physically assaulted upon his release.

“If we find that it happened in circumstances that it was abundantly clear that you have vigilantes who will hunt and kill persons of which there is public notification…we will have to see what other steps can be taken,” Munroe said.


12 thoughts on “Bahamas may change legislation after sex offender dies

  • June 2, 2022

    Definition of dox
    transitive verb

    to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge


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