SCOTUS blocks Texas from enforcing social media law
The Supreme Court on Tuesday sided with the technology industry and blocked a controversial Texas law that bars large social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter from removing posts based on the viewpoints they express.
The law at the center of the dispute is known as H.B. 20. It prohibits social media platforms with at least 50 million active users from blocking, removing, or “demonetizing” content based on the users’ views. When Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the law last September, he declared that “conservative viewpoints in Texas cannot be banned on social media.” Tech companies challenged the law, saying it violates their First Amendment right to control what speech appears on their platforms. They also said the law would prevent them from removing hate speech, political disinformation, violent videos, and other harmful content.
Good. FAC should not be forced to publish the views of vigilantes on its forum.
A double edge sword they can take down anything they don’t agree with like if someone defends a rso or makes posts against the registry. And can ban the poster. But can keep anything that fits with they’re agenda of trying to demonize rsos. To them free speech only applys to what they agree with or want the sheep to believe.