Member Submission: Scams Continue
I wanted to make you and the other members aware that the scam calls to those of us on the registry continue and they sound so damn real! For the record I live in Monroe County.
I got a call earlier that I knew/figured out was a scam telling me there is a warrant out for my arrest for not submitting a secondary DNA sample. I’ve never submitted a DNA sample. The guy said his name is Thomas Livingston and said he’s with the Sheriff’s office but didn’t say which one and didn’t say he was a cop. He said he’s the chief communications officer or some Bull crap. He asked why didn’t I submit my DNA sample and I said I don’t have to. So he said I’m non-compliant. I did figure out it was a scam and I said this is a scam and I am hanging up now which I promptly did.
And ironically as I was typing this email to you he just called me again obviously forgetting he called me already. I told him if he doesn’t stop calling and harassing me I am going to report him to the police and get him arrested (which I’m sure he wouldn’t be but fight fire with fire) at which he told me to go Fuck myself and I told him to go do the same and I hung up no on him again.
This is the number he is calling from: (305) 564-4256
A few years back I got a similar call. He gave me a name and my phone had his phone number. It was my first such call and it shook me up a little bit. I said I would have to call him back as I had another call coming in. I called my PO and he asked what the guy’s, supposed, name was and the telephone number. Then my PO’s boss called him using 3-way calling so I could her what was said. The guy answered and the PO asked if he was Lt. (his name) and the guy said it was. The head PO introduced himself and told the guy he was lying and that he had already turned his telephone number into the authorities, along with his name. As stupid as this guy was, I cannot help but think that this guy may have acturally used his own real name. The head PO cussed this man like I have never heard him speak before. Bottom line, the head PO stood up for me here in Tennessee.
The best part is sharing the phone numbers of the scammers with all of us. Thank you!
When I got a call a few years ago saying I violated a court order for a DNA sample that was supposedly mailed to me a month before, I told them to mail another one. I’d wipe my ass with it and send it back and they could get their sample from that.
Arrest threat followed (of course) and I just told them to come get me. Shocking that no one showed up.
I use to work in law enforcement, I wish they would call me with the Bull*hit. I would ask them, “How many cops are going to send over my house to enforce this”? Whatever amount they would answer with, I would reply “You better bring more than that if you think you can force that on me!”
I had one DNA sample when I was sentenced almost 30 years ago and I assume they still have that on file. I didn’t even get a lollipop when they drew my blood.
Iv gotten so many of these calls now its almost funny. That last guy who told me they were sending out the police to arrest me. I asked him if they would stop and grab me some subway on the way because I was hungry lol. They aren’t getting a dime from me.