The Dobbs Wire: SOLPRC’s Guide for Practitioners to New Federal SORNA Regulations Effective January 7, 2022 Just Published
The Dobbs Wire: Just published! The Sex Offense Litigation and Policy Resource Center (SOLPRC) has just issued an “explainer” for attorneys about the new, complicated, and murky federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) regulations which took effect earlier this year. Get informed and make sure your legal eagles have a copy of the guide! –Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs Wire If you have something to say or would like to be on The Dobbs Wire list, drop us a line. Twitter: @thedobbswire
SOLPRC’s Guide for Practitioners to New Federal SORNA Regulations Effective January 7, 2022
On December 8, 2021, the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) published regulations regarding the implementation of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (“SORNA”). The new regulations are notable for their emphasis on the responsibility of individuals with prior sex offense convictions to ensure compliance with Federal SORNA even where relevant state registration schemes maintain different requirements.
In light of the new regulations, and with the assistance of a number of attorneys and academics working in this area, SOLPRC has prepared a short guide to assist legal practitioners representing potential registrants.
SOLPRC will endeavor to update this guide with additional information and sources as more information emerges regarding the new regulations, including relevant legal challenges and federal enforcement. We invite attorneys working on registry legal issues to reach out to us with feedback, legal updates, or suggested areas of development to help us keep this guide accurate and up to date. MORE:
Just saw a former reporter who exposed information regarding public corruption in the federal government about how the feds retaliated with the FBI wanting/threatening to plant CP on her home computer. Sheryl Attkisson claims a former FBI agent has testified this happens.
FAC, please review!
Had an FBI agent testified that they clandestinely planted child porn on a target’s computer, that testimony would be public information. That’s how testimony works. Sheryl Attkison’s double-hearsay regarding the FBI’s ‘intent’ doesn’t really tell us much.
Most child-porn convicts accept responsibility, so this may be a fringe issue.
It’s just a post to share, Jacob. If you watch it, you’ll see someone moderating who looks like Matt Gaetz in the hearing. That’s why I asked FAC to review.
Understood, and well worth sharing, I just have a few caveats on this sort of thing.
If that FBI testimony is sealed, then I’m not sure how Sheryl Attkisson would be privy to it or in a position to release it.
I don’t think we have any members who had child pornography clandestinely planted on them by the government.
But if we do, or have credible evidence that this is pervasive, then we ought to gather our facts and complain to our representatives.
It would be an easy win for us. Just imagine Sen. Hawley’s office (or even our own Senator) learning from a constituent complaint that the Biden FBI was distributing child pornography. What do you think he would do with that information. He would become an absolute attack dog, and for the right reasons. Much more effective then us members complaining amongst ourselves.
This is a great resource that I bet many defense lawyers don’t know exists. Definitely saving it for later use. Thanks.
Meanwhile a Disney/Marvel actress and her husband have been charged with child sex crimes in the UK.
I’m a bit curious how they will explain the many murky bits of the new SORNA. 🤷🏻♂️