The U.S. carceral system is overly punitive

The United States has the most punitive criminal legal system in the world, containing 25 percent of the world’s prison population. Prisons and jails in the United States are overcrowded, unsanitary and dehumanizing. In comparison to many other nations, the United States employs prison as a response to offenses more frequently and incarcerates people for longer periods of time.

The way that we treat and rehabilitate incarcerated people should reflect the kind of society and behavior that we want. Preparing people to be successful students and workers as well as good neighbors, family members and friends after release should be centered in American jails and prisons.


9 thoughts on “The U.S. carceral system is overly punitive

  • May 4, 2022

    Prison must not be much of a crime deterrent since there’s always new lunkheads willing to break laws to feed the Iron Bar Hotel.

  • May 3, 2022

    There is no such thing as rehabilitation in American jails and prisons. Nothing is offered to you to turn your life around. If a prisoner wants to come out of prison a better person, its on him or her to make that decision and figure out how. Its either that or wander around the yard all day with your homies. At least that’s how it is in Michigan. People who think prisoners are getting a free college education don’t have a clue as to what prison is really like.

  • May 3, 2022

    Some countries would jail you just for posting to a site like this. And they don’t even report their prison population.

    • May 4, 2022

      And in many other countries a site like this wouldn’t be necessary in the first place, because they do not have idiotic registration laws supported by a credulous and easily manipulated public.

      • May 5, 2022

        Denny A HUGE percent of the World mirrors what the U.S does. We (The U.S) created registries and now there are many countries that have them as well. It is only a matter of time.

        Heck in middle Eastern countries, under Islamic law, you can be executed for a sex offense. Although depending on who you are or how rich or connected you are, the victim could be the one getting executed. They follow the old ways where you can have your hand chopped off for stealing an apple because you are hungry and have no food.

      • May 5, 2022


  • May 3, 2022

    And that carries over once we are returned to society. Probation requires you to get and keep a job, otherwise you get violated and possibly sent back to prison. But as any of us know, trying to gain employment with a felony is almost harder than making it through the prison sentence itself.

    That job search is 100 times harder with a sex offense. Even places that the probation office sends you to, that say they hire felons, are leery of hiring those with the most heinous offenses. And from personal experience, somehow that information gets out to the co-workers and your job becomes a living Hell while you are shunned and constantly passed over for a promotion.

    Also, a double edged sword. If you do not get a job while on probation, you get violated, even if, and regardless if you are able to pay your monthly probation fees. After working many jobs where the public came into the place of business, I moved to warehouse jobs where the public did not come due to it being a 3rd party place of business.

    But even that proved challenging as soon everyone seemed to know my business which was surely leaked by the boss. So why hire me then? The entire system is set up for us to fail. But thank the Lord above, I and many like me, made it past probation thinking that was the end of it. But there was that hiccup called the registry that stands in the way of even living in peace.

    But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.
    2 Thessalonians 3:3

    • May 6, 2022


      here is something to Lament!

      From D. McKelvey:

      “Meet me, O Christ, in this stillness of morning.
      Move me, O Spirit, to quiet my heart.
      Mend me, O Father, from yesterday’s harms.
      From the discords of yesterday, resurrect my peace.
      From the discouragement of yesterday, resurrect my hope.
      From the weariness of yesterday, resurrect my strength.
      From the doubts of yesterday, resurrect my faith.
      From the wounds of yesterday, resurrect my love.

      ….Let me enter this new day, aware of my need, and awake to your grace, O Lord. Amen”

      • May 6, 2022

        The real Truth

        Thank you

        He promised to protect us and guide us. But He also said “in this World, you will have trouble, But I have overcome”.
        I think we have been in the “Trouble” part for far too long LOL


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