The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) to challenge the federal SORNA regulations that became effective in January 2022.  As a signatory to the MOU, ACSOL has agreed to serve as a named plaintiff in the lawsuit which will be filed in the Central district of California, a federal trial court.  The remaining plaintiff is a registrant who resides in California and will be known as “John Doe.”

The lawsuit will include a request for preliminary injunction which, if granted by the court, would stop enforcement of the SORNA regulations.  The lawsuit will also request a final judgment declaring the SORNA regulations to be invalid.  PLF will lead the litigation and will pay all legal fees as well as all related expenses.



  • April 30, 2022

    What a wonderful post. These two organizations will create a powerful synergy that WILL leave a footprint in the courts. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • April 27, 2022

    Good day and good news. I would like to comment from an indigenous nations perspective on all federal jurisdiction with laws against us. When 1851 and 1858 treaties were made by the US government at that time we were suppse to be able to police our own people but if course none if the treaties were upheld and all were broken which gives the government civil and criminal jurisdiction over our people which in turn puts us under such laws that should not apply to us as native Americans so how and why us this still happening to us that we should be held under such cruel and ridiculous punishments under law that does not apply to us. Shouldn’t we as a severin nation be able to decide what happens to our people on our own lands? Hiw can we better represent ourselves under treaty law which is suppse to be the supreme law of the land? Who can or will defend us in such ways that does not take centuries for a court to decide while so many struggle amd suffer under unjust laws against us? Enough is enough. Our tribal governments receive funding for us to be turned over to the US marshal services amd the government which is basically slave trade and needs to be truly looked into more deeply. Historically with our people there was no such thing as sexual misconduct amongst our people until our spiritual traditional ways were taken from us and we were forced to live under a way of life we do not want nor understand completely. Historical and generational trauma plagues our people and affects us deeply from so much of our sacred ways being taken from us but yet nothing has been done to bring these topics to center stage so we can heal in a proper manner and we are still forced to live in such ways that we do not want. We are forced to receive western medicine and pshyological treatment which alot of our people do not fit well with because of the belief system we have versus the white mans ways to heal. We are a circle oriented people forced to live in a square oriented nation while our people are dying off and incarcerated in white mans court which originally we do not belong. With the 7 major crimes act if 1851 we have lost so much speiritual and traditional freedoms. We need help but who do we turn to when all work under the same system? When will our cry for help be heard?
    Sincerely, your native brother.

    • April 28, 2022

      Hello Brother, good to see another native person being represented. Although I am like creamer, half & half, I relate more to my Cherokee roots than I do to my German roots.

      As far as what you said about treaties being broken, come on Brother, treaties made with the native people have been broken for over 250 years now. Did you really expect the Government to start now?

    • April 28, 2022

      “When will our cry for help be heard?”

      When it’s politically safe for the lawmakers to address our concerns. With the current toxic, authoritarian bully culture, I don’t see that happening. You got 50 to 80 years of free time to kill?

  • April 27, 2022

    Would an injunction to protect against SORNA from a federal court in California apply to all states?

  • April 27, 2022

    I admit I guess I haven’t been watching. What changes are we talking about that started January 2022?

  • April 27, 2022

    So this is not regarding ending registries, just challenges new laws that went into effect in 2022 but everything before that stands?
    If so, I hope that leads to more wins for all of us, as a large portion of registrants were applied retroactively.


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