SC lawmakers looking to modify state sex offender registry laws
State lawmakers continue their work to make changes to the state’s sex offender registry laws.
Last year, the state Supreme Court ordered South Carolina’s lifelong registry was unconstitutional. Lawmakers have until June to create a way for offenders who are at low-risk to re-offend to petition to be removed from the registry.
As someone on both the South Carolina and Florida registries, this gives me a bit of hope. My county sex offender coordinator in the Sheriff’s office said that if I get removed in another state, there’s a good chance that I could be removed in FL.
Fingers crossed!
I am in a similar situation. I am registered in Florida initially and then had to register in California when I moved there. Both WERE lifetime registry states. Last year CA moved to a tiered system and I am waiting to get off of it (should be in 2 months)…then I am going to work on getting removed from FL.
Fingers crossed for both of us!