Tinder Adds Background Checks to Its Dating App

Match Group Inc.’s Tinder is introducing a tool to let users run background checks on prospective dates, as the company continues to address concerns about the safety of dating apps.

Match Group said it has been developing the tool since last March, when it announced an investment in Garbo Technology Corp., a nonprofit background check organization.

Tinder members who tap the feature in the app’s safety center will be directed to Garbo to fill in information about themselves as well as details about their match, such as name and phone number.

Garbo will surface arrests and convictions for certain violent crimes, as well as sex offender registry status, and indicate whether it has high, medium or low confidence in the results.


8 thoughts on “Tinder Adds Background Checks to Its Dating App

  • March 19, 2022

    … can we scroll through all the prostitutes? Prostitutes are the largest group of sexual offenders in the world. Or not…

  • March 10, 2022

    All those dating apps are just spam aggregators and data mining mills for scammers, fraudsters and other bad actors with nefarious intent. “We care about the privacy of our customers.” Sure, I guess that’s why they sell the sign-up email addresses to the lowest bidder.

  • March 10, 2022

    I thought being catfished was the biggest threat on dating apps. What’s the point of having background checks if they aren’t accurate and some crimes don’t show up? Technology has made people feel safe while causing more harm by making people not trust their gut. She might be a good bass fisher, dynamite kisser, country as a ton of beans, with her mommas good looks and may be a deadly combination. Question is she worth the risk or do you throw her back?

  • March 9, 2022

    results Garbo gives Tinder users exclude arrests and convictions for financial crimes that are more than seven years in the past as well as for homicides or robberies that took place more than 14 years ago

    Translation: Once a thief or a murderer, now a changed man.
    Once a sex offender, always a sex offender. Wow. That’s not discrimination. Nope. Not in the least.
    You can’t make this up.

  • March 9, 2022

    I once used this app many years ago. I think I’ll reopen my account just to see how long it will be until someone flags me, but last time I used it, the only “likes” were coming from foreigners seeking a green card or those soliciting followers for their Instagram and SnapChat pages.

    • March 10, 2022

      You can use the app’s free version with no problems. It’s when you PAY for a membership to be able to send messages instead of just simple pre-designed “flirts” that the COMPANY itself runs a check on you from your name on your credit card. So they don’t even need this extra step. I used Match.com’s free version and was on it for a year. Then I decided there was someone I actually wanted to message and I paid for a membership. 1 week is all it took. By using my credit card and then running a check on my REAL name, I got an email telling me I was in “violation of their TOS”. Funny, they didn’t seem to think I was in violation when I was using the FREE version for a whole year.

      • March 16, 2022

        I ran into this as well. Literally within 24 hours of signing up for the pay option, my account was blocked for violation of TOS.


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