Homeless sex offenders arrested in December released, illustrates systemic issue, attorney says
Seven Brevard sex offenders arrested in December after their homeless camp was shutdown, were released from jail in January and February and their charges dismissed, court records show.
They’ve all returned to the community but have lost their jobs and belongings. They are being housed in a Brevard hotel, according to the Florida sex offender registry.
The men previously lived in a homeless camp set up on vacant, private land at 4820 U.S. 192 near Melbourne. Their GPS monitors and ankle bracelets were registered to the camp, requiring them to return there by a set curfew.
With all charges dismissed and the men out of police custody, their arrests and time in custody illustrate a systemic problem with how sex offenders are handled within the state, Travis said.
She noted all were complying with all regulations prior to their arrests and had “paid their debt to society.”
She estimated the men’s time in custody cost Brevard taxpayers approximately $14,800 based on a cost of “conservatively” $40 a day in jail, prosecution and defense fees.
“(That) $14,800 would go a long way at a homeless shelter,” Travis said
Suing Any Public Official Requires removal of Their Indemnification Insurance Policy and Then Removal Of Any Qualified Immunity Status, If Applicable….
..Perhaps, Like Standing in A Line For Food Stamps or a Hand-Out…The Possibilities are Endless!
So there’s a better chance of finding gold at the end of a rainbow during a tornado. Or I a have better chance of finding a tick on a monkey. Maybe the lawmakers shouldn’t be protected when they do bad things, perhaps taking responsibility for their actions instead of getting away with impunity. Having our country run by criminals is the true punishment and yet the insanity continues. Same time, same corruption!!
That is like the old story of a town that spent $11 million dollars on a study for a proposed new bridge that would have cost $6 million. In the end they decided the cost was “Just too high”. Wait what?
They should sue the county for damages. Forcing them from shelter and not giving them time to find alternatives is the lowest form of decency, on the hand it’s Florida home of the lamest laws in the country. I wouldn’t vote for Florida’s government if they were attached to me, I’d have surgery to get rid of the sh*t.