22 thoughts on “John Oliver: Sex workers are not necessarily human trafficking victims.

  • March 6, 2022

    A lot of this problematic language and terms like “sex work” v prostitution was worked out by hard fighting sex workers in the last generation of the Sex Wars, women like Norma Jean Almodovar and Maggie McNeil.

    But the Moral Majority et al. Waged war on the terms- and the speakers of those terms themselves.

    For example, Almodovar wrote From Cop to Call Girl, and was instrumental to the LAPD Ramparts scandal in the 90s. She spoke at the UN Womens Rights convention in China— but the antiporn, antisex , anti prostitution globalists and religionists co-opted and marginalized their perspectives.

    And, the anti- prostitution lobby went underground, and co-opted the communications channels, and waged brutal stalking and silencing campaigns in media too.

    One recent example is how they pollute the internet with false claims and gibberish designed to make their targets look crazy.

    Google “ human trafficking and gang stalking” for just one example of that.

  • March 3, 2022

    It is amazing how Americans still make prostitution involving consenting adults a crime.

    What a person does with their personal money is their business.

    So we have women selling risquĂ© pics on OnlyFans, people bought Belle Delphine’s bottled “gamer girl” bath water and another woman’s bottled farts, people are buying BitCoins and Non-Fungible Tokens, and people give money to lobbyists and politicians, and all these things involve people getting screwed in at least a metaphorical sense, and that is all legal.

    And, as much as I want to say this was made up, this is actually all true, even the bottled waste products stuff.

    • March 3, 2022

      Yeah. And if prostitution were legal, Americans wouldn’t spend as much money on clothing, cosmetics, alcohol, dining out, fancy cars, jewelry, elective body surgery, Valentines and anniversary gifts, travel and other financial expenses of the “dating game”. It might destroy this country’s GNP. It might also hurt law enforcement budgets.

      • March 4, 2022

        If Americans could mind their own business and not fret about what others do with their bodies we’d be better off. However most can’t because god forbid people engage in sex with a butt or nipple exposed; but don’t say nothing when some guy’s butt crack is exposed with jeans down to his ankles. If your not a plumber I don’t care to see your butt, but I’m not going to go crazy either.

    • March 4, 2022

      Which is why when Americans use their personal money to buy drugs it’s nobody’s business!

  • March 2, 2022

    Not all sex workers are victims of human trafficking. Some girls (and guys) choose it because they either like sex a lot, are in it for the money, or both. Personally I think if a girl of legal age chooses to become an escort, the government should stay out of her business. Prostitution (for lack of a better term) is the oldest profession on earth. And think about it…when a guy takes a girl on a date to a nice dinner, buys her flowers, spends money on her, what are most guys expecting in return? Sex. So in essence, he’s already paid for sex, so what’s the big deal about just giving the girl some cash and getting it on? I have a friend who is an escort. She’s in it for the money, plus she admits that she really likes sex. She told me once that its like a date, only without all the BS attached. Straight to the point she says.

    • March 2, 2022


      Escorts do make decent money and I’m sure they have protocols in place to keep them safe. Sure some find it offensive, however what someone does with their body it’s their choice and none of anyone’s business. I bet many non escorts have consensual booty calls from time to time.

  • March 2, 2022

    Hi I have and important question I no longer have a duty to register as and oofender I completed y registry in 2020 it has been two years that passed already.Will I have to go threw the torment of registry every year in florida or just get fingerprinted and be on the public site for the rest of my life.I have alot of family there and wish to maybe relocated there.
    Thank You so much

    • March 2, 2022

      I would not come here.

    • March 2, 2022

      I’m not sure but If it was me I would call FDLE and ask them directly. Give them the statute number of your offense etc. Once you’re on florida’s registry, it is currently a 25 yr wait (probationary period) and very difficult to get off of it even after the 25 yrs. Depending on the offense it is a lifetime on the registry.

    • March 2, 2022

      Even if you had a related offense in another state, and have been removed from the registry in that state, you will still be required to register in Florida and it is for lifetime. Also, Florida has an indexed registry which ensures that whenever your name is ‘googled’ the Florida registry link will likely appear first.

      • March 2, 2022

        Thanks I spoke to a Lawyer today from Florida wich is on this Page he stated that he will try to help me to file a petition for removal
        even if i’m out of state he stated a few things wich I was not aware off,But I’m looking forward to,he stated he has clients with similar situations I think nothing is impossible we just have to keep trying
        what you have to loose they have laws were you can in fact petition for removal once your done with registry in your state and want to move out of state.But I would not set foot in florida unless I know I have no duty to register anymore and thats what I’m working on as we speak.
        Thank you for your comment

      • March 2, 2022

        FAC #4…Correct..Everyone Needs to Know This…I thought everyone knew of these Draconian Measures!

        • March 2, 2022


          Florida’s registration laws give draconian a run for its definition. Currently the Florida registration laws are definitely scorched earth for those trying to move forward in life either as a Florida resident, Florida visitor, and former Floridians. Even if one could get off the registry what will stop the legislators from entrapping one again just for the federal grant money.

          • March 3, 2022

            …Mine Occurred in Flori-Duh…Got A 10 Yr SO Probation Sentence (Knew Nothing About SO Probation, Registration, Etc); Then Was Technically Violated 3 Times; Then was sent to Florida State Prison for 26.5 Months; After 28 Days, After I was released from the State’s Free Vacation, I, Re-Located From Flori-DUH, Leaving Family Members Behind Because of the Draconian Laws…

            My Family Has No Clue About These Laws; When I Tell Them Everything, They Tell Me That I am Lying to Them: Like, Registration For Life in Florida…It Is So Bizarre!

            So, For Me, 71 Hours Per Annum in Florida-DUH, ONLY FOR ME!

    • March 2, 2022


      I’d highly recommend not relocating to Florida especially if you are off the registry. Not here to scare you; however Florida’s registration laws are no joke and if you did move to Florida you’d be back at square one except with lifetime consequences. Have your Florida relatives visit you and get them involved in FAC. Florida’s laws may be the worse, but with unity we can create meaningful change. Won’t happen overnight and with many heads together anything is possible.

      • March 2, 2022

        Is bad I know I read alot on it us and evil empire👎

        • March 3, 2022


          I wouldn’t be getting too enthusiastic about Florida. Come for the sunshine, stay for the oppression. Oh and, the manatees here have more rights than we ever will.

          • March 3, 2022


            I wouldn’t step foot in Florida if my life depended on it. Registrants and supporters in Florida need to have a spine, conviction, and never back away from their government gets away with. FAC can only do so much, but it takes people who are willing to show up, stand up and speak out. Now isn’t the time to be offended by not doing Jack shit, it’s a time to stop being afraid.

    • March 2, 2022

      Luis, You will be living in the woods or under a bridge, scratching your body with mosquito bites.
      And if and when you leave Fla, your name and address in the woods will be on the registry for the rest of your life,, OOPs i mean even after your dead.

      • March 2, 2022

        Cruel World đŸ˜©

  • March 2, 2022

    I have noticed that a little bit of incongruency between people wanting to classify any form of prostitution as “human trafficking” yet in the next sentence talk about the rights of “sex workers.” But that’s not unusual. Trouble with their terminology Regarding a lot of sensitive subjects.


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