Victims advocate lawmakers to force convicted peeping suspects onto sex offender registry
Kansas Senate Bill 385 would require people convicted of certain breach of privacy offenses, like peeping, to register as a sex offender.
Kansas Senate Bill 385 would require people convicted of certain breach of privacy offenses, like peeping, to register as a sex offender.
But still no registry for people convicted of DUI, murder, armed robbery? I guess someone who peeps into a window is more of a public threat than someone selling drugs near school property or someone getting into a car and driving recklessly after spending 6 hours in a bar.
According to FAC, there is a Murderer registry in Florida, but not sure it is made public because I have never been able to find it. Why do someone who kills someone get to keep their crime private but we have to parade around with ours on the registry, on nextdoor, on booking sites etc. And some of these sites make money off of our downfall.
Kansas has drug and violent offender registries. Kansas and Montana are the two states that have the biggest registries for non-sex offenders. (Although the non-sex registrants in Kansas and Montana at least have the option of moving to another state where they can live in peace.)
I hate to say this, but, it may have to come to that for the bubble bursts. If every crime eventually has a registry and then expands to bad neighbor registry, bad pet registries, fired teacher registries, Bad cop registries etc., some judge it going to have to finally admit these are a form of ostracism.
In fact, it may come to so many people on registries of all sorts, that those NOT on a registry will be put on a list of “Not on any registry”, registry. Sounds wacko but, what we are living every waking day is for sure wacko and a few other choice words I dare not type.
A day will come when a man goes outside in just a swim suit and someone is offended and he has to register as an offender, well because he “Offended” someone. Good Lord what has happened to society?
Yes peeping Tom’s (No offense to anyone named Tom) are sort of creepy and yes it can lead to something worse. Having said that, why should someone who looked in a window be put on the same level as someone who who molested a child?
It is like trying to compare someone stealing a candy bar at 7-11 to someone who robs a walmart at gunpoint.
Presumably this is already the law in FL, no?
Running a red light is a sex offence in Florida punishable by life on the non punitive registry. All sarcasm implied.
I looked up the law and for running a light as a sex offender to be a crime, you have to be fleeing from the madness for it to be a felony. No sarcasm implied. Sad we have to joke about our situations to keep us from giving up hope. :(…..
Humor (or in my case sarcasm) is one of the few coping mechanisms I’m allowed on RC probation. For now anyway…My drug of choice is my box set of Robin Williams HBO standup comedy specials. I wish he were still here to offer commentary on today’s world.
Every time I see a celebrity I like pass away, It reminds me I am getting old. I got a survey in my email a few weeks back. It asked you how familiar you were with each of the 25 celebrities listed. Each screen had a different “Celeb”. Out of the 25 I only recognized 2 out of the 25 by name or photo.
That may be due to the fact I do not have paid tv and a lot of actors are not on the free channels like ABC, NBC, CBS or Fox.
I will say, my favorite Robin Williams movie was the “Dead poets society”.
Whenever I see a post about different crazy laws, bills and votes, I’m reminded of Robin Williams’ joke that people in Congress should have to wear jackets like Nascar with all their sponsors’ names on them so we know why they voted the way they did.
If the Population knew all of the politicians “Secrets” a large majority of them would be gone in a week, most likely.
The good book states
Luke 8:17
“For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”