Derek Logue’s Courage and the Vendetta against him for Speaking Out

(Weekly Update #187)

Dear Members and Advocates,

This is a story I’ve waited years to tell. I wasn’t able to write about it while his case was pending, but now I am free to. Sadly, it’s a true story and it’s a cautionary tale of how far someone will go to shut down an advocate for our cause.

Chapter 1.

A few years ago, I got a call from a lawyer in New York who is a prominent anti-registry activist. I couldn’t immediately take the call because I was busy at work. Just a few minutes later I got another call from a lawyer in California who is active in our cause, which I also couldn’t take. Then, a few minutes after, I got another call from an advocate in another state… All of these people I speak with pretty regularly, but it was unusual to get back-to-back calls from each in a matter of minutes. I suspected that something was going on in the advocacy world, so I called one of them back. The long and short was that Derek Logue had been arrested, the charge had something to do with South Florida, and since I’m the guy down here, was there something I could do to look into it?

Derek Logue arrested? What?!? For those of you who don’t know who Derek is, Derek is somewhat of a lone wolf in the advocacy world. He’s not affiliated with any state or national group, but through his website,, he has been a very vocal opponent of registration laws for far more than a decade and he’s been willing to use his own name and identity as the poster child for the anti-registry movement. Sometimes even appearing on national news channels speaking out in our defense. Some might consider him to be “outspoken”, some might consider the description “outspoken” to be kind for obnoxious, but I’ve always had a respect for Derek because he’s had the courage to do something I never was brave enough to do, and that is putting himself out there.

The incredible thing is that when I heard Derek had been arrested, the last possibility that came to my mind was that he was arrested for a sexual offense. I thought, ‘oh man, did he take his criticism of a politician too far? Did he open his mouth again?’ The farthest thing in my mind was that his arrest had something to do with anything sexual. I just figured Derek was being Derek and pissed off the wrong person. It certainly would not have been the first time.

The details were vague, but apparently someone had stolen user manuals from a car dealership in Miami, and somehow, some way, Derek, of all people, was the suspect.

Over the course of the next week, Derek spent his days in what he later described as a dog catcher’s van as they transported him from Ohio to Ft. Lauderdale. When he finally arrived in Broward County, the details emerged. According to the probable cause affidavit, “Derek” had somehow broken into a bunch of cars on the lot of a Lexus dealership and stole the owner’s manuals, before fleeing in a car. Then, apparently, some random detective in Palm Beach County recognized Derek, of all people, from the surveillance cameras.

WTF?!? So let me get this straight… Derek Logue apparently hopped on a plane for Miami, so he can steal owners manuals out of cars, drove off without having a driver’s license to even rent a car, and then high-tailed it back to Ohio? In the meantime police thought this was a horrible enough crime to put out a BOLO and then, a random detective two counties north happen to recognize Derek from Ohio as the perpetrator? Not only that, but the county was so incensed about these stolen booklets that they extradited the poor schmuck from Ohio to face charges?!?!

The whole thing seemed too ridiculous to be true, but here was a fellow advocate in the Broward County Jail and we needed to get him out. But how? See, without any ties to South Florida, no real estate or assets to collateralize, he just wasn’t going to make bond. Well that wasn’t good. I called a local attorney who has been good to FAC and a few friends of Derek from up north who pitched in some money for the bond premium and between a lot of scraping and a lot of people vouching, we were able to arrange for Derek to get bailed out.

Chapter 2.

On March 28, 2019, I found myself waiting outside the entrance to the Broward County Jail for Derek to emerge. It had been a few hours since the bail bondsman assured us his paperwork was submitted and his release seemed to be taking longer than usual. Eventually, out he came. Derek looked just about as good as someone who had spent two weeks shackled on an unwanted road trip could look. He didn’t want to spend one more second in the state of Florida than he had to, but the Greyhound bus that some friends arranged for him didn’t leave for a few hours and we had time to kill.

It was just enough time to stop off at the office of the attorney that generously agreed to represent him, then a quick stop at Target so he could pick up some clothes and get out of what he had been wearing for almost two weeks already, and finally we stopped at a Mexican place to grab a quick bite and try and make sense of what was going on. Derek was as you would imagine anyone who was arrested for something he had nothing to do with would be… totally dumbfounded. And one of the biggest kicks in the crotch was that before they allowed him to leave the jail, they forced him to register in Florida! It was good to see him, but not under those circumstances.

I’ve not always agreed with Derek and very often I thought his tactics did more harm than good, but as I sat across the table from him eating our fast food Mexican, I couldn’t help but feel a kinship with him. First, I knew for sure that he had nothing to do with this crime. Second, I couldn’t help but think that whoever was behind this had targeted Derek because of his outspoken advocacy. And finally, I realized that if not for the network of registrants and advocates that stepped up to bail out a “brother” on the registry, this guy would still be sitting in jail until his trial date, which could be who knows when. It can be any of us at any time and we need to be here for each other.

I called my wife shortly after dropping Derek off at the Greyhound station. She had heard me franticly trying to make bond arrangements all morning and then saw me run out the door so I could be there for him when he was released. “So what happened?” she asked. All I could respond was, “I have no idea!” And nobody did.

Chapter 3.

Months passed before the state turned over the surveillance images from the dealership. As part of the team that was helping him with this case, Derek shared them with me. It was laughable! It’s as if whoever orchestrated this had done a casting call for dark haired chubby guys and picked the one that least looked like Derek. It was clearly not him. It wasn’t even close! It’s not as if I had any reason to believe he was behind this to begin with, but after seeing this image there was absolutely no question in my mind, and there should have been absolutely no question in the mind of anyone prosecuting this. Yet, inexplicably, the case proceeded.

More months passed and the State wasn’t dropping the case. Derek had already provided credit card receipts showing purchases in Ohio at the time of the alleged theft. Friends and his roommate provided affidavits that they saw him up there during this time. It would have been very easy to pull flight manifests to show that he didn’t travel down to Florida during that time. Or, most obviously, someone could have just looked at the picture and they would have realized in a second it was not him. But for whatever reason, the state was not dropping the charges. Someone really had it out for this guy.

Chapter 4.

Last Thursday the State of Florida agreed to drop the charges against Derek Logue. Without so much as an explanation or an apology, this three year saga is over. For his involuntary trip down here and the “three or more days” that he spent in a Florida jail, he appears on the Florida registry for life, as a souvenir of the ordeal.

A few months after this first happened, Derek started stepping back from advocacy. It’s as if the ordeal had scared him off. And who can blame him? Anyone would have been traumatized. For a while he even considered letting his site go. But thankfully that didn’t happen. Every time I see Derek post a comment on our site, I’m comforted to know he’s still in the game. He might have been bruised, but he’s not broken. I hope that now that this chapter is over he will be coming back with a vengeance.

I also really hope this will not be the last chapter in this story. I hope that Derek starts turning over stones and finding out who is responsible for this. And then I hope he sues the crap out of them! I’m sure that whoever was behind this didn’t count on anybody stepping up for Derek. They probably figured he would be stuck in a Florida Jail for months – or years, unable to make bail, and eventually would just take a plea to finally see daylight. Well that didn’t happen!

Friends, we are all in this together. Though we may not always be aligned, we are all victims of the registry and as advocates, we all face a very harsh backlash. But, we are growing in numbers and we are growing in strength and when all hell breaks lose we have proven that we can be here for each other and get through it.

We are all extremely relieved that this ordeal is over, but at the same time very reminded of how ruthless some out there can be when trying to shut down someone with a voice they don’t want others to listen to. The last chapter in this story remains to be written. For Derek and the other advocates who put themselves on the front lines, let’s all be there to help them write it!


The Florida Action Committee.


TONIGHT – Monday January 17 at 7pm – Fearless Group meeting.  Peer-led Support group – You are Not Alone. Dial (727) 731-2927 to join the Fearless Group and the peer leaders Daphne and Don.  For more information about the support group, contact or call 321-754-0446, or see Fearless Group Post

Saturday, January 22nd– Legislative Committee meeting in Palm Beach (or attend via Zoom) from 10am-Noon.  Discuss pending bills, tracking bills, FL House and Senate committees, and how to communicate Call-to-Action alerts.  In-Person meeting in Palm Beach (seating is limited) or join by Zoom.  For location or Zoom link, RSVP to or call 833-273-7325, Option 1.  Provide your name and the number attending.  A County Coordinator will call you with location or email the Zoom link.

Saturday, February 5th – Central FL Meet and Greet in Apopka (Orange County) Noon-3:00pm.  Get ready to address and stuff envelopes for letter campaign to local leaders and representatives.  Meet other members and enjoy light refreshments as we work.  RSVP to or call 833-273-7325, Option 1.  Provide your name and the number attending.  A County Coordinator will call you with location and details.

Saturday, February 26th – Broward FAC Meet and Greet in the Hollywood from 11am – 2:pm.  Light Refreshments and special guest speaker.  RSVP to or call 833-273-7325, Option 1.  Provide your name and the number attending.  One of the Broward County Coordinators will call you with location and details.

Need to Talk? FAC has peer volunteers that are here to talk one-on-one, call 904-452-8322.  Volunteers are not available 24/7 but you will receive a call as soon as possible.  If you have an emergency, call 911, or helpline at 1-800-273-8255 or a crisis center (Listing of Crisis Centers and Hotlines)



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27 thoughts on “Derek Logue’s Courage and the Vendetta against him for Speaking Out

  • January 17, 2022

    I’d had a similar incident, though not quite as dramatic nor lengthy. While on probation, I’d had a PO that was just out to get me. Drug tests every time I walked in. He’d call me for random drug tests. He’d show the results to other POs who would just shrug them off as bs. He would show up at all hours and toss my place. I got sick of it and absconded. For two years. Freedom was awesome, but I had to return if I was ever going to have a normal life. Called my attorney and she advised me how to proceed. When I got to booking, I somehow had an attempted kidnapping charge. Some kid apparently didn’t want to go to school on Halloween that year and claimed I had tried to pick her up and then chased her. Well, good thing I’d had a job and several people vouching for my whereabouts in another state that day. Including a timecard. Needless to say all charges were dropped nolle prosequi with prejudice. If I hadn’t had an attorney in retainer at that moment, I shudder to think where I’d be right now.

  • January 17, 2022

    My goodness gracious. My heart goes out to Derek! Florida is just evil.

  • January 17, 2022

    Thank You for this report on Derek. Helps us all to further know for a fact we are on the right side of this battle.
    I read a couple other articles and video,today I found of interest . One of a woman who during a race at a race track in California. She was excited and probably drinking as everyone else was and flashed the crowd. All the guys and some of the gals were cheering her on. Except on woman that started screaming and yelling and cursing the woman and rushing toward her. Saying there are children here , with fists drawn tried to get to her with murder in her eyes. The guys around wouldn’t let her get too close and started throwing beer on her.
    This just goes to show how irrational some people are about the subject that shouldn’t have been a big deal. The problem is this is the kind of people that we are allowing to dictate legislation. No wonder we have the registry and all kinds of illogical legislation, when you let the craziest of people determine laws.
    There were some in the crowd that were removed from the audience but no criminal charges were filed against anyone. Some places would have filed charges and been put on the registry for life.
    Just depends on where you are.
    I also read a biography write up of Cher. Come to find out she was 16 when she moved in with Sonny. She didn’t get along with her mother and had not Sonny taken her in , no telling how she would have ended up. They loved each other and tried the best they could to do what was best together. Though there marriage only lasted about 10 years , she certainly has no regrets.Just because someone doesn’t do as you think you would doesn’t make it wrong.
    Today he would end up on the registry for the rest of his life if he were still alive. Some would try to dig up his bones and put him on it.
    Derek if you are reading this , Don’t give up!,,

  • January 17, 2022

    Trust me, the Books were a part of this chain events to attempt to destroy my life. I simply do not know how big of a role they played, but they played a role nontheless.

    But the Books are not the only ones who need to compensate me for the damage they caused me.

    Thanks to Jamie Benjamin, Ronnie, Bill, and the others who helped put my defense together. We need to remember there used to be this thing called “innocent until proven guilty” and remind others in this country this concept still exists.

    • January 17, 2022

      Derek, I hope you find a competent attorney willing to take your case and sue them to hell. The police officer who executed your probable cause affidavit may have committed perjury, and there is no immunity for that. Since you don’t reside in Florida, you can sue them in Federal court, where you might find a more neutral forum.

      And I’m glad this case is over for you. It has to be some relief.

    • January 18, 2022

      How is it that they forced you to register?

      I’ve asked twice now and no one has explained this. The offense had nothing to do with a sex crime. Stealing owner’s manuals can’t be much of a crime. You would think law enforcement have better things to use their resources on.

      • January 18, 2022

        You don’t need to even commit a new crime to trigger a registration requirement in Florida. People visit Florida for vacation and have to register.

      • January 18, 2022

        Robert, I replied to your question the first time you asked, above. He did not register over the owners manuals. He registered for residing in Florida (in jail) while having a past (out of state) registrable offense on his record.

  • January 17, 2022

    That is a scary story and so ridiculous at the same time. What I don’t understand is why was he put on the sex offender registry for ‘stealing ‘car owner’s manuals? It had nothing to do with anything sexual

    It seems it wouldn’t be more than a misdemeanor.

    • January 17, 2022

      To clarify, Derek was forced to register for “residing” in a fine FL jail while registered in another state for an older conviction.

  • January 17, 2022

    Obviously the work of Lauren Book. Even if they couldn’t prosecute the case, they got him to register which was probably the only outcome they wanted anyway.

  • January 17, 2022

    Sounds like a clear case of harassment.

    Classic ploy of arresting an innocent individual knowing that they will have to prove themselves innocent (at their own expense) rather than the other way around since they have had a prior and totally unrelated incident to become caught in the nightmare alternative reality of the damn SOR!

    I would suspect immediately Lauren Book as being behind this blatant abuse of power.

  • January 17, 2022

    Glad to see that ordeal is over for you Mr. Logue. Through endurance we conquer. Live well.

  • January 17, 2022

    No one has answered why he was required to register for an offense, even if bogus, that wasn’t a sexual offense?

    • January 18, 2022

      Because he was present in Florida.

    • January 18, 2022

      I answered. He had to register for residing in a FL jail while having a past registerable offense on his record.

    • January 18, 2022


      He was in a Florida jail for two weeks, which resulted in being in the state more than 3 days. Now he’s on the registry for life due to a crime he never committed and just because he’s in a certain families crosshairs. Something is definitely fishy and stinks like a crook.

      • January 18, 2022

        No, I arrived at the Browrd Co jail on a Saturday, on Sunday I got bond, by Monday, bond was posted, they detained me an additional 24 just to make me register. They even lied to my girlfriend and attorney and said the veteran bail bondsman somehow fudgeed the paperwork, to which the bail bondsman was livid.

        FloriDUH held me an extra day just so I’d be required to register!

  • January 18, 2022

    A few years ago Derek shared those surveillance photos of the guy supposedly to be Derek. My first thought was WTF! No way that was Derek. A special thanks to the one that wrote this update. Without you, who knows what would have happened.
    Looking forward to chapter 5!

  • January 18, 2022

    I still think it’s stupid to force Derek to register in Florida even though he was innocent; he only “went” to FL because they detained and transported him there…for a non-sex crime.
    Besides getting removed from the FL registry, they should compensate him for illegal detainment, legal, and travel expenses. Perhaps a lawsuit is in the works?

  • January 18, 2022

    This is not an isolated case! Felony stalking charges were filed in WI for IL man on IL registry. No police or any other person ever witnessed the stalking. In fact, the registrant lived with a housemate who could attest he was with her. The only evidence is the testimony of the man who is sharing a home with the registrant’s wife. That man claims registrant was seen by him as he recognized his car parked two blocks away. He knew it was his car despite license plate and color of car not being the same. He also claimed there were phone calls from the registrant, yet he was not able to provide any phone records, voicemails or dates of these calls. Additionally, the US Supreme Court will soon hear of the case of Greg Rollins who is currently serving a 3-year sentence in IL prison as the only person ever charged with “photography of a minor by a RSO”. After getting permission from everyone at a public paint-ball venue for using a go-pro camera, on his way out to play Airsoft games with his friends, a father and his 15 and 17 year old sons were signing waivers at the front desk and Greg’s camera caught the father and two son’s at the desk in this public venue signing these waivers. That is the crime!

  • January 18, 2022

    Why would anyone think Derek came to Florida just to steal car manuals from a dealership? Only time Derek has gone to Florida was for the Rally in Tally and made sure he wasn’t there long. Whomever is behind his arrest needs to be the ones in jail or prison for trying to destroy his life. Florida needs to financially compensate him pronto.

    • January 19, 2022

      The bad news for me is that I can’t get compensation from the state for false imprisonment because of a Florida law that prohibits such compensation when the falsely accused has a felony record.

      But now that this chapter has ended, I’m eager to take the next step. Since I’m a victim here, I want my turn at JUSTICE.

  • January 18, 2022

    The challenge with “he should sue” is knowing whom to sue, isn’t it?

    The Books, or whomever, have done an excellent job of concealing their role.

    Sue whom, for doing what, specifically?

    Sue the state for bringing charges, extraditing, and then dropping charges? They do all three of those things as a matter of routine, right? It’s only the combination of the three that is unusual.

    With luck, a lawyer can point where I’m wrong and how in fact there are grounds for a meritorious suit.

    • January 18, 2022

      St the least, the Margate PD and “Inspector Gadget” as I call him should be sued because they intentionally decided to pin it on me. I don’t say this lightly but there’s just too many details to cover at this time.

    • January 18, 2022

      Yes Jacob, You Are Correct!

      However, It is Really a Legal Chess Match Because, In My Dumb Opinion, There are So Many Involved; That ‘They’ Will Cover Up Each Other, and The Real Truths Will Never Ever Get Exposed!

      ‘They’ All Drink the Same COOOOL-AID and Watch Each ‘Others’ Backs!

      It is One of The Biggest Schemes, That I Have Ever Heard Of…It is Almost Incomprehensible! It is Beyond Ludicrous! It is Something That Adult People Conspired To Do, Against Another Adult, Which is Beyond All Reproach and So Illegal, That, Well…….Hummmmm?!?!?

      All I Can Say is That, ‘Those’ That Did This to HIM, Will Be Dealt With and Judged Ultimately at The Gates of Saint Peter!

      This is ATROCIOUS!

  • January 19, 2022

    A buddy of mine had to do the “dog catcher’s van” ride from Michigan. Three days in a prison bus, no a/c, shackled except for bathroom and meal breaks, and now he’s stuck here for probation, across the country from his family. The dehumanization of RCs is overwhelming.


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