Ocala man torches neighbor’s home because of rumor victim was a pedophile, police say

Ocala police arrested a man Monday who they believe started a fire that damaged a mobile home in early December.

Kenneth Bryant, 42, was arrested at Wagon Wheel Mobile Home Park. According to the arrest report, Bryant told police he couldn’t remember the incident because he was too intoxicated but said he was not fond of the victim because of rumors that the man was a child molester.

Police said the victim of the arson said he believed his neighbor, Bryant, started the fire. Officers could not find Bryant at the scene of the time of the fire, but another neighbor they questioned said the accused arsonist had said he wanted to set the victim’s house on fire, claiming the victim is a “pedophile.”


33 thoughts on “Ocala man torches neighbor’s home because of rumor victim was a pedophile, police say

  • December 14, 2021 at 6:21 pm

    So setting a person’s house on fire over a rumor and it’s not punishment. I have a donkey farm overseas for those who want to be an a**!!

    • December 14, 2021 at 7:18 pm

      What’s not punishment? It says the guy’s in jail.

      • December 15, 2021 at 7:37 am

        Jacob you misunderstood. he wasn’t saying the accused arsonist didn’t get punished . they were elluding to the fact they say the registry is not punishment yet every moron who wants to think they are a super hero can go on to find one of us to her ass or kill

        • December 15, 2021 at 9:17 am

          And according to FAC, you remain on the registry in Florida even if you die (See past post by FAC for citation).
          So the victim’s family will still be harassed, although since the house burned down, there is not much of an address to verify.

          • December 16, 2021 at 7:55 am

            After I pass do my ashes have to tell Florida where they are scattered? My ashes wont even be anywhere near Florida. I’ll spend them a message to kiss my ashes and that they don’t belong to Florida!!

          • December 16, 2021 at 9:28 am


            Yes, in fact if the ashes are spread in more than one place and it is not reported, your entire family has to work on the chain gang for a year. (Sarcasm)
            We laugh but we all know, how they are treating us is not a laughing matter. We keep being told “Well then you shouldn’t have committed a sex offense”. Well maybe they should obey the law and not retro actively apply laws to people who have completed their sentences and already paid for what they did (or were accused of doing in some cases).

          • December 16, 2021 at 12:43 pm


            Actually my ashes will be spread over a former girlfriend and what would of been our kid on family property back home. I may have to change over to near, yet it is what it is.

          • December 16, 2021 at 12:12 pm

            Why not leave while you are still alive?

          • December 16, 2021 at 12:14 pm

            I have worked diligently over the years to ensure my family will have an easy time when I am dying and die (e.g. have an Advance Directive for health care, a will, trusts established, etc.). I have included plans to deal with the Oppression Lists. It has been very basic so far but I’ve considered a lot more.

            My family knows that I don’t allow law enforcement (LE) to get near them or speak to them. They know I don’t want that. They know LE is dangerous. They know that after I die that I do not want them to interact with LE on my behalf in any way. They can verbally tell them I died, but do nothing else. I’ve considered tying that to financial and other incentives/rewards, but I don’t think that’s necessary. But there will be plenty of money around for them to hire attorneys to tell the criminal regimes to go F themselves as often as needed, for as long as needed. I have ensured that and I’ve worked closely with those attorneys for a long time. They know exactly what I want and agree with it vehemently. They are not fans of the Oppression.

            Other than that, I have considered disappearing completely not long before I die. A terminal illness might help that decision. It would just be nice to leave this world in a way that costs the criminal regimes (and hopefully also some of their terrorist supporters) piles and piles and piles of resources. Real costs in actual reality. Not Registry Fantasyland, but reality. Maybe Floriduh can list me as “absconded” for a decade after I’m dead, lol? Works for me.

        • December 15, 2021 at 11:21 am


          That’s the worst thing we are on a list that’s supposed to be non punitive, yet anybody can look you up to assault; kill, or burn your house down. A true hero may not like someone, but never engages in violence.

          • December 16, 2021 at 12:18 pm

            I mean, it’s obvious to anyone with a brain that anyone who does this is not a hero. The only “people” who say otherwise are just scumbags. You can’t really care what the “people” who support the Oppression Lists say. Their “opinions” aren’t worth a puddle of piss. They are nothing more than walking garbage. Most are not even close to moral or fit enough to judge anyone else. I’ve seen that in detail and in person many, many times. Anecdotal evidence, sure, but I’m confident it applies to 90+% of them.

          • December 16, 2021 at 8:09 pm


            What is odd, it is almost never the victim that does anything. Usually some random person whose looking for a thrill kill or a neighbor who wants you gone. I tried to tell one lady “Lady, my crime was before you were even born and I am old enough to be your Dad.” And I have had no incidents before or after what I was arrested for.
            The fact is, they could care less about the facts. And what happens when they force one of us out and an Ex murderer moves in, or an arsonist? Or even one of those Jerks that plays music really loud every night at 3am? be careful what they wish for.

          • December 19, 2021 at 9:36 am


            When I think of Heroes and things done to them, I think of when Jesus was crucified. Anyone who is a believer knows He had the power to walk away without any harm, and yet for the pathetic humans who rejected Him, He died to forgive their/our sins.

            And for those who believe He was just a man who was a teacher and prophet, even if that was so, for someone to be crucified for teaching their beliefs should be unheard of in todays times. But look at the middle east, North Korea, Russia and back in the day, Germany. In many countries if you believe in anything other than what they force you to, the penalty can be death.
            Each time someone on the registry dies because of the registry, I count them as our heroes. None of us applaud what they were accused of, but it took many of us being treated wrongly ourselves to have our eyes opened to the injustice, in the so called justice system.
            Sadly, when one dies by violence because of the registry, rarely are changes in our favor followed by actions for the better. Instead tougher rules, laws, ordinances,rules and codes are written into law.

      • December 15, 2021 at 8:47 am


        Sorry I meant others believe the registry isn’t punishment, so he was doing the community a favor. I’m glad he’s in jail and hope he’s held accountable for his arsonist ways.

    • December 14, 2021 at 7:35 pm


      Not sure how long you have been on this site, but earlier in the year a man who was on the registry was shot and killed in his driveway because the neighbor thought he was washing his car too long so he could check out the kids in the neighborhood.
      If he had not been on the registry, even with his horrible charges, he would still be alive. If he was that bad of a person, then it would have eventually caught up with him. AND the person who killed him had NO connection to the guys victim. Just some guy who wanted fame but now is in prison himself.

        • December 15, 2021 at 9:13 am

          Just sayin

          As former law enforcement myself, the agent will probably get a transfer and a promotion. They will cover it up and say it was an International sting cooperation operation overseas. Oh and the promotion comes with a pay increase and free STD testing for life.

      • December 15, 2021 at 8:12 am


        Are you talking about what happened in Omaha, Nebraska? It hit close to home. I called Don Klaine, Douglas County DA, telling him the murderer needs to be held accountable or more blood will be on his office’s hands. They screwed up the Nikko Jenkins’ case, so I reminded him. I continued to put pressure on him throughout the case. Grateful the murderer is in prison and won’t be getting out anytime soon. If Nebraska wants to play games, I’ll be a thorn in their side, otherwise it’s Let’s Go Huskers and Go Big Red!!

  • December 14, 2021 at 6:25 pm

    Well at least the guy had one good neighbor, they stated they overheard the guy saying he wanted to torch the guys house. If the other neighbor was a jerk, they could have kept quiet being glad they got rid of a “Creep”.
    I have one or two neighbors who don’t give me crap. On the other end some stare EVERY single time they pass my house as if eventually they will see me standing naked on the porch pleasuring myself. Or maybe they will catch a glimpse inside the house and see all the kidnap victims tied up along the walls.
    I almost am tempted to just go ahead and Moon them but that would be the end of old Jack LOL
    If I can ever get removed from the registry, they won’t know what to do with themselves when they can’t find me on there anymore.

  • December 14, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    Good on ClickOrlando for not naming the victim, given the circumstances.

    • December 15, 2021 at 1:39 pm

      Not so fast. The victim was probably not a registrant. If he were, I’d bet they’d have no problem naming him and lionizing his attacker.

  • December 15, 2021 at 12:58 am

    I’d say sue him as well, but I think all he could potentially win from this guy are empty beer bottles and used heroin needles. Politicians should be confronted with this directly. This is the kind of person that uses the registry. Are they proud to have him as their constituent?

    • December 15, 2021 at 7:43 am


      If he has antique beer or liquor bottles you might get some money; however not enough to cover damages. I’ll go out on a limb and say, politicians are proud of his service. If politicians never made sex offenses a hot potato none of this would be an issue. Politicians of both sides need to be held accountable and take responsibility for their actions. Past generations handed this better than today’s society.

  • December 15, 2021 at 9:20 am


    Believe it or not, since I have been on the FAC site, there have been several post of murders to registered persons around the country. So without digging back into pages of past post, I am not sure it is who you are talking about. But I know the guy was supposedly just washing his car in the driveway when killed. And the killed bragged about it saying he was doing the neighbors a favor.

    • December 15, 2021 at 9:22 am

      Oops, The killer bragged

    • December 15, 2021 at 2:27 pm


      Even though I’ve checked out FAC since 2014, maybe 2015 I don’t remember all the posts of registrants being murdered. Honestly I go numb every time I see this continues in our country .it makes me what natural causes to take me; however if someone tries to harm me, I’ll hit them with a wine bottle and if they continue they’ll be ripping shards of glass off themselves. .

      • December 15, 2021 at 4:16 pm


        I hope the bottle is empty when you hit them, we wouldn’t want to waste perfectly good wine or some worthless antagonizer.

  • December 16, 2021 at 2:00 pm

    This is exactly why I’m considering not seeing the new Spider-Man movie. The whole thing revolves around him being a victim of doxxing, which is a real threat, especially among RCs. I rewatched the last one and the end credit scene triggered my anxiety and PTSD something fierce. People who think they are doing society a favor by going after people who are just trying to live their lives is really messed up.

  • December 16, 2021 at 7:53 pm

    As and as far as the “vigilaties” using the registry. This is the governments preventative response to it.
    Any person who uses information contained in or accessed through this Website to threaten, intimidate, or harass any individual, including registrants or family members, or who otherwise misuses this information may be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability under federal and/or state law.

    MAY be subject to……may

    • December 17, 2021 at 9:23 am


      “MAY be subject to……may”

      Fun fact, (Ok probably made up) The MAY is Aunt May, she is the Auntie of the director of the Florida Department of Law enforcement. She guides them with advice and when someone on the registry gets killed, they call aunt May. Depending on her mood she might let the killer go, have them over for lunch, give them a job or a trophy. Aunt May loves EVERYONE, well except those that must not be mentioned. Hint Hint, us.

      • December 17, 2021 at 10:23 am

        I used the “may” to my advantage once I was pulled over for speeding although I tried to point out that the cars passing me had to have been going faster then me but anyway it was in a construction zone there were no workers present the sign said penaltys “may” be doubled. The officer said he wasn’t going to hit me with the double penalty since there were no workers and he knew I was not the fastest moving car. When I went to pay the ticket they automatically doubled it I argued and was told if it was a construction or a school or other designated zone the penalty automatically was double I had a picture of the sign went thru 3 levals of supervisor before finally being told I was right the word ” may ” means its discretionary there for as the officer decided he was not writing it as a double penalty it should not be. Side note the next time I went thru there there was a new sign it said penalty’s ” will” be doubled !!

        • December 17, 2021 at 12:50 pm


          Oh thanks, now my fine will be double because of you LOL

          Yeah because of my past Law enforcement years, I either know what to say and do to not get a ticket. And the times I did, I was not afraid of going before a judge to get it dismissed. Many judges will throw out the ticket of the officer doesn’t show up for court. So many tickets are written that the cops don’t show up unless there was something like an accident involved.

          My last ticket was probably 9 years ago. I was not expecting the other driver I hit (He pulled out in front of me but I got the ticket) The judge was not having it and wanted to throw the book at me.

          I did not realize the other driver was in the courtroom. He got called up and stated that my insurance (Again even though he pulled out in front of me) paid his claim. He said he was not hurt and that he didn’t mind having my ticket tossed since his vehicle was repaired by my insurance.
          Since I got the ticket tossed, my insurance did not go up. Another funny thing was, I was dressed so nicely in a suit and tie, the judge thought I was an attorney representing a client lol
          (Maybe I should have stayed and represented others in their cases HAHA) I do have an associates degree in Criminal justice.


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