Ocala man torches neighbor’s home because of rumor victim was a pedophile, police say

Ocala police arrested a man Monday who they believe started a fire that damaged a mobile home in early December.

Kenneth Bryant, 42, was arrested at Wagon Wheel Mobile Home Park. According to the arrest report, Bryant told police he couldn’t remember the incident because he was too intoxicated but said he was not fond of the victim because of rumors that the man was a child molester.

Police said the victim of the arson said he believed his neighbor, Bryant, started the fire. Officers could not find Bryant at the scene of the time of the fire, but another neighbor they questioned said the accused arsonist had said he wanted to set the victim’s house on fire, claiming the victim is a “pedophile.”


33 thoughts on “Ocala man torches neighbor’s home because of rumor victim was a pedophile, police say

  • December 16, 2021

    As and as far as the “vigilaties” using the registry. This is the governments preventative response to it.
    Any person who uses information contained in or accessed through this Website to threaten, intimidate, or harass any individual, including registrants or family members, or who otherwise misuses this information may be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability under federal and/or state law.

    MAY be subject to……may

    • December 17, 2021


      “MAY be subject to……may”

      Fun fact, (Ok probably made up) The MAY is Aunt May, she is the Auntie of the director of the Florida Department of Law enforcement. She guides them with advice and when someone on the registry gets killed, they call aunt May. Depending on her mood she might let the killer go, have them over for lunch, give them a job or a trophy. Aunt May loves EVERYONE, well except those that must not be mentioned. Hint Hint, us.

      • December 17, 2021

        I used the “may” to my advantage once I was pulled over for speeding although I tried to point out that the cars passing me had to have been going faster then me but anyway it was in a construction zone there were no workers present the sign said penaltys “may” be doubled. The officer said he wasn’t going to hit me with the double penalty since there were no workers and he knew I was not the fastest moving car. When I went to pay the ticket they automatically doubled it I argued and was told if it was a construction or a school or other designated zone the penalty automatically was double I had a picture of the sign went thru 3 levals of supervisor before finally being told I was right the word ” may ” means its discretionary there for as the officer decided he was not writing it as a double penalty it should not be. Side note the next time I went thru there there was a new sign it said penalty’s ” will” be doubled !!

        • December 17, 2021


          Oh thanks, now my fine will be double because of you LOL

          Yeah because of my past Law enforcement years, I either know what to say and do to not get a ticket. And the times I did, I was not afraid of going before a judge to get it dismissed. Many judges will throw out the ticket of the officer doesn’t show up for court. So many tickets are written that the cops don’t show up unless there was something like an accident involved.

          My last ticket was probably 9 years ago. I was not expecting the other driver I hit (He pulled out in front of me but I got the ticket) The judge was not having it and wanted to throw the book at me.

          I did not realize the other driver was in the courtroom. He got called up and stated that my insurance (Again even though he pulled out in front of me) paid his claim. He said he was not hurt and that he didn’t mind having my ticket tossed since his vehicle was repaired by my insurance.
          Since I got the ticket tossed, my insurance did not go up. Another funny thing was, I was dressed so nicely in a suit and tie, the judge thought I was an attorney representing a client lol
          (Maybe I should have stayed and represented others in their cases HAHA) I do have an associates degree in Criminal justice.

  • December 16, 2021

    This is exactly why I’m considering not seeing the new Spider-Man movie. The whole thing revolves around him being a victim of doxxing, which is a real threat, especially among RCs. I rewatched the last one and the end credit scene triggered my anxiety and PTSD something fierce. People who think they are doing society a favor by going after people who are just trying to live their lives is really messed up.


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