Rethinking the ‘Sex Offender’ Label By Derek W. Logue

Last week, on Nov. 19, members of the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) took a critical first step in altering the language used to label those convicted of a sexual offense while in treatment towards a “person-first” perspective.

This effort was not without opposition.

The victim advocates and representatives from county prosecutors unsuccessfully attempted to table the vote and even accused members of the SOMB of not following protocols. Ultimately, the SOMB settled on the phrase, “adults who commit sexual offenses.”

This change does not go far enough.

In the words of one prosecutor who testified at the SOMB hearing, it was just a “longer way to say sex offender.” I agree. Furthermore, the phrase implies the SOMB clients are continuously committing offenses.


19 thoughts on “Rethinking the ‘Sex Offender’ Label By Derek W. Logue

  • November 23, 2021 at 9:19 am

    Apparently a few mostly right leaning folks are unhappy with my quote in the CBS 4 article. Well too bad, I don’t care if you dislike that I pointed out the obvious fact the term is offensive. Still, I encourage everyone to make positive comments on my article.

    • November 23, 2021 at 10:29 am

      I left a comment. Btw, I am right leaning as far as being a believer in our Constitution. I’m also not a fan of the sexual revolution/liberation movement. But I consider myself Independent. But just as I feel the conservative right are full of bible thumping hypocrites, you got to admit that the liberal left embrace the idea of everyone being a “victim” of SOMETHING. Liberals are not on our side either. The wind blows through their hair and they cry “victim”.

      • November 23, 2021 at 11:58 am

        As a liberal, I’m not sure who’s on registrants side. The far left is probably just as inflexible as far right conservatives. I left a comment, and I encourage Mr. Logue’s courage. It’s far greater than mine. I hope that we registrants can continue to find what reasonable minds that are out there. Those willing to end the registry.

        • November 24, 2021 at 3:18 pm

          Liberals and conservatives both get something out of the registry so both support it. However, there are more negative reactions to this story from media that caters to those leaning conservative.

  • November 23, 2021 at 11:12 am

    It’s like saying “ yeh I’ve been immunized “ instead of saying I’ve been vaccinated.
    Give me a break!

    • November 23, 2021 at 3:58 pm

      Aaron Rodgers tried pulling that only to come out later on and admit he is a horse paste licker.

      I guess he should have , ahem, double checked the research.

  • November 23, 2021 at 12:45 pm

    Another governmental phrase born from the most absurd euphemism of “public safety” to illicit a visceral response. It’s all about fear and control.

    The tide will turn. It already has in many ways. I never thought I’d see a case like what came out of the 6th Circuit Does vs Snyder (denied Cert).

    The legislator is the problem; their only incentive is re-election. They’ll be dragged through the mud if they do the right thing.

    Hopefully I can witness the total collapse of this dystopian experiment before I meet my maker. Thanks Mr. Logue and many like you who will help this happen.

  • November 23, 2021 at 12:48 pm

    While we’re at it, lets just give everything a “feel good” re-brand. Notice how the word “adult” is used in plural and not adjective:

    D.U.I. = Adults who continue to drink and drive.

    Murderer = Adults who continue to takes lives.

    Arsonist = Adults who continue to ignite structures.

    See where I’m going with this…?

    • November 23, 2021 at 3:48 pm

      Today which will probably be on national news this evening, Kevin Strickland who has been in prison for 43 years wrongfully was ordered by the court to release him immediately. He was accused of a murder which he had nothing to do with. The prosecuting attorney for Kansas City Missouri has been fighting for his release since April. The State Attorney General has been fighting against his release. The judge ordered his release as there was never any evidence of him committing a crime. He was imprisoned on this word of one person who later recanted , and said she identified the wrong person. But for forty years there was nothing anyone could do, because of the laws.
      The Missouri laws only provide compensation if there is DNA to overturn a conviction. So he was released. Can’t say walked out because he is now 62 and confined to a wheelchair. He will not have a dime to his name, and no State compensation. He will go live with his brother for now. The citizens of Kansas City are raising money for him.
      There are thousands that are in similar circumstances many whom are still required to register but don’t have the resources or connections to get there cases to an unbiased court.

    • November 24, 2021 at 10:31 pm

      Tax cheats that keep evading taxes.

  • November 23, 2021 at 3:52 pm

    In a purely cosmetic virtue signal, in SB 260, Floriduh is “renaming” the Criminal Punishment Code to the Criminal “Public Safety” Code.

    Calling punishment “public safety” is laughable. Of course, there’s no “re-branding” for so-called “sexual offenders” and “predators.”

    Oh, there’s another new bill, SB 662, being created by the actions of one person that will affect the 20 million+ residents of Floriduh.

    This bill is a re-filing of last sessions failed SB 1784.

  • November 23, 2021 at 6:50 pm




  • November 23, 2021 at 8:32 pm

    Hey they left me out. I was a juvenile offender. What do I get relabeled as? A Juvenile who got screwed same as an adult offender? That has about the same affect as the new phrase they decided to use.

  • November 24, 2021 at 7:38 am

    Being on the registry should include a restoration fee from the state and federal government due to potential loss of income and other societal benefits.

    • November 24, 2021 at 2:50 pm

      Screw them. Duh…how many would take polygraphs as to what they think sexually?

  • November 25, 2021 at 9:29 am

    I read a supposed news article on YouTube today which has made me very curious as to how often this happens.
    It was about some 40 year old guy that grabs a 6 year old girl off the sidewalk and throws her into has car and takes off. Some guy of coarse saw it got a partial license plate number and a description of the car ,and of coarse 30 minutes later made an arrest.
    Why this is of note is ,there are a number of red flags. Like the story was completely inundated with commercials every few sentences. They did not give the name of the city or state, no name of the suspect, though they showed a picture and picture of a supposed police officer who made the arrest. No description of the mans vehicle. They gave a first name for the guy that supposedly saw the incident happen and followed the suspect, but no last name. Way to many missing details.
    It was a very emotional type write up of this poor little girl and the monster who did such a terrible thing. If it is true , it would be but I have my doubts. It’s my opinion that there are a lot of stories like this that are put out just to raise emotions cause hate and bias and make a lot of money off of it.
    Has anyone else noticed this?

    • November 25, 2021 at 2:01 pm

      Which Youtube account was it? Was it a mainstream media account or is it an “independent media” outlet that caters to only a certain political alignment? Is it affiliated with QAnon or use hashtags that are associated with them, like “Save Our Children”? Is it even a news account, or is it a page that also does pranks or “social experiments”?

      Youtube has become a cesspool of largely right wing propaganda and it is growing in prominence. The extreme left can be bad as well but the right wingers are far more prone to acts of violence due to things they see and hear about onlibe.

  • November 26, 2021 at 9:26 am

    Dereck W. Logged of
    I was just on google news and it caught my attention. It just was listed YouTube so I can’t really answer as to where it came from. I tried to pull it back up after I read it and moved on but couldn’t find it.

  • November 26, 2021 at 11:29 am

    Try this on for size. Arrested for indecent exposure 1986. Person was an adult female, no childern etc. in the area. Since then now thirty five years later, i have lost numerous jobs, life threatened by other co workers once the word was out, denied living in areas of my choosing. For an offense such as this there really should be a differed label so it does not ruin a mans life. I’m currently in a state of concern again being 60. I have heard that if you carry this label you can’t even get into a nursing home. I have no other family… my entire life due to a “Blanket Title” as a “Sex Offender” I remember years ago talking with an apartment I wanted to move to and was told that I could’nt because “We don’t rent to people like you” Wow can you imangine? San Deigo CA


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