NY: Legal battle ensues over sex offenders staying at motel

Tim Rogers, Mayor of the Village of New Paltz, and Bettez met with the owner of the motel last year to discuss the decision-making behind providing housing for sex offenders. Bettez said the owner said it was for financial reasons after motel business was negatively affected by the pandemic with fewer travelers and short-term guests during lockdown. The owner of the motel did not respond to requests for comment.

After some New Paltz residents expressed concern, the Town of New Paltz unanimously passed a local law on Nov. 12, 2020 limiting the number of sex offenders that can be housed at one given location. The motel is now challenging this law in court.


9 thoughts on “NY: Legal battle ensues over sex offenders staying at motel

  • November 19, 2021

    Another name to ad to my Media Blitz Phase 3 list.

  • November 18, 2021

    Bureaucracy at it’s finest. This is what happens, when you let elected officials run amuck with telling you what you can and cannot do with your own property. Instead of creating a solution to the housing problem, they simply feed into it, because in the end, all they really want is for us to all be locked up or dead. They are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites, and so our the people who favor these laws. They deserve a nice cozy spot in hell for all I care about people like this.

    • November 19, 2021


      I bet that even if someone built a ranch way out away from anyone and housed ex offenders there, someone would find it and bring protesters just because they can. I have seen groups of protestors stand outside of prisons demanding their murderer relative be released.

      We cannot even live in peace, always looking over our shoulders to see if we are going to get knocked in the head. Before I leave the house, I always look outside to see if any suspicious cars are parked around our place. I am not paranoid, just alert and knowing my surroundings.

  • November 18, 2021

    The most important question to ask these idiots is; “Where was your outrage about people with criminal convictions staying anywhere they could find to stay PRIOR TO the registry’s existence?”
    These people literally believe that sexual offenses NEVER happened before the registry.

    • November 19, 2021

      The Registry has predictably given the public a false sense of empowerment and a license to hate. It has turned semi-normal people into outrage bait puppets which catapults and perpetuates all the nonsense associated with the registry. .

      It’s a sick and twisted form of entertainment for them. They are addicted to being on the moral “winning side” and being right all the time.

      Before social media and the Internet, people got their drama and ya-yas out from watching “pro” wrestling, soap operas and local sporting events. Now, all one has to do is digest all the fear fodder about sex offenders on social media and the news to get their “hysteria” fix and someone to look down upon.

  • November 18, 2021

    Again, HOW are these laws being applied retroactively? Or are they just trying to prevent future explosions of offenders taking over their city. I mean what is worse than a zombie invasion? OMG Sex offenders.

    What I want to know is, we are banned from so many things, and yet they have no issues taking county, city, state and Federal taxes, fees, fines and more from us. why is it that we can be banned from say, a park, that we help pay for, but cannot go there?

    It is the Halloween hysteria but extended to 365 days a year.

  • November 18, 2021

    More unfounded idiocy. If the idea of public notification was to tell people to stay away from the hotel because 2 or 3 registrants lived there, then why does it reach the panic point if 8 or 10 move in later? I

    Those that want to complain about clustering should have a more definitive answer to where they would prefer registrants go than “somewhere else.”

    • November 19, 2021

      Total idiocy. But that is what the Oppression Lists (OLs) are.

      People do not have any right to tell a specific person where he/she may or may not live. They have no right to be informed of it either.

      The problem with the OLs is that they exist for brainless Karens. The OLs were started based on the huge lie that people just needed to be “informed”. We see where that went. You give Karens an inch and they will whine and whine and whine to get a mile.

      The OLs are an act of war.

  • November 18, 2021

    What business is it of anyone concerning who a motel manager rents a room to? A lot of motels turn a blind eye when a “working girl” rents a room for an hour and no one raises an eyebrow, yet the moment the motel rents a room to a registrant, suddenly his motives are questioned?
    And good for the motel for challenging the new BS law in court. If someone is paying their rent on time and not bothering anyone else, leave them the hell alone.


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