Plans for sex offenders in Ireland to face tougher laws

Plans for new legislation to strengthen the management and monitoring of sex offenders in the Republic of Ireland have been announced.

Electronic tagging and a ban on convicted offenders having certain jobs would be introduced under the plans.

The bill was announced by the Republic of Ireland’s Justice Minister Helen McEntee TD on Wednesday.

Ms McEntee said the legislation would help alleviate concerns in communities about sex offenders.

“It introduces stricter notification requirements – meaning offenders will have to inform the Gardaí (Irish police) of a change of address within three days instead of the current seven days,” said the minister.

“The new law will also allow for electronic monitoring as well as fingerprinting and photographing of the offender, where necessary, to confirm their identity.”


10 thoughts on “Plans for sex offenders in Ireland to face tougher laws

  • November 16, 2021

    I visited Ireland in 2015. I contacted the Gardaí by email. He asked my name, address and where I would be traveling and said ‘enjoy your trip’.

    I’ve been to various places in Europe 4 times and the only trouble I’ve ever had is when I return home. Mostly I get a second interview but the last time I misunderstood what the Border Agent asked me (up for over 24hrs). He raised his voice and said ‘this isn’t a joke’ and threw my passport down and walked off.

  • November 11, 2021

    Looks like I’ll have to cancel my plans to travel to Ireland…which, of course, I hadn’t planned anyway.


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