Ohio to Pay $17.5M to Convicted Child Sex Offender After Prison Guards Boasted About Paralyzing Him

15 thoughts on “Ohio to Pay $17.5M to Convicted Child Sex Offender After Prison Guards Boasted About Paralyzing Him

  • November 6, 2021

    I want to know what Seth Fletcher did?

    The guards response was to strip search him over something trivial and look for an opportunity to brutalise him but if you look at all the articles, they say that he made a consentual sexual video with his girlfriend who was 16 or 15 and then the video was seen by a 3rd party. This led to a sentence of 2 years and he was 18 at the time he did the crime.

    This is a horrible thing to do but its not the same level of crime as someone who is age 30+ abusing someone who is 10 years old.

    Its basically 2 deviant teenagers who are inexperienced and very selfish making a complete balls up and turning on each other. I dont think that warrents being waterboarded and tortured by random sets of strangers (big strong muscly men) over a period of 2 years. It certainly doesnt warrant dragging the person around and throwing them on the ground face first so they break their nose.

    This guy was doing what so many guys do. Leaking a privately made consentual video. It is disgusting but if everyone who did this was thrown on their head into a lifelong paraplegia probably 10% of the male population would be requiring lifelong care


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