Squeaky Wheels Get the Grease

In a prior post we wrote that Florida Sheriffs are running out of creative names for their registrant compliance operations. But you have to give credit to Osceola County for coming up with one of the dumbest.

According to the Sheriff’s website, “The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, the United States Marshal Service, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducted a joint operation to verify the compliance of the 580 sexual predators and sexual offenders in Osceola County Florida. The compliance operation titled Squeaky Wheels was funded by the United States Marshal Service and ran from April 12, 2021, through September 1, 2021. ”

What’s with the name? Isn’t the proverb “Squeaky Wheels Get the Grease” supposed to imply that those who are the loudest or most noticeable get the attention? That’s an interesting name for an operation that targeted people who allegedly failed to report stuff.

Perhaps the name of the operation suggests something else? As the article continues, “The United States Marshal Service funded 450 hours of overtime for the Osceola County Detectives to work beyond the 40 hours a week work schedule to accomplish the goals of the mission.”  Could it be that the press release is the “squeaky wheel” and the “grease” is the 450 hours of overtime the taxpayers funded in addition to the standard pay for the officers participating in the operation (as in “grease payment” – google it if you’ve not heard of that term)?

These multi-agency “operations” where County Sheriffs can hold a press conference touting the number of arrests they made for technical (and often unknowing) violations, really should be called “Squeaky Wheel Operations”! Maybe Osceola’s choice for operation name isn’t the dumbest? Maybe they are just calling it out for what it is?

14 thoughts on “Squeaky Wheels Get the Grease

  • November 4, 2021

    Operation ass hats.
    Operation Barney Fife.
    Operation fleece the taxpayers.
    Operation I was a high school bully.
    Operation Dunkin Donuts is closed.
    Operation pigs in a blanket.
    Operation Roscoe P. Slowbrain.

  • November 4, 2021

    FL registrants aren’t required to answer officers’ questions (except probation officers). Many do so anyway, and that’s how they get jammed up as in this story.

    Now, refusing to answer whether you even live there is also legal but may make them keep coming back to get the address check done.

  • November 3, 2021

    I don’t live in Florida and need some clarification. My state does not require registrants to answer questions from officers performing address verification or compliance checks. Is that required under Florida law?

    I did have two deputies once come to my door and asked if I lived there. I politely said I was not required by law to answer that question, but only to report my address when I renewed my registration. They actually conceded that point, but said it was their department policy to do address checks. My response was that I appreciated their complying with department policy, but I would still decline to answer the question as a matter of principle. The encounter was actually quite civil. When they left, I thanked them for not arriving in uniform.

    My confusion stems from the involvement of the U.S. Marshall’s Service in checking compliance with Florida state law. Does anybody have insight into their jurisdiction or legal interest in the operation?


  • November 3, 2021

    Operation Barnum and bailey
    Operation look at us
    Operation how stupid the public can be

  • November 3, 2021

    Let me help them out for the upcoming year:

    Operation: Fleece The Tax Payer
    Operation: Perceptual Lie
    Operation: Job Justification
    Operation: Waste Of Time
    Operation: Low Hanging Fruit

    • November 3, 2021

      Operation Tripwire
      Operation Fish in a Barrel


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