The Dobbs Wire: Five minutes!

The Dobbs Wire:  Do we need the sex offense registry?  Counting registrants, family members and significant others, the number of people directly impacted by sex offense registration laws in the U.S. is estimated at several million.  Every state has had a registry for at least 25 years and politicians continually push for  harsher registration requirements.  These are all good reasons to question the registry.  David Pakman, a political analyst and commentator with a large audience, did some digging.   Have a look at this five minute video and let me know what you think of Pakman’s take!  –Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs Wire   If you or a friend would like to be added to The Dobbs Wire mailing list, email:   Twitter:


The David Pakman Show via YouTube (VIDEO)


The David Pakman Show started as a community radio show called Midweek Politics in the basement of WXOJ’s studio in Northampton, Massachusetts. Today, it is a daily internationally syndicated politics and news talk show airing on radio, television, and the internet, and on Free Speech TV via DirecTV and DISH Network.  The program first aired in August 2005.  Host David Pakman holds an MBA from Bentley University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Communication from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. He is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pakman started the program at age 21, and was for some time the youngest nationally syndicated political host. 



4 thoughts on “The Dobbs Wire: Five minutes!

  • October 25, 2021

    We are aware that this video is three years old, right? Still applicable, though.

    • October 25, 2021

      Yes, but some things like this need to be revisited.

  • October 23, 2021

    He brought up an interesting point. That is what really is the purpose of a jail sentence? Is this full punishment for the crime plus whatever monetary charges were established during the sentence? Or is the sentence just the first step in a life long process of continuing punishment? One that a person will never be able to fully escape from.
    I am on the registry after 25 yrs, after my conviction. I never did any jail time. Was charged $75.00 and required to register. That was my punishment. Charged with a misdemeanor. But the State says they don’t recognize the registry as punishment. How is that possible?
    How can it be punishment and also not be punishment?
    Will someone please explain this to me.

    • October 25, 2021

      We should also be reimbursed for our gas money going to and from the Sheriff’s office 2/4 times a year. That’s also punishment, because it’s a hidden expense that we have to absorb on our dime. It’s an unnecessary travel expense. Wear and tear on vehicle and whatnot. Not to mention the risk involved with driving.

      Every aspect of the registry is indirect and low-key punishment.


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