NARSOL calls out NCMEC in Press Release

In its release against ALI, NCMEC not only makes false
implications, they print actual lies. They imply that stranger
danger is a serious threat to children, but they lie in saying
that if there were no public sex offense registry, companies
that hire people to work with youth would have no way of
determining if a person had a sexual crime conviction. To
protect children, we must rely on facts and truth, something
that NCMEC seems to have trouble understanding.



11 thoughts on “NARSOL calls out NCMEC in Press Release

  • October 19, 2021 at 8:14 am

    Ncmec is just private arm of the feds pushing a false narrative to further their agenda. It’s about money. The more fear they induce with lies, the more money the get.

  • October 19, 2021 at 8:30 am

    No way of knowing if someone has a sex conviction? Really? Then what is the purpose of background checks?
    I am so sick and tired of people believing the registries prevent crimes. Registrants are not a serious problem. Parents who do not monitor their children’s activities is a serious problem. Parents who let their children go places without being accompanied by a responsible adult is a serious problem.
    I’m not even going to get into the fact that a child is more likely to be assaulted by someone they know, rather than a stranger who has a sex crime conviction.

  • October 19, 2021 at 8:44 am

    I had an afterthought after posting my first comment. Supposedly, the registries keep children safe from sex offenders. If that is the case, then explain to me the recent case out of Farmington Hills, Michigan, where a 40 year old registrant abducted and raped a 9 year old girl. The registry sure did keep the public safe, didn’t it?
    While I do not condone this guy’s actions, and I certainly hope the 9 year old girl will recover from the trauma she went through, the registry did not keep her safe., and I hope the guy will be put away forever because people like him have no place in society. If someone is hell bent on sexually assaulting a child, or anyone else, no laws in place and no registry is going to prevent that, just as suspending someone’s driver license is not going to prevent someone from driving.
    Tell that to John Walsh and NCMEC.

    • October 19, 2021 at 11:15 am

      Good article on John and his wife by a person from where? FSU, where newspaper articles cannot be written as needed to share the facts. (See FSU posting of article on main FAC page)

      Interesting note, I visited the John Walsh set in the basement of the Newseum in WDC spring of 2010. Quite the set up they created to spread misinformation.

    • October 19, 2021 at 12:51 pm

      So the article states, “poverty, homelessness, untreated illness, and social exclusion can Foster behavior deemed ‘deviant’ or antisocial and thus lead to interactions with làw enforcement and the legal system.”. The very definition of insanity as many of us on the registry have experience with one or more of those situations. No one should be legislated into poverty or homelessness. No one should be denied health care. It’s absolutely disgusting to call ourselves a Christian nation and behave that way.
      That being said, we registrants cannot give up. We must continue to fight.

      • October 19, 2021 at 6:00 pm

        Chicken or the egg? Isn’t it ironic how, when you look at things the other way, the perceived devious and antisocial behaviors that put people on the registry in the first place end up usually leading to poverty, homelessness, social exclusion, etc. due to the draconian nature of SO laws?

  • October 19, 2021 at 10:41 am

    The National Center for Missing and Exploited CASH is a business whose existence depends on fearmongering the public into blindly supporting the registry. The comment section on NCMEC’s FB page in response the the NCMEC statement is full of stupid comments like:

    “Anyone has the right, especially a parent or guardian, to know if there is a pedophile or worse living in close proximity to their home!”

    “I heard of an organization I think was called “Attracted to Minors”(ATM) and they are arguing that their sexual preference should be respected. I am guessing they proposed this but what decent person would ever think that was okay? ”

    “Sex registry itself is broken. Put them all on an island and let them rape and kill each other. I can think of a very good reason…. Sex offenders find their friends and grow stronger together… The registry is well intended, but the question is why are they even out in communities? Because those communities get money.. The victims don’t get the amount of resources and human decency as these dangerous predators. I need more information on this one.. this is a complicated matter and doesn’t have to be. Are they going to allow the people to handle it? Geez!! How the hell did any of these government law makers get their jobs protecting children. They’ve created a bigger monster, how do you not see the harm the list can do? Before y’all put something into law, at least try to prevent the inevitable.”

    “The question is why are they doing this? I can’t think of a single good reason. Are they a bunch of offenders who haven’t gotten caught yet?”

    “You know sexual predators protect their own kind.”

    “a lot of parents will be in their rights to shoot any pedophile near the kids to protect them.”

    “Gotta be a Democrat pushing this!”

    “That would be totally unfair, because alot of individuals check for different valet reasons.”

    “Not surprising, lets protesct pedophiles and let the child suffer. Nothing has changed even after 38 years.”

    You get the idea. The NCMEC sees this and approves. They KNOW whipping people into a murderous frenzy will keep their multi-million dollar operation afloat.

    • October 20, 2021 at 10:00 am

      You sir are absolutely correct.

  • October 19, 2021 at 6:57 pm

    I have asked on the NARSOL site 3 times, over two days, who the press release is sent to. That questions has yet to be noted, much less answered obviously. Can anyone here tell me?

    • October 25, 2021 at 1:31 pm

      Usually it is sent to numerous outlets throughout the country.


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