Supportive attorneys during Halloween for people with a past sex offense

Halloween has become a dreaded time for me each year, as it is a time to vilify those on the sex offense registry, along with their family members.  But I do see a growing body of people who are speaking out on this injustice.

The Law Offices of Edwards & Jones in Gainesville, Florida, referenced a 2009 study in “Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment”, with the study finding that children are no more likely to be assaulted on Halloween by someone on the registry than any other day of the year.  Additionally, this law office said that some states are starting to question the constitutionality of these “no candy laws”.


7 thoughts on “Supportive attorneys during Halloween for people with a past sex offense

  • October 26, 2021

    So once again the question begs… are registrants subjected to these rules if not on probation or parole? Are we still considered “under supervision” by a law enforcement agency? If we are subjected to these rules what is the governing statute. And if we not, what is that governing statute. I asked for it last year when they dropped by, but they couldn’t provide one

    • October 27, 2021

      I’m in Oakland County, Michigan, and I have never had law enforcement come to my house on Halloween. To my knowledge, there are no restrictions on us. No signs in our yards, no rules saying we can’t do this or that, etc.
      I am not on supervision, unless you want to call the registry supervision, because that’s exactly what it is. But if the local sheriff decided to put out a memo telling me I have to close my curtains and turn off my outdoor lights, I’d tell him to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. We all know Halloween is when a lot of idiots want to go out and damage property, so having my outside property well lit dissuades that. If LE were to come by and tell me to turn off my lights, I would tell them to f*** off because I’m the one who pays the bills at my house, not them, and unless they want to park a patrol car across the street to keep an eye out for vandals, my lights will stay on. This assuming I would even answer the door for them anyway. I have plenty of security cameras and can see everyone who comes on my property. So my opinion, and this is just me, is that “rules” are not laws. I’ll do what I want, when I want and go where I want, when I want until a law is in place telling me otherwise.

  • October 26, 2021

    People don’t want to listen to facts and real statistics. They want to continue to latch on to their paranoia because they feel that it unites them against a common boogey man at a time when people are very divided because of politics and such. Any politician who attempted to roll back these kinds of laws would be lambasted for doing so and they know that they’d never be re-elected. It would be up to unelected judges to strike them down.

  • October 26, 2021

    First off, parents should not let young kids go alone. Either an adult or an older child should be with them. When I was a kid, I was able to trick or treat with just another friend at age 9.

    Having said that, on my street most do not go trick or treating because of me. Really? #1 avoid my house then don’t punish your kid. And #2 I do not participate by choice, keep the lights off and do not decorate or do anything to attract candy addicts.

    However, Halloween is when I see the most vandalism to cars and houses of both registered folks and those who otherwise somehow pissed off their neighbors. For example maybe an elderly person who yells at kids for walking across their lawn.

  • October 26, 2021

    Do we want this firm on the FAC attorney referral webpage, or have we not spoken to them?

  • October 27, 2021

    I know for 3 Halloweens in a row now I have gotten a surprise compliance check by a marked unit. Telling me even though I am allowed to participate, it is strongly advised not to. I always tell them, “I can barely afford food for myself, I sure as Hell not going to buy candy for kids who throw rocks at my house all year long”.


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