Second registrant found in San Mateo County-owned senior housing

A senior housing complex is relocating a resident, who had been living there since March, simply because he was found to have a past sex offense from 1983.  This man has not been arrested for any additional crimes since his release from prison in 1991.  I have to wonder if the “sex crime” that sent him to prison is still considered a sex crime in California since we are aware of persons being convicted of old sex crimes such as “homosexuality”.

County Manager Mike Callagy is the only person who seems to be a thinking person in San Mateo County, as he said, “..everyone is deserving of housing regardless of their past criminal behavior.  We don’t want them living under a bridge or an encampment or somewhere they can’t get the resources to help themselves.  These aren’t just homeless residents; these are homeless seniors who are now in a safe environment where they’re thriving.”

Wow, Mr. Callagy, you really get it!


8 thoughts on “Second registrant found in San Mateo County-owned senior housing

  • September 23, 2021

    But, but…………….

    It is ok, it is NOT punishment according to the courts. One of us could be executed for being on the registry (Like happened in someone’s own driveway recently), but again, not punishment. I think they are calling it a “Side effect” of our transgressions. On going, never ending side effects that have no cure.

    • September 23, 2021

      CherokeeJack, The “Government” KNOWS THE REGISTRY IS PUNISHMENT !!!!!. Nobody on this PLANET is that DUMB !!!. So, They KNOW it is !!!!!! BUT, Because”The Registry” and ALL IT INTAILS brings in MILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS !!!!!, So, They (Government) are gonna “ACT DUMB” until Enough people BOTH ON OR NOT ON THE REGISTRY GETS ENOUGH AND DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT !!!. Since you were Prior LEO, You KNOW the old saying,,,, EVERYTHING IS LEGAL UNTIL YOU GET CAUGHT, THEN ITS STILL LEGAL IF YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT !!!!. You know this if you’ve ever been to ONE Roll Call and watched as daily Assignments were given out !!!. The Government and Everyone included in APPLYING AND ENFORCING THE REGISTRY will MILK THIS COW UNTIL IT DIES !! Then they (The Government) Will come up with some other “MONEY MAKING SCHEME” !!!!. And they (government) will ride that ride till the Wheels fall off !!! The ONLY WAY were gonna BEAT THE REGISTRY, IS FOR EVERYONE TO STAND TOGETHER AND RISK EVERYTHING ON WHATS “RIGHT”. We CANNOT FIGHT THIS FIGHT ALONE !!! WE MUST ALL UNITE AS ONE AND BE HEARD !!!!. If it means Going to JAIL a few nights !!. We CAN FIGHT WITHOUT “BREAKING THE LAW” Which will make US(Everyone On the Registry) BETTER THAN THOSE FORCING IT ON US !!!! Because we CAN DEFEAT THEM WITHOUT BEING UNCONSTITUTIONAL !!!!!. I’m VERY SORRY for Yelling, But I’m so Over this crap !! I’m sure EVERYONE screams about this crap !!. #UNITEASONEWINFORALL!!

      • September 23, 2021

        @Tired, this community hasn’t even come anywhere close to exhausting even modest legal/public-relations war options. FAC has thousands of members, yet fundraising seems to be in the range of a couple dollars, per-member, per-year, and with probably 80% coming from 20% of donors, as is the case with many orgs out there. What percentage of persons on the registry even know about our advocacy movement? Of those, who are “active listening” in reading this or related sites, and comments? And of those who are putting in work, sacrificing some time, effort, and/or money toward justice?

        Resorting to protests feels cart-before-horse right now. Let’s get each other to chip in more and pick up just a small part of the effort. Donating, commenting on news articles (and being civil and sounding sane with objective and clear points about it, not just venting and complaining), doing the work on the calls to action that FAC puts together, and supporting each other in our mission without letting petty differences divide us. These are the ingredients we should be focusing on right now.

        Don’t forget that “going to jail” might be a major inconvenience for a normal activist, but activists in our community may face grave danger or even civil commitment by being arrested. I won’t be so quick to rally others to go protest without first rallying everyone to do even simple, small but very effective and morale-boosting tasks, like those mentioned above. Where we’ve managed to put together legal battles with good attorneys who have their heart in it, along with plaintiffs courageous enough to stand up, we have won. Even here in Florida!

        Just my two cents. I don’t expect everyone or anyone to agree with all the points, but it’s where I see the best return on investment. Protests may come, but right now we have better ways to spend our resources.

        With Unity Comes Change

        • September 23, 2021

          We have to keep in mind that outside our bubble, most people aren’t directly affected by the registry and don’t give it much thought. Many of them assume that the registry promotes public safety. Others recognize it’s lifetime punishment but assume that it’s justified because there’s a victim out there who is suffering similarly.

          The fact that people assume these things, does not mean that they’re dumb. Many of them are just ill-informed. So it is our job to educate them. No one else is going to do it.

          • September 23, 2021

            ☝ This. Exactly this. I wish I could up-vote this.

            FAC mission statement’s focus on education was well thought out. Those of us who have had the pleasure of learning the tip of the iceberg of registry facts vs myths can now see the injustice whereas most people, including myself, were just as blind and ignorant to it before we were tossed in the mix. If we can share similar facts vs myths in a receptive way, my own experience says somewhat over half will understand and sincerely agree (using the stats that impact them and their loved ones, along with our shared stories and infamous crap like children as young as nine years old (WTF) being on the registry), then, more than half of the holdovers will not immediately agree but you can see the seed take hold as they question what they think they know, and, finally, only a minority are gun-ho “I don’t want to hear any facts”.

            Point is, let’s educate and learn to be the best ambassadors for our cause that we can be. If we do this, if/when it comes time to protest, we will have an army of advocates who are backing the community, most of whom won’t ever have been on the registry themselves.

      • September 23, 2021


        One of the ways I used to get away from crooked cops was to transfer to homicide. I mostly investigated deaths which was creepy and took a toll on my mental health. But I stayed away from the drama and controversy most officers faced.

        It was still plenty dangerous as most of the people you are trying to find just killed someone. So you know they are armed, know how to use a weapon and obviously have no problem pulling the trigger.

        I had a college degree when I got hired so had no problems making detective. And I was use to dealing with death because I had been an EMT for many years before going through the police academy.

  • September 24, 2021

    This Article Explores The Problem And Addresses The Issue Of Homelessness Amongst The Formerly Incarcerated.

    Nowhere to Go: Homelessness among formerly incarcerated people. From the Prison Policy Initiative.

    • September 25, 2021

      This article contains some good recommendations.


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