CALL TO ACTION: Columbia Youth Football Association will not hold football jamboree at park because registrant sits on the park board

Columbia County, Florida temporarily needs a different venue to hold their annual football jamboree, an event relished by the community.  It could be moved to Annie Mattox Park, but allegations surfaced that a person who is forced to register sits on the park board.  The association said they will be looking elsewhere.

The cancelation sparked an uproar at Thursday night’s Columbia County Commissioners’ meeting, which was September 16, 2021.  So far, the video is not up at

This man with a past sex offense was accepted on the board for Annie Mattox Park.  That tells us a lot, mainly that he is NOT re-offending and is a law-abiding citizen.  What is wrong with the Columbia Youth Football Association?  Lack of knowledge.

Several weeks ago, Annie Mattox Park had to be closed following a weekend shooting incident; yet, the Columbia Youth Football Association is okay with that but not having a man who learned from his past mistake(s) and is now acknowledged by his peers to be worthy of serving on a park board.

This association needs to be educated on the facts:

  • The re-offense rate for people who have a past sex offense is far lower than that for other crimes.
  • Ninety percent or more of future crimes will be committed by people NOT on the registry. Who is watching them?
  • Approximately 93% of child victims know their perpetrator, debunking the “stranger danger myth”.

Please send a letter to:

Columbia Youth Football Association

PO BOX 1326

Lake City, FL 32056-1326

If you need some research to support your position: (See page 14, “Sex Offense Recidivism”.) (See Conclusion on page 59.)  (The Department of Justice’s 2019 report on the recidivism rates of released inmates, whose most serious offense was rape or sexual assault, found there was a re-offense rate of 7.7% over a 9-year period.  That means that 92.3% of the sex offenders released did NOT re-offend.)  (Karl Hanson’s presentation at the January 2021 One Standard of Justice Webinar in Connecticut.  Start at 23:20.) (Start viewing video at 1:15)  (Paragraph 13 – Nearly all sexual abuse is perpetrated by someone NOT on a registry.)   (Among cases of child sexual abuse reported to law enforcement, 93% are known to the victim.)


35 thoughts on “CALL TO ACTION: Columbia Youth Football Association will not hold football jamboree at park because registrant sits on the park board

  • September 18, 2021

    Many years ago I had something similar happen to me. It did not end well for me. I was an attendee at a group that use to meet weekly. All the board members quit and were going to close the group. I stepped up and took it over and expanded the attendees to 20 times what it normally was.

    I kept getting threats telling me to step down and I refused. I finally stepped down after these 3 specific threats. They would go to the news about my past, also the newspaper. They also threatened to harass my family and protest outside my house. I did not want that publicity and now stay to myself and try and blend in. Some very hate filled, self serving , selfish bastard hypocrites out there for sure.

  • September 18, 2021

    What is the goal of this Call to Action?

    It’s a little unusual compared to previous FAC Calls to Action, which aimed to persuade lawmaking bodies to vote No on bad bills.

    What is it we want from Columbia Youth Football Association, and how confident are we that presenting them with recidivism statistics will persuade them to do what we want them to do?

    I’ve held back on acting on this Call to Action until I can better understand it. If we are just trying to make a point, then I’m a little hesitant.

    • September 19, 2021

      It’s a good opportunity to help a fellow registrant.

      It’s an even greater opportunity to educate a sector of the public on the reality of the registry and what it means to be on it while they are focused on the issue. We have a great opportunity here.

      Public and media education, a majority of the first line of the FAC Mission Statement: “Florida Action Committee (FAC) intends to educate the media, public, and legislators with facts versus myths about people required to register as sex offenders.”

      This is a sound and well-thought call to action the I hope many of us will take the time to answer.

      • September 19, 2021

        How effectively are we educating the public, if only one person picks up the mail at the Columbia Youth Football Association P.O. box? Did fear of recidivism motivate their decision to not to use the park, or are we just guessing?

        • September 19, 2021

          If the goal is to help a registrant, should we instead be writing the park board, expressing our support so they don’t feel pressure to expel him?

          Or the county commission, since they seem to be scrutinizing his role, but I see we missed the meeting. Do we have any other members in Columbia County that could speak to their commissioner and ask the commission to calm down about this?

          • September 19, 2021

            Excellent suggestion, Jacob. Letters can be mailed to:

            Richardson Community Center/Annie Mattox Park
            PO Box 764
            Lake City, FL 32056

            Columbia County Commissioners:
            Ron Williams, Toby Witt, Rocky Ford, Tim Murphy, Robby Hollingsworth
            PO Box 1529
            Lake City, FL 32056-1529

        • September 19, 2021

          That one person will share what we send to the other board members who serve as leaders in the community that make decisions that affect hundreds of people in the community.

        • September 19, 2021

          It is ALWAYS fear of recidivism based on myths. Even a supreme court justice believed the myth. It is also due to ignorance, meaning a lack of knowledge. Do we sit back and not share the truth?

      • September 19, 2021

        It is funny the stereotype that people still have about sexual offenders. They watch shows with creepy old, over weight guys with glasses and rotted teeth. It is also funny that when the offender is a women, like a female teacher with a student, the men are more sympathetic and make statements like “Dude I would have totally banged my teacher when I was in school”.

        Labels, stereotypes, stigmas are rarely accurate. An offender could be your pastor, a police officer, and as we have seen lately, celebrities, politicians and other famous people. I just wonder how many skeletons are in the closets of those who judge us.

      • September 19, 2021

        If enough of us send letters, I believe it will make a difference. It is not always necessary to share the research. Just talk about the people (no names, though) that you know on the registry who are law-abiding citizens. They made a mistake, served their time, and they “get it”.

        Thank you for supporting this endeavor.

    • September 19, 2021


      When I was trying to move out of my parents house after getting off probation, I could not find an apartment that would take me but I had a job. A lady who ran an apartment said “Get my son a job where you work and I will get you an apartment”. I got her son a job and she got me an apartment.

      Odd twist to this story. My boss ended up firing her son and I ended up finding a better place to live before even moving into the apartment LOL God doesn’t always give us what we want, but he does give us what we need. Sometimes that is a kick in the butt.

      Perhaps there is a better opportunity for that person that will come out of this situation and I pray it will work out whatever the results.

      Romans 8:28
      “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

    • September 19, 2021

      The association refuses to use this particular park for their annual football jamboree because a registered citizen sits on the board of this park. Why should his sitting on the board have anything to do with their holding the jamboree there?

      He is obviously not re-offending, which is true of most registrants, and he was accepted on the board, implying that he is a law-abiding citizen worthy of serving on their board. The association members are assuming because he is registered that he is highly likely to commit another sex offense. By their actions, they are stating that anything associated with a registrant is something to avoid. They are wrong and need to be told the truth.

      FAC is in the process of sending a Letter to the Editor to the Lake City Reporter.

      Thank you, Jacob, for your inquiry.

    • September 19, 2021

      “What is it we want from Columbia Youth Football Association,”

      Ummm… maybe tell them to cool their jets since the registrant is on the board, NOT in the park. Not that it should matter if a registrant would like to enjoy the parks his or her tax money helps pay for but in this case the guy is simply a BOARD MEMBER.

      I’ll put my money on this Youth Football team being made up of Christians. 100% of my money.

  • September 19, 2021

    I sent them a letter. For all the good it will (won’t) do.

    • September 19, 2021

      FAC greatly appreciates this, Ryan.

  • September 19, 2021

    Is there some bylaw for the board that says all board members must attend?

  • September 19, 2021

    Excuse me for butting in but does everyone know the 5 w’s… Who, what ,when, where, and how. or is this a broken link today. Asside does anyone in Government still hold to the Ten Commandments. Even businesses today will tell you to get out. Churches will tell you about the same thing but more in a formal manner.

    As I understand one can’t go to church.. Why? As I understand Who wants to know… well lets start with curious minds or enquiring minds. As far as the when and where and how I’m sure FAC has these idea’s about striving to get results. You know its a shame no one can go to a park..Why? Much of this registry makes no sense at all. Remember intimidation is the key factor. Sex is only the motivator in all this registry jumbo.

    • September 19, 2021


      I go to church. Any church I want to. The key is not to get too friendly, stay to yourself (Sucks cause I love making friends). And for the love of God, do not volunteer for any programs, join the choir and sign up for church groups. That is when you start sticking out and people wanting to “Get to know you”.

      It is church. The House of the Almighty. It should be a place of safety and sanctuary. Instead we often have to fall on the sword by the hands of our own brothers and sisters who eventually turn on us.

      • September 20, 2021

        That does make a lot of sense but many preachers are not in tune with that. They would rather avoid a public humilitation or scandel and yes that is one of the stipulations for most all on the registry. Their excuse would be church and state seperation I’m sure. Sure I have talked to one of the pastors and its like its best you not attend untill your probation is over. I’m sure many associations feel that way but a church is a bit forward to some degree. I can’t say holier than thou.

      • September 20, 2021

        Correction, false brothers and sisters. True believers have a different spirit than the one found in most churches today.

        • September 20, 2021


          Wise words from someone named after one of the Disciples. Also a king who a version of the Bible is name for.

          We are all human, we all make mistakes. None of us are perfect. But you would think when you attend church you are in a place of love and healing. Many churches I have attended for long enough to learn a thing or two, I could write an award winning soap opera about.

          I will leave the judging up to God, but there are many people I know who are not even Christians who treat me better than those who profess to be so. I am far from perfect. I did not get saved in prison, I grew up in the church and got saved at age 11. I am for sure ashamed of some of my actions but can only look forward and not backwards. What I am doing right now is what matters as I cannot control the past.

        • September 20, 2021

          My mom’s side of the family are mostly Christian and practice what they preach; while my aunt and uncle on my dad’s side say they are Christians but are judgmental and racist azzhats. They were supportive of me but my aunt has a mouth that makes the Grand Canyon look small and told my cousins what happened and have used it against me . Oh well less azzhats I have to worry about now in the future.

          If people truly believe in the Bible they will be supportive of you. If not they are a CINO.

    • September 20, 2021

      That’s actually only 4 W’s and an H.

      • September 20, 2021

        But how has a “w” at the end LOL

    • September 20, 2021


      However a bit of good news in the last lines of the story.

      “The driver of the other vehicle is suing Book for an unspecified amount over $30,000. No trial date has bee set for that civil case.”

      Probably should have asked for more, and hoping that is in addition to any attorney’s fees.

  • September 20, 2021

    I wrote to the commissioners telling them to support the person on the registry and not cave into public pressure. Sad that a person’s past never goes away when sex Is involved; however drug dealers and people who shoot children are welcomed with open arms.

    • September 20, 2021

      Thank you for contacting them, Brandon.

  • September 20, 2021

    Well Maestro I did like the humor of the 4 W’s and even Cherokee’s W at the end of How but James was right on the money about divine Chriatiany. I’m sure many organizations can be called Christian, even men can say their Christian. Sure one can walk the walk and talk the talk as some will say. Guess it would be best to say nothing in many encounters in life.

    Sure nothing wrong with correction if the right method is used, even a letter addressed to whom it may concern but many organizations are against restraints…. Why? and that doesn’t have a W at the end lol.

    Those that got caught up in this ordeal by internet should listen more to discern what is really going on behind closed doors via this internet divice. Even one could compar3e this internet to Mrs. Robinson… are you trying to seduce me!. About this football ordeal their is nothing wrong with being storng, bold, and positive in one’s persuit if used and not abused in the wrong way.

    • September 20, 2021

      Well of course they are going to say it was not meant to be punishment. The judges are not the ones living the sentence of the registry every hour of every day of every year of our lives. No other people after completing their sentences have a target on their backs that could and have resulted in death for the registrant.

      It is not punishment just because we say it is. Those who have died, been attacked, had to move, not have a place to move from because they live in the woods, not being able to attend a relatives school function, cannot travel as others can. Those and 1000s of more reasons are why it is punishment.

      Advice to the judges. Grow a pair (For both sexes) and stop being scared to say what you already know. We are being for life punished. The fact that no other group of felons has to do this life sentence of invasion of privacy on a registry show the blatant discrimination against us.

      May the justice system rest in peace because you have all lost your damn minds.

      Have you forgotten the oath you took ? I will remind you.

      Each justice or judge of the United States shall take the following oath or affirmation before performing the duties of his office: “I, ___ ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ___ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

    • September 21, 2021

      “Not meant to be punishment.”

      How long can they keep playing that tired chestnut?

      It’s like saying death isn’t meant to be finality.


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