Visiting Florida


The state of Florida remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States. From world-class theme parks and vibrant cities to stunning beaches and natural wonders like the Everglades, the Sunshine State offers an unmatched diversity of experiences. However, if you have ever been convicted of a sexual offense in another state, there are stringent laws and regulations you should be aware of. Florida’s restrictions on Registrants are particularly onerous and should be carefully consulted before visiting the state. To aid in navigating the complex legal requirements, we have highlighted the current law for those convicted of sexual offenses visiting Florida. Please note that the law is ever changing and ultimately it is  your responsibility to know and comply with the current Florida laws.   

Residence” means either (1) a place where one spends 3 or more consecutive days, (2) a place where one spends 3 or more aggregate days in a calendar year, or (3) a county in which one is present for 3 or more aggregate days in a calendar year.

Registrants must appear to register with law enforcement  w/in 48 hours of establishing a residence, and must appear to provide any updates within 48 hours.

Transient registrants update every 30 days.

Registrants must also appear to register with the driver’s license office of the FL DHSMV within 48 hours of registration to obtain a driver’s license or ID card labeled either “SEXUAL PREDATOR” or “943.0435, F.S.”

Residence restriction: May not reside within 1,000 ft. of school, child care facility, park, or playground under certain circumstances. §775.215. Individual cities and counties may have additional requirements.

Presence restriction: Registrants with conviction involving a minor cannot be within 300 feet “of place where children are congregating,” and face restrictions on ability to be present in schools and parks. Fla. Stat. §856.022

Duration and periodic updating requirements: Lifetime, with potential for reduction. “Predators” and certain others update quarterly. All others update every 6 months.

Per Rolfe Survey, visiting Registrants are placed on state’s website and not removed.

Florida’s restrictions on Registrants are particularly onerous and should be carefully consulted before visiting the state.

Fla. Stat. §§775.21, 775.215
Fla. Stat. §§943.043 through 943.0435
Fla. Stat. §§944.606 through 944.607
Fla. Stat. §947.1405, §985.481