UPDATE: Guardian in death of registrant arrested
Six months ago, we were contacted by a friend of Steven Striker after he died at the hands of a court-appointed guardian. We posted about it on our site. and suggested that if he had not been on the registry he would have been able to be moved to a nursing home and would be alive today. Because he was on the registry, no assisted living facility would take him and he was forced into the State’s guardianship program where his guardian effectively killed him.
The unfortunate news is that there are still no solutions for elderly or physically/intellectually disabled persons on the registry who require care or housing in an assisted living facitity. We need to do more to pressure our lawmakers to provide relief for those who are not in a physical or mental state to be able to comply with registration requirements.
The fortunate news is that yesterday, Mr. Striker’s court appointed Guardian, Rebecca Fierle-Santoian, was arrested!
We hope Linda and Steven’s daughter find a good personal injury attorney to take this case and sue the State of Florida for leaving Mr. Striker and hundreds of other elderly and disabled registrants in a position where they have no reasonable access to care or dignity as their age or illness advances.
If anyone knows of an aging or disabled person on the registry and is concerned about the future, please contact:
Florida Elder Affairs Secretary Richard Prudom, 4040 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, FL 32399-7000, 850-414-2000, information@elderaffairs.org orFlorida Agency for Persons with Disabilities, 4030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950, (850) 488-4257, APD.info@apdcares.org
This is terrible and a complete failure of a system that is looked upon as a standard for other countries. I don’t know of any personal examples because I don’t even know anyone else on the registry. I try to keep a very low profile to avoid a lot of the problems we read about. But the problem mentioned is much more inclusive than the example mentioned.
I am the care taker for my wife, she can’t get up out of bed or stand up or walk without help. Can’t even go to the bathroom with out help , that is why I’m constantly scared they will arrest me for no cause . Even for detainment for a day could be fatal for her.
I’m sure there are others too that are dependent on someone on the registry for daily necessities.
This problem is much more inclusive than just the needs of a registered person.
Really? Which countries? And to what great “standard” are you referring? Hate to break it to you brother but the United States hasn’t been looked upon that way by the rest of the world for a very long time now. The rest of the world is very aware of our screwed up systems, our ironic lake of freedoms and our broken down policies. Every citizen and public restroom in Japan has toilets that basically wipe and rinse it clean for you and China is no longer using currency as every citizen pays with their cell phone. The U.S. is 38th in education, 16th on the human rights and rates as a “flawed democracy” on the international democracy index with canada, australia and scandanavia rated as “full democracies.” Few countries are looking to us as the “standard” for anything these days. You’re living in another world.
rpsabq, you need to look at how Australia treats their registrants. I think in some ways they top the U.S. regarding the cruelty of their laws and look how this once penal colony won’t let one of us set foot into Australia.
I’ll tell you a secret. I don’t WANT a DIRECT DEMOCRACY because the majority rules in all matters! Ask yourself: how does the vast majority of the public feel about us? Look at how many out there have praised the man in California who has beaten 2 child molesters to death with his walking cane as a hero who should be let go! Look at how many say hanging or shooting are both too easy because they’re too quick! I don’t want my life or liberties in the hands of these monsters who hide behind masks of HYPOCRISY AND SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS!
Sounds like a job for “Morgan and Morgan” however, I imagine their slogan “For the People” doesn’t include people on the registry.
Morgan and Morgan has represented me in the past and I’m on the registry. Personal injury claim, no problem. I told them about the perjurous testimony used to convict me and they were not surprised at all. They cant help with that unless and until my conviction is vacated in court though.
I know this is easier said than done, but the best way to escape FLORIDA’S INSANE S.O.R is just leave the state- move to a state that is more friendly
If you’re on probation, you can’t.
If you have family, a business, children from a prior marriage, etc. here, you can’t just leave them behind. It’s not that easy.
Ive just cone back from vcso To register travel (3days to my home in the n.e.) i told them i was leaving in june and coming back in september and was told id have to be back in fla to register for my july twice a year thing. Literally told me i need to do this As there is no exception. Was told this by two people at desk. They Also said i need to let the other juristiction know but i stated i have no travel or notification restrictions any longer in my homestate.
Also they have a posted sign stating that if you are even on a car insurance policy (not even registered to you or on the property it needs to be registered. I tried to send a pic but legal@ is coming back. Boats and scooters under 50cc need not be registered but the boat trailer does.
so i cant ever escape can i?
Are you sure you are sending to legal@floridaactioncommittee.org?
Make sure it’s .org
If you won’t be here your registration month you should not have to fly back to register. This is something to look into.
I see the problem: the link you sent me on a response On the senate bill was missing a “t” i was clocking on the link to send. Ive resent thank you.
This was not a mention it was a conversation. I was asking for guidance and was told this by three people now: one prior and two today. I was registering my travel for 3 days and was getting grief on the travel time and route etc. then i asked about my upcoming trip back home to my state and they were adamant i have to report. I really dont see how that is even plausable.
You know NARSOL has sent letters to multiple law enforcement agencies due to the fact they are adding their own extra-legislative requirements to the registry requirements, which is patently illegal.
It would be nice if we as a advocates had the resources to sue each and every police department, sheriff’s department, and probation/parole agency who make up their own registry policies and enforce them as if they were law. I’m sure if we had the resources to fully investigate this issue county by county and city by city we’d find this at pandemic levels. All this should be evidence to prove the punitive intent and the vengeful intent and design of these laws and the people who support, pass, and enforce them.
FAC has given us 3 different ways to contact sources that could possibly help in avoiding such atrocities in the future.
I have posted comments on many articles since last summer trying to educate the public as to the injustices posed by the registry, written legislators, contact local politicians, and written letters to newspapers. None of this do I do for a thank you but because of the unthinkable results of our barbaric registry. I do all this even though my husband will never live long enough to profit from any of this.
I need help. My husband was released last week. Everyone told me that it was to be a happy homecoming for him, but that has not happened. His cognitive decline has been worse than I had thought. He is not capable of navigating the registry on his own. My prayer is that God will continue to give me the good health I presently have to be able to take care of him until he leaves this earth, but I know what the end stages of Alzheimers is like. No one I know has ever been able to keep their loved one at home during the last months or years of this debilitating disease. I think of it every day with fear: what am I going to do if he ever gets to that point and I cannot physically take care of him if he lives long enough to go into the vegetative stage.
Please consider making a contact to one of the three agencies given to us by FAC. Go into the horrors of being a human being and having to live your final days in such horrible circumstances and what it does to the caregivers. If changes are not made, many on the registry today who are younger and healthier will some day have to go through this same type of atrocity.
Thank you.
You are an angle in human form. Nobody can possibly completely know fully the pain and anguish you must endure. The fact that you have chosen to dig your heals in and fight rather than throw in the towel has a lot to say about you. You are a rare and very tough soldier. Wish I could do more . What you do do is very significant though you might feel it’s not. Don’t ever under judge what you’re doing. Will pray for you.
I thank you for the prayers.
The same State that forced him into their guardianship program is the same State that saw no problem with us living under a bridge. It should be no surprise to any of us that his participation in that program ended in his death. May he rest in peace. BTW all Florida sex offenders automatically go to heaven as a reward for experiencing a living hell. Other States have a judge in heaven willing to hear their case first before entering.
Sadly, this is a fate awaiting all of us on the registry. I pray to God I have enough sense left to swallow a barrel before my mind is too far gone.
If other countries are not looking to the US as an example to follow ,than why are they all except enemies of the US instituting a form of the registry in an effort to impress the US of SSR.
Other democracies have instituted registries because they’re popular. Dictatorships (China, Iran, Saudi Arabia) have instituted something worse.
I hope the guardian gets charged with murder because that was clearly her intent. This proves the ultimate savagery of the registry’s design and intent. People like that poor man’s guardian are more vile to me than any individual on the registry and that’s saying a lot because although it’s rare, there are some truly dangerous, bad people on that registry.
I also hope and pray the family will be able to make the state of Flori-DUH bleed green fatally from a main financial artery!