9-Year-Olds Are Being Forced to Register as Sex Offenders. That Might Finally Change.

Itā€™s hard not to get emotional about child sexual abuse. The thought of anyone hurting a child in this way is so egregious that itā€™s no wonder society has thrown its support behind a robust criminal justice response, including lengthy prison sentences and the registration and public notification of people convicted of this type of sex crime.

But what happens when the perpetrator of child sexual abuse is also a child?

This isnā€™t a thought experiment. In the United States, up to 70 percent of sexual offenses against children are perpetrated by other children, typically a slightly older relative or playmate who offends in the context of ignorance, impulsivity, and convenience, not predation. Many states subject these kids to the same criminal consequences as adults who have been convicted of sex crimes; the most impactful of which can be registration and public notification, which typically lasts for decades or life, depending upon the conviction or adjudication offense.


28 thoughts on “9-Year-Olds Are Being Forced to Register as Sex Offenders. That Might Finally Change.

  • February 3, 2022

    How can people think that putting a 9 year old though the justice system and putting them on the registry is a good thing? I canā€™t imagine what it feels like to have your whole life ruined by something you did as a kid. Not every incident needs to be reported and prosecuted. Shame on adults who buy into this crap. Save and protect children my foot.

  • February 2, 2022

    I wonder if Amy the columnist has the same “all sex offenders are the same” view when it involves 9 year olds on the registry.

    • February 2, 2022

      To: Just sayin

      If I were a judge, there is no way I could send a 9 year old prison or put them on the registry. The child needs some counseling and love. Instead they are being sent off to start their life of failure, sponsored by the court system. They really should be proud of themselves. šŸ™

      • February 2, 2022

        Cherokee, children on the registry brings up another problem that so far hasn’t been mentioned. Probationary rules usually state something to the effect of ” defendant must register” and “defendant shall not enter any place where children congregate” or “defendant shall have no contact with minors.” This can put any of us in legal jeopardy since going to register could put us in contact with children at the registry office.

        • February 2, 2022

          The “Equal but separate” clause might be used here. Special registration appointments done privately with the parents or guardian present.
          I cannot imagine going in to register and a small child sitting there among us. Don’t think the sheriff’s office is “That stupid”. Also think that is going to be a major obstacle and burden on them with children having a register.

      • February 2, 2022

        Cherokee, I totally agree. However the problem resides with idiot prosecutors who would even bring a kid up on charges, and legislators who write moronic laws. If a conviction is obtained, it is not the judge who puts a person on the registry. It is not punishment applied as part of a sentence by a judge, but is a collateral civil regulatory measure.

        • February 2, 2022

          Ed C

          No, but, the judge has control over what you are charged with and sentenced to. They can actually over rule a prosecutor. It is not often done but if I were a judge and I saw it was clear a prosecutor, like in my case, was using personal emotion in the charges, I would have them recused.

          For example, when someone gets short changed at Mcdonalds and the customer says “Hey you short changed me”. Then the employee comes around the corner and knocks the persons teeth out, they just went from zero to 100 without taking a breath to think about the consequences.

          The employee is fired and maybe (hopefully arrested). The customer now has to spend 1000s of dollar to have their face, mouth and teeth repaired. And good luck at getting restitution because that goes into a general fund that rarely makes it to the those who deserve it.

    • February 2, 2022

      Amy hasnā€™t thought out her position beyond what sounds good in an advice column.

  • February 2, 2022

    I have a great idea! let’s make a completely illegal, illogical law, that is completely retroactive, insanely punative, and places our children on scarlet letter registries for life!! Then we will protest China and Iran for inhumane behaviors towards their citizens… the hypocrisy that is America has no known limits..

    • February 2, 2022


      The USA, use to be the Pride and Joy of the World. Other countries swooned over us. Having said that, Over the past few decades, we have become the laughing stock of the World, as well as the Bullies of the planet. We get into other countries business but then treat our own citizens like leapers and commodities.

      Look at Denmark, Sweden, Finland and some others. They have very few enemies and try and get along with everyone. Their citizens are treated fairly, they have a low incarceration rate, longer life spans and are more healthy overall.

    • February 2, 2022

      Not to make this political but look at which fascist ideology party is usually in power over Florida. Nonetheless, both parties usually come up with illogical regulations pertaining to the SO registry. It’s just a coincidence that Florida has been under the fascist party for a very long time.

      • February 2, 2022

        I agree with you, but you also have to remember who Florida’s Democrat senate majority leader is: Lauren Book, one of the RC community’s worst enemies. Threats to RCs, while predominately from the more “lock em up” demographic, come from both sides of the political fence. Even the current C in C has a tough on crime background.

        • February 2, 2022

          I completely agree

      • February 2, 2022

        Tim P, which party is fascist? I’m confused because it’s fairly split in this state since 2016 when Democrats registered 38%, Republicans 36%, and 26% other. In 2018, Democrats registered 37%, Republicans 35%, and 28% others.

        • February 2, 2022

          It’s not a case of who’s registered but who gets out and votes. The “college towns” lean progressive, while the smaller rural towns tend to lean conservative. Unfortunately the college age demographic is often vocal online but won’t show up at a polling place, whereas the more conservative demographic is the ones who overrule by voting at the poll instead of on a social media poll.

        • February 2, 2022

          I based my opinion on the scorched earth comment made by Gaetz. I was trying to just point attention to where a litigation ideology issue might he at play here. Either way, I guess it doesn’t matter who our litigators are, the fight will remain. I just think it my be helpful to have a more liberal minded litigator in office.

          • February 2, 2022


            What will Don Gaetz do when/if his son Matt is indicted, convicted, and put on the registry for trafficking a minor? He better move back to North Dakota for time cooling before his family and his legacy are scorched. Iā€™ll be laughing with butter on my face.

          • February 3, 2022

            Lol Same here. The irony is overwhelming hilarious.

          • February 2, 2022

            Legislators* not litigators

  • February 2, 2022

    When a law ensnares those it was supposed to protect, its time for the law to be abolished.Adam Walshā€™s case was mishandled from the start and even his sister Megan believes thereā€™s more the public doesnā€™t know. All we know is Adam was taken from Sears and murdered. Besides how can one conclude someone was sexually assaulted by only a skull. Laws based on rare crimes should never be considered because itā€™s all based on emotions.

    Past generations handed these cases far better and there was no registry before the 1990ā€™s and they survived.

  • February 1, 2022

    Eventually sex period will be a crime. Ruining a child’s life will have horrible consequences for the child and their family. If the child did something bad to harm another child, counseling should be used first and foremost.

    And at no time should a child be put on this terrible registry. And if it is made public, the family of the child will be harassed like us and that child will never have any friends forever.

    • February 2, 2022

      So very true. If a 9 year old does not have the mental capacity to consent to sex, then WHY would the same 9 year old, who does not understand laws and the consequences of breaking them, be held accountable for breaking one?
      The truth of the matter is that a minor is only charged as an adult when it benefits the prosecution, who more than likely is up for reelection and wants to keep a spotless conviction record.
      What a sick, corrupt country we live in.

      • February 2, 2022


        I believe both political parties in Florida and across the country are opportunistic in nature and will do whatever. My problem is why do people allow them to continue violating their oaths. Floridaā€™s governor wants to create an agency to oversee elections; while he violates peopleā€™s right to vote due to a conviction. Senator Book and her father use her abuse and victim status to run wild with both sides support it. No accountability in Florida or the 49 states and thatā€™s what is ridiculous along with other choice words.

        • February 2, 2022

          I completely agree. I didn’t want to offend any through their political beliefs its. It’s just my perception. There’s is no doubt that all political parties will have some type of tightening the noose regulations. In my experience it seems I’ve people who have a liberal mind frame are more open to me as a person and not what mistake I’ve made. Where people who seem to have a conservative mind frame are very less forgiving. I say “seem” because I actually do not know their political beliefs I just make that judgment but their mindset on certain topics.

    • February 2, 2022


      Iā€™d hate to be a kid today even though technology is better; however our society is going down the expressway of insanity. I played doctor/closet/peddle, spun the bottle, had wet dreams, and make out sessions in my youth, just like most adults today. Not everything sexual is abnormal except for the way we criminalize sex.

      Sorry for the mental images

      • February 2, 2022


        Yes, I got the image stuck in my head. I called my therapist and she said I will need 9 visits to get back to normal. LOL
        Not much I have not seen in my travels across the U.S and the World.

        If there even IS a normal for us?

        • February 2, 2022


          I live my life and when Iā€™m down I go on YouTube and listen to songs I grew up with or new ones that put a smile on my face. Nothing gets my heart than listening to the Petersenā€™s version of Country Roads, Bohemian Rhapsody, and others.

          My apology for the mental images, Iā€™ll repent.

    • February 2, 2022

      The Puritanical history of this nation is largely why we are the laughingstock of the rest of the world. When I was a kid, my first R rated movies were the Lethal Weapon movies. (Dating myself, I know.) My folks would let me watch all the violence, but made me avert my eyes while they fast forward though any scenes with nudity. It’s a-ok for kids to see hundreds of murders on tv, but god forbid they see bare butts.


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