7/9/2013 – Press Release Florida Action Committee

July 9, 2013
Contact: Gail Colletta

Lake Monroe, FL— July 9, 2013.

Another State Gets it Right – Oregon Improves Sex Offender Registry

After realizing the one-size-fits-all system is not an effective approach, the State of Oregon closed their legislation session yesterday approving a bill that would establish a three-tier system for classifying sex offenders.

The system utilizes risk assessments to distinguish the high-risk offenders from the low risk. It will allow proper resources to be allocated to monitoring those who are most likely to commit another crime, without wasting resources on those who have served their time and are unlikely to reoffend.

The system would also provide an opportunity for those who meet certain requirements to have their names removed from the registry after five years, reducing the current counts from 20,000 registrants to a number that is manageable.

Oregon’s direction takes into account the significant research that has come out over the past decade and is reflective of a shifting tide in sex offender management. The Florida Action Committee has been advocating for such changes in Florida, as they will make our communities safer. We are pleased to see other states beginning to get it right and hope that Florida will start paying attention.


Florida Action Committee (FAC), founded in 2006, is a state-wide consortium of concerned citizens and professionals whose purpose is to promote the prevention of sexual abuse while preserving the safety and dignity of all citizens through carefully structured laws targeting the truly violent, forced, and/or dangerous predatory acts of sex. FAC believes that many aspects of the current approach to sex offenders seriously undermine justice and actually increase the threat of sexual assault against others, particularly children. FAC opposes a publicized registry of sex offenders and seeks to bring an end to the humiliation of people who have already paid for their crimes. FAC asserts that only by supporting justice for all people—offenders and victims alike can a truly safe society be built and secured for all Americans.