40 sex offenders arrested in Hillsborough County ‘Halloween Operation’

Hillsborough County deputies rounded up 40 sex offenders during a “Halloween Operation” checking for compliance with their probation.

In a Monday release, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said deputies contacted 123 offenders in order to make sure they were following the rules.

In total, 40 offenders were arrested, with deputies saying that 37 of them had violated their probation.


19 thoughts on “40 sex offenders arrested in Hillsborough County ‘Halloween Operation’

  • November 1, 2022


    • November 1, 2022


      If you have kids or grandkids, would you let them knowingly trick or treat at the house of person that murdered someone in cold blood? Most likely not, but they do not have to avoid Halloween or turn their lights out.
      What about convicted drug dealers who could lace candy with substances? Never heard of any of them being banned from handing out candy.
      The facts are from my perspective is, the only two things I have really ever heard about kids and Halloween are #1 a high chance of getting hit by a car while running excitedly across the street for more goodies. #2 An occasional reaction to something they were allergic to like a candy containing peanuts, dairy etc.
      Out of the Millions of people who live in the U.S, I have only ever heard of one Halloween story involving a kid getting taken or harmed in my entire 60 some odd years of life.
      The fact is, most go in groups. Even when I use to hand out candy, I never once say a kid come alone to my door no matter what state I lived in. I never went alone as a kid and when I saw other kids my age, they also were either in a large group or with a parent at least.
      The same people who are afraid of the Halloween myths, would do what I experienced once. Two girls about 10 and 11 came to my door alone selling girl scout cookies. Now days instead they sit outside Publix at a table instead of going door to door.

  • November 1, 2022

    This is so sad to me. I wonder if these individuals even know that they were not in compliance?

  • November 1, 2022

    My take away from this. If there were that many violations NOT previously known, what does that say about their probation officers? I had one of the strictest Probation officers on the planet. I was more afraid of her than I was the police.
    To wrap up, so 40 violations worthy of arrest went unknown to the probation officer(s)? Something fishy going on. Ricky Ricardo has to say it ………LUCY what did you do?

    • November 1, 2022

      At this point, we all know these weren’t new crimes before even reading it. These were registration violations. They don’t say it in the article. Shame on law enforcement, shame on the media. 🤔 🧐

      • November 1, 2022

        What amazes me is, the news reported a few months back that almost every law enforcement agency in the U.S is short staffed after incidents like the George Floyd death and other controversial arrests.

        They further tell citizens to do a report online if it is minor as they do not have the manpower to respond to every call. So, (hope you know what is next)……………..How are departments such as the ones in this article, able to have numerous deputies spend all night going to houses checking on registrants?

        They say there were 40 arrests but what were the total of addresses they went to? How many hours were spent doing this? So, they are maybe short handed because instead of patrolling and keeping the public safe, they are grand standing their B.S arrests to garner more funding from the Feds for enforcement. “Hey look we had 40 non compliant sex offenders, we need help. They are out of control and we don’t have the staff to do anything about it”.
        There will lots of pats on the back, and the unstaffed jail intake officers have 40 more souls to look after. Guess some murderers will get early release after all. The streets are safe because someone didn’t register an email address that may have been used to groom an entire classroom of kids.

  • November 1, 2022

    So the entire operation found no evidence of any sex crime. If they had, they’d have been sure to say so. Instead, they were able to persuade the press to report that they ‘arrested sex offenders’ (whatever that means).

  • November 1, 2022

    When i was on probation, during the 5th year, my probation officer, she was dressed up as a clown and was knocking on my door, calling trick or treat….

    My Nabors, who were sitting outside went over to her and advised the clown, that i was not home, they knew why, so she left…..

    Next day she called my job, and asked me why I wasn’t at home last night, i said im never home for Halloween, i go to my parents house…..

    • November 1, 2022


      Are you suggesting she was attempting to set you up? If so I would have reported her so fast her head would have spun. Ever heard of the word entrapment? If that was not the intent, what was it? Very odd.
      Maybe she was expecting you to come to the door with candy and catch you in the act. Regardless, entrapment is a slippery slope but I know from experience, they always tell you if you are on probation you have no rights. (Which we all know is BS)

  • November 1, 2022

    Yellow journalism at it’s finest! Why are deputies checking “probationers” for compliance? Probation officers are not even mentioned in this “article.” Sounds to me like an illegal search and seizure operation.

    Notice the dehumanizing tone of “rounded up 40 sex offenders?” Like they are wild animals.

    Also the fear-mongering of Sheriff Kronos, “There is nothing scarier than the thought of our children in the dangerous grasp of a predator.”

    Really? How about “your children” being hit by a car? Poisoned by fentanyl? Shot in a drive-by?

    No matter how many people in a city or county in Floriduh, there’s always a cadre of hate-filled ignorant fools in charge. These “good ole boys” make Floriduh a Hellscape for a group of people who are perpetually punished and have been deemed not worthy of a second chance by them.

    When will it change?

    • November 1, 2022


      What scares me is, if you live in a county where things are half decent because the sheriff is not so focused on registry issues, that can all change in a moment’s notice. We all tend to forget Sheriff’s are elected official and can be voted out. some retire, or take other jobs.
      My point is, also a bad sheriff can go away eventually but I have also seen some of them in office for 16 years or more. I had to get out of the city because I was getting checks by FDLE agents, City cops and the Sheriff’s Department. Sometimes they would take turns and other times they came all at once.
      Their harassment worked and as soon as I was off probation, I high tailed it out of there.

  • November 1, 2022

    So this county had a 30% non-compliance rate? Definitely sounds like over policing to me. Statistics from other jurisdictions would belie these numbers as abnormally high.

  • November 1, 2022

    As someone in Hillsborough and had these fishermen come to my house let me tell how it went there were 3 deputy’s 2 probation officers. They were at my house for over an hour went thru my phone not once but twice found nothing checked my paperwork over and over looking at a car that IS on my paperwork , the car I don’t own is not tagged and is not running They were fishing for a reason to violate me . just before they left they told me the halloween rules , I have been on probation for 6 years I know the rules. Of course all the neighbors want to ask why all the sheriffs vehicles were at the house they spent most of the time they were here walking around the property looking around. Its funny Hillsborough has 1200 registered citizens and the sheriff has said ALL were going to be contacted BEFORE Halloween to check compliance , but in the end said only 123 were checked ? what happened ? Were they all checked and in compliance ? Or did they not check the other 1100 ? I mean 40 out of 123 sounds like they really did something where as 40 out of 1200 makes it sound like a waste of time and money Which is it ?…I’ll let y’all decide.

  • November 1, 2022

    No sex crime was identified but at least the LEO’s felt they were justifying their salaries.

  • November 1, 2022

    Jack, our society is so screwed up that even much of law enforcement believes lies and myths. How can justice be found in such an atmosphere?

  • November 2, 2022

    NARSOL just published an article in which it searched news sources and the internet for mentions of children being harmed, molested or abducted by registrants on Halloween 2022. They found not one reference. This was true regardless of whether officials took any preemptive actions. in my state LE is prohibited from adding requirements not specified in state statute, e.g. residence checks. We had the same number of harmed children as did Florida. That is precisely zero.


  • November 2, 2022

    First off, it sounds like this was all done in one day. It was not. I have checked the arrests. This article is very suspicious. There are no names given. How in the world can 40 sex offenders be out of compliance during a halloween sweep? I do not believe the article. There really is no way to prove this.

  • November 2, 2022

    I do not believe there were 40 offenders arrested and out of compliance on a halloween sweep. What could it possibly be for . I have checked teh arrests for Nov 1 and there was only 1 arrested


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