NARSOL 2023 Conference Live Stream Option

NARSOL 2023 Conference Gather on the Gulf in Houston TX starts this week.  If you are attending the conference in-person,, there will be an FAC gathering on Friday at noon in the Galveston Room.  Meet FAC President Gail Colletta and other Board members, along with many FAC members and special guests.

If you are not planning to attend in-person, you can still participate at NARSOL’s 2023 national conference from the comfort of your own home via our live stream option. Then have access to that recording for 90 days after the conference ended.

Just before the live stream is scheduled to start, you will receive an email with instructions on how to join the conference from your computer or mobile device. Be sure to check your spam folder for this email!

The conference program is scheduled to kickoff at 9:00 a.m. on Friday morning, June 23, with author Steven Yoder who has written many published works about the harmful ramifications of current registry laws.  Steve was also a guest on one of the FAC Monthly Membership calls and has provided FAC members with tips on how to effectively communicate with journalists to ensure our stories can get proper attention and maximum exposure.

Visit for the full schedule and information about the speakers. All plenary speakers, the conference banquet, and every workshop  currently scheduled for the Port Aransas Room (left column in the schedule) will be streamed live.

For more information about NARSOL, visit or read the NARSOL Digest at published 6-times/year.

For persons unable to use internet, consider sending them a printed copy of the NARSOL Digest for only $12/year (incarcerated) or $15/year (non-incarcerated).


2 thoughts on “NARSOL 2023 Conference Live Stream Option

  • June 21, 2023

    I have yet to attend in person and look forward to the time when I can. I have however attended with the live stream and it has been great. If you can’t make it I highly recommend it. For a small fee that supports a great cause it is more than worth it!! Safe travels to those going. Enjoy.

    • June 21, 2023

      I would love to attend the conference once my schedule allows with work and my mom and all, but I look forward to hearing all about the great progress and perhaps new things we can help with or perhaps can start when y’all return! Safe travels!!


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